Ladies if all the men of the world disappeared for 24 hours, they are fine they will come back, BUT during those 24 hours what are YOU doing? to Ask – 104 points –

This question has been around for a while but I'm curious as to your answer


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It is a lot safer for women to assume a man is dangerous until proven otherwise. I don't really see a comment that posits that only men are dangerous or bad, but stomp your feet and cross your arms when women tell you their lived experience, it's a great look.

It's possible and sensible to acknowledge that people have had bad experiences while also acknowledging sexism, regardless of whether said sexism stems from experience. Prejudice is prejudice.

Saying women aren't sexist if some men have wronged them is like saying white supremacists aren't racist if someone from the race they discriminate against stole their car.

I really don't want to upset anyone by saying this. But I am speaking my truth, my experience, just as you all are speaking yours. Paint me whatever villain you see fit, say whatever denigrating things about me you want. I am a respectful human being who sees all sexes and races as equal, and nothing that anyone says will ever change that. If that somehow upsets you, then I'm sorry you are so far gone.

The problem I have is not that all men are assumed dangerous until proven otherwise, but that no women are.

This isn’t a place for appeal to hypocrisy. “No, u…”

Lesbians are 25% more likely than straight women to be on the receiving end of domestic violence. Women are no more universally saints than men are universally sinners and I'm tired of women pretending they are.

If you're going to decide whether or not you can trust someone based on nothing but their outward appearance, at least be right.

You don't see the comments saying that it's totally ok to just fall asleep at a public beach and whatnot?