
16 Post – 189 Comments
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I don't post almost anything online. I mostly just comment. But even the comments I make I sometimes consume as content - I really like comming back and rereading them to enjoy how good and smart I've been.

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It's a clickbaity title in a sense that Trusty already quit from his team in the documents case. It's not another lawyer quitting, but the same lawyer, it's just that this time he's quitting altogether from all other cases and any cooperation too.

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Defenestratiosis is a serious healthcare problem in Russia.

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It's wholesome and gives the sport a balance. Only psychopaths would watch people beat each other without occasionally embracing in a warm loving hug.

A person who justifies communist dictatorship invasions and genocides, and also propagates their propaganda.

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How about a mod option to voluntarity merge another community into their community?

I got many apps installed. I don't keep in my memory what I have. How do I check that I don't have any from those compromised?

They are fixing this bug in the next release which will be 0.18.


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people who can’t pick up a copy of USA today and tell you the main idea of a front-page article

Thanks! Suddenly America makes a lot of sense now.

What? The first one looks so wrong, no website does it like that.

If you don't have any specific content that you want, set your feed to All and sort by Hot or Top Day. Scroll it and if something sparks your interest go to the community where the post was made and subscribe.

If you are interested in specific topics, click search and type the keyword. In Jerboa search function only looks for communities, based on keyword, but in website you can set search to either posts, comments etc.

This way I found 1 Warhammer community.


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Does this really matter? Are not the swing states the ones that actually decide the president?

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Well, tough shit. Maybe don't invest in batshit insane dictatorships?

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I don't think they know how volume calculations work. When I read 1000 Capybaras, I though "huh, that's not actually that big", until they say it's actually the diameter or that much capybaras.

EDIT: I did some pocket calculations and it seems like 1000 capybaras can fit into an around 13 capybara diameter sphere.

Take something antifascists and edit to be ... still antifascists.

Wasn't there a Warhammer lore Attenborough channel already?

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Where's the Dodge!? That was the best part about this meme.

They really should set All - Hot (or Top Day) as default instead of Local.

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Don't shake it off! They need all the Iron Oxide they can get, from what I'm hearing.

I guess it kinda defeats the purpose of federation - having everything in one place that it gathers for you.

Maybe in future admins should get an option to restrict external voting, commenting and posting, which might help.

Or maybe have an additional ubersubscription option that allows external users deeper participation in exchange for additional vetting. But that would mean that community mods have to vett these ubersubscribers, not the instance admits.

In pictures only one road span seems to be damaged. That would elave the other road with 2 lines and railroad with 2 lines still available. Could this really have an effect on the supply efforts beyond halving the maximum throughput? I don't imagine the bridge is constantly being used at maximum capacity.

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As I've said elsewhere the communities sharing the same name is just a temporary problem. As the system grows one of the identically named communities will become dominant. Because of that small new communities that want to have the same topic will be incentivised to have unique name just to be able to be found.

You are supposed to ask stupid questions, but you actually can't, because there are no stupid questions.

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Is it not customary to turn off the robot before inspecting it?

To that they will immediately answer - but do you want all your youtube habits to be in the hands of the government?

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If anything I hope this will serve all communities as valuable experience. I hope to see beehaw sharing the results sometime in the future. We'll se what happens.

I think it's gonna be allright. Defederation from big instances might be very good for those that want to maintain somewhat intimate wibe for themselves.

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We only now realize how important is the link handling and how convenient writing r/subreddit was on reddit. Often a birthofasub happened from users simply composing a subreddit link on the fly that doesn't exist yet.

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open an account elsewhere and get a client with multi account support

Does such a tool exist already?

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I used the blackout days to prove to myself that I don't need reddit. It seems I proved the opposite. I browsed tildes and it felt so empty that I thought that might actually have to bow to spez.

But today that I found lemmy, I feel like I actually don't need to look back to reddit ever again!

Looks like the atorney can just step aside from the tracks, as they are not tied.

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How does it work? If there were a third party in the congrees, would the two biggest parties just be able to expel all members from that party from house since they can easily get 2/3 majority?

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I assume you can chain teleport and thus move pretty fast. Seeing that a container is empty can be useful I imagine.

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I support this, even if I'm not currently part of beehive. I think this is exactly the scenario fediverse is meant for.

I just wonder, if I will still be able to get beehive communities in my feed. What does defederating actually do? Even if I am not able to post and comment in beehive communities, I'd still like to read them.

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Please no. I don't want this place to be emoji ridden. This is where people go to look for useful information and discussion, not a colour soup comment section.

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No doubt number 5 is already happening.

Yeah, I always explain those concepts using analogies of how my ex wife used to do things. E.g. to explain quantum mechanics I usually tell them how my ex wife used to cheat on me and so on.

It's super time efficient.

you’ll always be able to root your Android phone and disable it, and jailbroken iPhones probably will easily disable that “feature” too

That's only techies like 10% of the population. They just need to control 90% and with the rest they'll deal in case by case basis.

They can set up their own mojang lemmy instance and post there.

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