Know what I don't miss from reddit? Every other post with "1 comment" but it's just fricking automoderator to Lemmy.World – 302 points –

Thats not 1 comment, that's 0 comments.


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Please take the time to read the rules and our policy on trolls/bots. In addition:

We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding racism, stereotyping, bigotry, and death-mongering. Violators will be banned.

Keep it civil. Report comments/posts that are uncivil to alert the moderators.

Don't post low-effort comments like joke threads, memes, slogans, or links without context.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Hey! Look at that, all the words that where used in this comment where words!

beep boop I am a bot, and this action was done automatically. If you want to contact the devs, no.

u/Thekingoflorda, I have found error in your comment:

words that where [were] used in this comment where [were] words!

You should know where to use 'where' or 'were', if you were not illiterate

This is an automated bot. I do not intend to shame your mistakes. If you think the errors which I found are incorrect, please contact me through DMs!

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Look at that, all the words that

where used in this comment where words!

beep boop I am a bot that detects haikus, and this action was done automatically.

Hi there,
A concerned redditor reached out to us about you.
When you're in the middle of something painful, it may...

No it's June

beep boop I am a bot that detects mays and turns them to the current month, and this action was done automatically.

Score: +3 Insightful

Imagine a Beowulf cluster of haikus!

beowulf cluster has only five syllables a haiku has five

Sweet jeebers, I hope this is comedy. I laughed, but 99+% of the bots roaming Reddit are nothing but a drag, and I hope there's a way to block all bots here.

I believe bot accounts actually have a 'bot' tag applied to them, so in theory, yes! Just has to be added.

Added by me, or by the site's software?

Sorry, I'm a doddering old man.

Haha, no worries. Either would work, really, lemmy/kbin could add it as an option, or somebody could make an extension/app to do it.

Lemmy does allow you to set a user as a bot, and there's a separate checkmark to only see posts from non bots as I recall

good bot

Thank you, jerry, for voting on Thekingoflorda.

This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. You can view results here.

Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!

I would say that some bots were useful. Like the one that would convert the units from "freedom" oned to ones that actually make sense (or the other way around).

Also, I like the bot that summarized the article.

Lemmy needs a remindmebot, but built in

we've had calendar apps for years. I hated how that would litter comment threads.

Nope. Remindmebot was easier, quicker and reminded you in the thread you were reading.

If we can just use calendars, why do we have todo apps then?

"Remindme" type bots are a band aid fix. Can you imagine if instead, the app/website/service provided that ? I shouldn't have to see what you save now should I.

For the second point, mostly because nobody made an app that combined the two well and/or was popular. The "simple calendar" app let's you create events AND tasks. I honestly don't even get what you're trying to get at with your second point.

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