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Joined 1 years ago

Look, you get born, you keep your head down, and then you die. If you're lucky.


We actually use program for computer programs, but programme for a programe of events. We like to be irregular.

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"Allow me to retort!"

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Musk also told staff that he would ask for the resignation of any executive "who retains more than three people who don't obviously pass the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test."

Pssst. Elon. You're not any of those three things.

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I, too, am a human American from one of the 49 states which are united and in America. I am from the good state. All other states are weak and feeble compared to the state from which I come. This makes me a superior human. Obey my justified commands.

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I’m guessing it was Wargames.

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Felonious Trump has a nice ring to it.

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Russia says US support for Ukraine will end as ‘humiliating fiasco’ like ‘Vietnam and Afghanistan’

Of course that Is what Russia says. They were hardly likely to say 'That''s it, game over for us, we're withdrawing all our troops now.'

When Netflix had (seemingly) everything I was totally cool and the gang with paying for that service.

Now I have:

  • Netflix
  • Amazon Prime
  • Apple TV
  • Disney+
  • NowTv
  • fuck knows what else

and I still can't find the content I want to watch. I had an urge to watch The Good, The Bad And The Ugly the other day. Could I find it on any services I pay a combined £50+ a month for? Could I fuck. Why would they be surprised they're pushing people to 'alternative' sources? Sure, I can rent or buy Barbie and Oppenheimer if I want, but I don't want. What I want is access to the tens of thousands of old, excellent, films that have been made.

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Magic The Gathering is racist?

I think it's because it was designed to be able to handle hundreds of persistent objects in a scene as a priority over graphical performance. That's why Bethesda games have so much collectable junk - because they can.

Meta AI: Some people are just snakes and stab u in the back Im not saying more but u know who u are

Meta AI2: u ok babe

“If you want to respect the rule of law, you’ve got to start from the original lawgiver, which was Moses”

Bollocks, more like.

The earliest known laws are from The Code of Ur-Nammu from Mesopotamia written on tablets around  2100–2050 BCE. If Moses existed, he was probably chiselling away at his tables six or seven hundred years later.

So I demand that these laws replace the 10 Commandments in schools. Who could forget such classics as:

  • If a prospective son-in-law enters the house of his prospective father-in-law, but his father-in-law later gives his daughter to another man, the father-in-law shall return to the rejected son-in-law twofold the amount of bridal presents he had brought.
  • If a man's slave-woman, comparing herself to her mistress, speaks insolently to her, her mouth shall be scoured with 1 quart of salt.
  • If a man, in the course of a scuffle, smashed the limb of another man with a club, he shall pay one mina of silver.
  • If a man stealthily cultivates the field of another man and he raises a complaint, this is however to be rejected, and this man will lose his expenses.
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Defragged cows. System files cannot be moved.

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Star Wars.

Watched the matinee every day for a week when it first came to our local cinema.

No it wouldn’t!

I was thinking more like a jazz trombonist.

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Aw. I was hoping to see him seamlessly fly to the Volii system, seamlessly fly to Volii Alpha, seamlessly land on the Neon landing pad, seamlessly enter the Bayu Plaza and, seamlessly interact with dozens of NPCs, many of whom have branching dialogue trees, and seamlessly loot the ever-loving crap out of hundreds of interactable objects.


Fuckin' shark. As long as we're up a mountain.

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Your pigs-in-blankets are incorrect.

It was never about money

"My strong intuitive sense is that having a public platform that is maximally trusted..."

Utterly hilarious.

I'm anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctuous to have read such pericombobulation.

I... am paid less than a Google code monkey... I’d... tell him"That’s stupid and you should feel bad for suggesting it.”

I feel like these things are connected.

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Woo-hoo, I'm a youngster (in this deomgraphic)!

"The intent is to provide drivers with a sense of pride and accomplishment for unlocking different heated seat configurations."

Oh course, but you're coming off mine with that attitude, buddy!

... and yet when I do a beautiful, booming bottom burp in front of King Charlie-come-lately I get hauled away by the Royal Protection Squad!

So crazy that people still believe this.

The other twelve disciples (Bobert, Dave, Big Dave, Little Dave, Deathlord, Dolores, Fifibelle, Larry, Lucifer, Tarquin, and Zebuchenezuzuzuzechazzachuah) were on the other side of the table.

Who do you think took the photo? Do you think Jesus had a selfie-stick? SMH.

their real goal is to drag things out in hopes of a second term for Trump.

... their real goal is to drag things out because they get paid by the hour.

so the month comes before the day. just like Americans would say

Sez you. 1st of January. 14th of February. 25th of December. This is the way and the truth and the light.

the atheist belief system


For A Few Dollars More is so-so (but I'd still watch it again), but The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly is epic.

And if you enjoy them, then take a crack at High Plains Drifter or Pale Rider which are both excellent though share an underlying theme. The Outlaw Josey Wales is also well worth a watch, as is the magnificent (and best picture Oscar winner) Unforgiven starring and directed by an older, wiser, and grittier Clint Eastwood.

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... and dog's bollocks.

I miss Windows 3.11.

Well, yeah, they don't play cricket.

Bless you for the old.reddit link.

You might also want to add Yojimbo and The Seven Samurai to your list too - they're the Kurasawa films that A Fistful of Dollars and The Magnificent Seven are western (in both senses) remakes of.

Tomb Raider on OG PlayStation.

I remember walking around after pretty much a solid day of playing and just seeing buildings in terms of which ones Lara / I could climb.