
8 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I too would like learn where people can learn wrong art of the power of psychokinesis or have the wrist strength to be able to balance 3 longswords in the palm of one's hand

Joking aside, good form makes the blade effective, even more than the danger the blade presents itself

That is not really fair, Raiden can do that because he must have special robotic-assisted magnets in his feet and legs.

Having people use me for their own self satisfaction

Finding out a "friend" is trying to hit on someone I liked after expressly telling them to stay in their lane, as they were very loose in their commitment to a relationship.

Attempting to have a relationship born on open and honest communication, to which it gets misinterpreted which leads to a situation where I would have been more forgiving if they told me about it before deciding to do something rather than tell me the next day about it.

Having one's decision to accept something, feel bad about it and then come back to that the person and in accepting them again have them brag about something, double back on it and then try to make their own terms to try, with a time limit, to smooth over the offense - basically being tone-deaf to how I was feeling

Being promised something repeatedly, put up with a lot of non-sense, then with the promise in sight, asked not to participate as I watch the dream die in front of me

Being told I do not qualify for a bonus because I was "legally" employeed a month too late and only qualify at year 3

Having someone drag me into a social situation (a group chat room), then then proudly brag about something good they did with someone who I abhor

Working my ass off and my fellow employee taking it easy ( like sitting in the lunch room easy)

Repeatedly reporting a problem and because of the problem having a knock on effect on work efficiency, leads to another problem, that then the managerment is eager to gaslight how it can be a problem. A problem mind you, that the regional manager asked why their aren't enough people and that I should insist when I am alone - which the manager would never want to have it reported or bother to properly resolve.

Going into an interview with one of the interviewees showing an attitude of such disinterest that I feel it would have been better to walk out as they clearly show no interest

Having to deal with someone dumping me for an ex( maybe not dump so much as having fallen for someone and then being thrown away after I could not serve a purpose), the moment I mentioned I felt a bit jealous, to then realise that I was only an attempt to get back at the ex for what they did(infidelity), which I did not take well made worse by working in the same place and having said person rub it in my face,essentially, how they are going back out

This then got worse when she showed a bunch of people where I lived which made me, I guess, put me in a dangerous mindset as I felt my actions were putting my family at risk and the "monkey brain" response was wanting to remove that risk. That got directed towards writing an inflammatory letter to her, which the little bitch of a boyfriend came with 2 of his friends to threaten me at work. He threatened violence after work, I got excited, followed by a self realisation of what the hell and proceeded to have a panic attack as tried to come to terms how excited I was getting at the thought of wanting to go out in a blaze of anger and glory.

People telling me they understand, when their actions repeatedly and clearly show me that they, in fact, do not understand

Asking someone to politely, at first, not doing something - like leave crumbs in the margarine (vegetable butter) or margarine in the jam, have it ignored and continue to do it

Using a electric kettle and only pouring enough water for themselves, as the water quality leaves residue in the water and requires it to be thrown out, and in my case given a wipe, when the water is too low. This leads to having to use the kettle twice

Being told to meet someone at a club, be an idiot and wait 4 stupid hours in the cold and rain outside waiting for them, telling me all sorts of bullshit, while they were in the club the whole time

Being told I was an equity employment - I guess for the Americans know it as D.E.I, and told I would basically be stuck at the position I will be applying for. A few years later, I am in essense doing work outside of speciality for the lower position pay, which the company was transistioning towards, I hate it because they are doing everything they can to "extract value while cutting costs" and pushing that narrative and then when I do not perform to satisfaction be rhetorically asked if do I not want to be promoted - which I know is just a bs ploy to try make me work harder because I will never be promoted.

Having my personal social information be discussed behind my back without asking permission - example having someone tell my parents above my relationship with someome in high school.

In high school,telling someome to leave me alone and they repeatedly violated that space, made worse when my parents allowed said person to come near when I expressly displayed in action to not want to engage with them. It ended up with a emotive kangaroo kick when they pushed to far and me going for a very angry through bushes to avoid being followed.

I do not know if all this qualifies, but that is all I can think of off the top of my head, I am willing to amend points that do not meet criteria

I guess we know why Anthony was in "de-Nile"

I have only played Covenant of the Plume - not sure that falls in the franchise - and I recall that game was grounded in human politics and the exploring the personal stories of the characters one interacts with.

It seems to be a more personal journey as the characters that one has access to and what type of story arc one plays is decided by the decisions one makes through the story and having to weigh the value of human life against a backdrop of colourful characters.

Seems the games are similiar in concept and design with some differing gameplay mechanics

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You beat me to it, and I was already in 196, so I had to follow the rule

Seems I got a fairly good idea from your answer and OPs post.

Seems VP1 is more optimistic in its outlook by comparison as your companions seemed to have already been qualified to be tested to join the ranks for Ragnarök. But seems to place more value on an individual character as it has effect on the meta-narrative value.

I do know that CotP deals with some pretty heavy topics of the reality of the period and I did appreciate that rawness to it as it helped sell the setting and provide sufficient investment to see how far the rabbit hole went.

I am not an American, but reading your Constitution.. with respect, I feel like your Founding Fathers would have many issues with how your Country is currently run, from what I have seen and read in the media

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I started a blog this month and happy I got 20 posts published

I will also say, the original Fallouts are games of its time. It sold itself off its narrative and as I am playing Fallout 2, it is still enjoyable but I do concede there are moments of frustration that one learns to work around.

It is not a perfect game, but it is a game that was written in a plausible manner that could be considered too real look at human nature at times and in the same breath going off the rails crazy with something out of pocket that can catch one off guard.

It does a great job of allowing one to make it their story, although some of the writing might not gel with everyone it at least framed it well in setting.

It think it gels well with people that can roleplay in a setting as even the combat logs have humour to it. It requires a lot of reading and the people in the videos look like clay dolls but it is bound to envoke something in someone if they are enjoying themselves playing these types of games.

The turn-based nature of the combat can turn people off, but I cannot deny the charm of running up to someone and giving them a concussion by wolloping their head and then going in to gouge their eyes to make them useless in combat and finishing them off with a shot to the groin.

I really would not like Bethesda level writing and character gating to muddy the classics. I seriously doubt it will do the old series justice with the level of inappropriate content.

Easiest examples being the thieving children in Fallout 2, it allowed you "solve" that problem if you didn't have patience and got a negative quirk in the process.

A low intelligence run was almost a completely new experience with a different level of interaction that was tongue-in-cheek look at someone who really struggles with "standard" game narrative.

That not to mention how much of a mess it will be for bethesda to code for a player plus up to 5 party members per encounter ( making Charisma not a "dump" stat). I strongly doubt they can pull it off if it as a company is still struggling to make the player character plus 1 work smoothly.

I also feel that the old fallout's sense of humour might not fly with today's sensibilities specifically the level of objectification, a female character can use to their advantage or the level of "male power fantasy" with specific perks and SPECIAL loadout - which I am sure is something Bethesda will try to avoid as they seem to push for a more gamified systems.

And I really do not think they will be willing to make The Brotherhood play a minor role as they are like a "minor" faction that tries to avoid too much attention in setting in their mission to preserve the old tech from repeating the mistakes of the past

I strongly doubt Todd and his team are the right people to devote resources to truly capture the dark world of old fallout into a faithful reproduction. I think it would be toned down and would most likely follow a bethesda vision for the series.

Maybe I am being overly negative, but I feel even if they maybe revamped it with some prettier graphics and modern system sensibilities, it might still lose some of its soul in the process. I am willing to be proven wrong though

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Not sure where it is from, misquoting and probably butchering the quote:

"If you think a headache is bad, break your arm then the headache doesn't feel so bad anymore"

Basically if something is bad, but something worse comes along, then the bad thing doesn't seem so bad anymore


Because this has got me thinking, going to update when I quote source ( also don't want to double post)

Heard in Mass Effect 2, Thane quoting:

"When all the world is overcharged with inhabitants, then the last remedy of all is war, which provideth for every man, by victory or death." Thomas Hobbes

I want to add, it took me a while to warm up to Disco Elysium, but once I got past a day or 2, I ended up being compeled into its world.

It is probably one of the best games of failure not impeding progress and baring a few mission critical paths, it is a game where failure can have a more entertaining outcome than success.

Although there is a "Golden Path" to success, there is a lot of variance to get the there.

First thing that came to mind and I see others are here are of the same mind with platinum trauma response.

::: spoiler spoiler :::

So leaves me to wonder how far are we from the cyberware then?

I enjoyed

  • "One Shot", it has a few achievements that might require going back to try to complete.

It is puzzle top down story adventure game( it does the whole look into your actual files for solutions thing), once I finished the main story I felt satisified. It allows for playing after the ending but doing so feels hollow and unsatisifying which is the point. It asks the question of why do you still want to play, but oh well I will allow it and makes it possible.

That is scary to think of having no control for who knows how long and when coming to a stop and realise that you missed the worst part of it at the end.

I can fold my ears twice - so from the top of my ear I fold it towards the bottom of my ear and at the point where it folds I can fold it again across over the first fold.

I know it is cliche to say but it took me the longest time to really knuckle down and play it, but boy once I did - I basically started up another playthrough right after to see what I missed and the shift in perspective when I played a different type of character was interesting to say the least.

So started as a skeptical intellectual who had to pull themselves from a sorry cop to a regular cop and approached things logically with a touch of eccentricity and pangs of regret and then compared to a wishy-washy communist with fascist leanings (which characters called the character out on) psychic superstar cop with an alias he truly believed was his name and I enjoyed and saw a completely different side of the game which was unexpected.

Makes sense keep forgetting how a minority make enough noise and saturates things to a point where it appears more common than it seems

Thank you for the clarity

And that must have been an experience to say the least, feeling the "edge of death" with every foot step

Bethesda's version is toned down

  • Cannot kill children in Bethesda games (without modding)
  • Fallout 2 dealt with some realities of porn, learnt about terms like being a fluffer if are not fit for porn and if you had the skills it provided a pretty salicious perk image and a stage name among a couple of other changes. Sex referencing was used quite a lot in game - sometimes disturbingly so at times.
  • Gravedigging fair enough, there is a perk one gets in fallout 2 that hits you with karma penalty when you do it but otherwise point taken
  • Joining the slavers in Fallout 2, you get branded with a facial brand telling the waste "Look at me, I am a Slaver" which had the effect to lock a character out of quests and be automatically branded an enemy of the NCR - which is a choice that can be made in the second town.
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That is like the opposite of something out of Final Destination

Fair enough, Fallout 2 at least did deal with a lot of dark themes that I don't see Bethesda retreading.

In regards to the kids thing, there were ways around it, it was more an annoyance having to buy back stuff that got stolen if one didn't take those precautions and on an evil playthrough could cut the pretense and do it without much consequence besides the perk reputation as the place was a craphole anyway.

The older fallouts needed one to get into the setting to start the ball rolling, it is not a pretty game and would not be above throwing the playable character in difficult situation if they didn't prepare for it but it had a way with its writing that helped one to roleplay once one got to a point where one got established which is an older game paradigm that isn't popular nowadays - building a reputation, and once you have one can start to interact with the world proper.

New Vegas scratches that itch, but isn't completely the same

I suppose it is like playing a interactive book and then falling in love with the writing and systems that represented uncomfortable realities in an interesting way.

Hope this cross-post works


Although, if I had to think of beginner tips - knowing the keyboard shortcuts help a ton in getting familar with the game and one can use the "enter" key until you get use to it

I personally learnt by using the starting scenario of the shelter to get familiar with getting the basics of water purification, food sustainability and crafting going and camped out in the shelter and get my crafting up to scratch.

I know that I started to enjoy taking advantage of the weaker zombies in the early game and try and find a small town and try clear it out for a nice cushion to get one up to have a lot of raw material on hand, but that is more when one is more confident in the ability to handle zombies and found a style of play one enjoys


There is another one on the !cataclysmdda@lemmy.ml instance, but it is not my post but here is it is https://lemmy.world/post/1796938

Doesn't check all the boxes, but Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater hits a lot of notes, most notably in the boss fight department.

3rd person, Cold War spy, stealth, action game

  • A hunger mechanic that effected performance (stamina and at around 50% would affect aim or have stomach growls that would alert enemies) and could get food via hunting, trapping or stealing and in a few situations could be used offensively

  • Camo system

  • Majority of the bosses that you could defeat lethally or no lethally

  • Medical system was pretty nifty, not fully realistic doing first aid during battle, but had the spirit of battle injury management

  • Can get a lot of lore tidbits here and there by being stealthy and eavesdropping either being nearby or using a longe range listening device and by communicating with your operational support

And there is probably other systems I am forgetting ( played it on a ps2 many moons ago). Seems there is a pc version but appears to be a port and with a controller requirement, but otherwise I thought it was a loaded game for its time ( released 2004)

Reminds me of what a friend told with his grandfather when he was cutting wood for a carpentry project with a handheld wood saw, it slipped out of his hand and, I guess on instinct, tried to grabbed before it fell, if I recall he got some nasty lacerations from catching it on the blade before switching it off.

So I can only imagine what it might feel working with something that cuts before you can even register the damage. That was a close call, especially with the momentum of your movement could have done some irreparable damage to your hand.

Not an American, so the whole America politica is not my thing

My personal opinion or stance if I had to take one is one has the freedom to express themselves, but to also take into to try respect another's beliefs and reasoning

So in this case, you have the right to express your opinions, you have made some assumptions, but still showed some level of restraint. Therefore I am, personally, going to respect your right to expression - seems sanctimonious for me to write that case but yeah... I do not know I am trying not to get into any ideology facets just trying to explore a question that has been bubbling in my mind.

( if you want my take on masks and you are free to disagree, is that during covid masks would lessen viral aerosol load.... so not foolproof but I find dealing with a 10000 viral load easier to deal with than 100000000 viral load)

Had to look it up to check its dates as a kid they only sold rip-off NES machines here, but the oldest game, i enjoyed playing, I found by date was Dig Dug, 2D game where you dig tunnels to get to all the enemies and defeat them by what I can only describe as throwing a bicycle pump nozzle into their mouths and pumping it until the enemy pops like a balloon.

There is the usual like Super Mario Brothers, Contra and I recall playing something where I think Diddy Kong throws barrels and "mario" has to avoid it to save the tied up princess behind diddy can't recall the name

There is also Bomberman, Lode Runner, Double Dragon( specifically 2), Arkanoid, Ice climber (co-op) and a game I really enjoyed called Operation Wolf

Oldest original game is most probably Pac Man, but prefered the "3D"-like one which allowed pac man to jump in the maze which is newer.


My bad, oldest game played in 2024, hmmm, Heroes of Might and Magic 1

Noita, a precedurally-generated fully destructible, with physics, pixel-graphics action rogue-like game where you play as a mage going through the various layers of a dungeon with the use of your spells that one can spell mix and match with a wand system that can provide the player with interesting and wacky spell combinations.

Thinking on it, must have been an experience - knowing something worked just enough to remind one of how much it protected them.

I am not knowledgeable about the ballistic resistance of a helmet, but to me that seems like a quality helmet to be able to stop a bullet in its tracks - especially if it was a caliber higher than a pistol, I make the assumption.

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I agree on a lot of points, although it seems I have a more pacifist outlook while you have a more active outlook which if I am honest does more for progress.

I see freedom of speech - in the general sense - as a means to be able to express yourself and your opinions and I feel that if people could express that without outright spreading a feeling of hatred and rage then I feel pretty much anything goes within reason. As even innocuous well meaning ideas can lead to dangerous outcomes.

That doesn't mean people should expect the status quo, but sometimes I look at chimps and their "gang wars" and think we aren't that much different sometimes.

For reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

We are primed to respond most strongly with hatred and rage... perhaps some deep primitive instinct and that gets taken advantage of.

Humans nature seems to be a violent one and if I look at history it is unfortunately violence that seems to be the most effective means to get through our thick human psyche to advance. Ancient Egypt, Alexander's Legacy, Rome's rise and fall, The Crusades, French Revolution, British Empire, American Independence, The World Wars.

We are forever doomed to repeat history it seems until history can no longer repeat

It is like humanity must experience great suffering and that suffering must reach a tipping point before we as a collective species change

What the next big tipping point will be that forces a change, if we last that long, I don't know as well



::: spoiler spoiler

My interpretation and granted it is probably a bit shaking as I havent played in a long time is:

I personally found spec ops interesting into the slow descent into darkness, how your team is professional in the beginning and over time they become savage, to the point of blood thristiness, their animations changes, their speech, mannerisms and their models get gradually worn down.

You do actions but over time you think wait - am I really doing the right thing, like if you decide to help the cia guy, you find out you've been played and just destroyed the water supply for a whole area that is in desparate need of it, this come back to haunt you later on when an angry mob catches up to one of your team. I still remember feeling vindictive of hearing my teammate scream in panic and fear as I was rushing to get to him

Then to get there and see him murdered and and an angry mob looking for blood, my first reaction was vengeance not orderly dispersal....

The character and the remaining team mate gunned down civilians mercilessly because I felt outrage at them killing one of my own.... and the crowd had just cause to be pissed as your rag tag band of misfits have been blowing up commiting warcrimes after to warcrimes justifiying it to some "greater cause"

As you play the game even the loading screen are questioning you if you are enjoying yourself and nothing is stopping you from continuing to play. It is quite in your face to say that what you are doing is wrong, but if you keep playing and by finishing the game you are justifying the main characters actions, you are complicit in the acts of violence as you the player are determined to see the game to the end just as he is

Their original mission was to just scout... and it somehow turned into this Dubai tour de violence because the main character believes that there was a radio call from someone he idolised

If I recall there is that scene at the end that shows all the bullshit, the hanged men, the voice on the radio your character thinks they see and hear is in their head - they have severe ptsd, and have "main character hero syndrome" and none of the game would have happened if they just followed orders

::: :::

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I understand that

It was years between the robbery ( headed back home after spending time with my then girlfriend) and the attempted assault ( work decided to have me work around that area) and I would always be uneasy but trying not to look like a too easy a mark again while thinking of "what if" scenarios as it feels like one's intution is on a fine tuned edge being alert for anything that seems suspicious.

I guess it could be described as practical fear

After the attack, I was insistent and since then do my utmost to keep as far away from that area as possible.

I will admit, I also felt apprehension like how you might have felt like when I started posting details

I think that would be a good step to provide a good middle ground yes. Allow it to exist and develop its own identity instead of it being meld together and replacing things outright.

So there can be an A.I. genre and provide transparency to help keep it from going too far

Thank you for everyone for sharing, I am probably seeming all over the place, but yeah the comments do help add other aspects to think about and consider.

It helps conceptualize how much bigger the conundrum I thought to myself was. It adds some dimension to an issue I was not considering.

One thing I think I condense my frustration at is the monopoly on power and how A.I. can help in that concern. Whether regulated or not, bad actors will find a way to do what they want to and then manipulate context to allow them to do it.

I guess it is only humanity's role to safeguard humanity, however or whatever that is

Thank you for responding and providing information I could follow up on

Thank you as well for your reply, was busy with something else and will now look in it

Will post a comment when I get a response

Thank you as well, also very useful 👍

Okay an example if I must provide one

I feel according to brief look at American constitution in spirit if the Founding Fathers that governement should be neutral in religious matters and people have the freedom of religious choice without being discriminated against while still in the spirit of freedom and comradie not resort some sort of cannibal death cult.

The people have the freedom of choice, however the government must not be swayed and run by one motivating group or factor in the spirit of the writing how the British wished to exert their power and influence to control the then original 13 states

I also feel that again in spirit of what they wrote something like abortions shouldn't be banned unless there was some catastrophic failure rate where government must intervene to prevent people from commiting suicide by doing so.

I am going to get flak by writing it but I believe that abortion can be made a case when it is ill advised at a certain point or if the if the parents decide that a birth is too dangerous, to be able to abort at a late stage.

By my limited understanding is that if doctors want to choose not to abort then are then in their right to do so if it is not life threatening. The government should not interfere but instead make it clear that individual practioners are under no obligation to help you if they strongly believe they don't believe in it and within reasonable circumstance and that those that do wish to go with it should be given the option to instead of shutting them down.

But ultimately it should be the individuals choice to choose even if it is a bad choice and the unfortunate burden of guilt should be shouldered on an individual. I feel that is the freedom that was intended

I will admit by today's standards Origins is a bit dated, and it can feel janky but I think it was one of bioware's better games in a single package

6 origins that each have their own effect on the story and has some enduring characters - it is a good fantasy story that has your character choices play out in the final stretches and it does feel good seeing results of that play out in way that, to me at least felt meaningful.