7 Post – 84 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's actually pretty good. Maybe it'll say something?

Isn't this kind of posting just feeding into said noise machine?

Just want to say how good this post looks. Easy to follow updates with links and videos embedded. Great job lemmy!

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That's just a safety tip

Please crack down on rolling coal in general. If you were to put it in the context of the shopping cart theory, it would be shoving your cart directly into someone else's car.

X gon give it to ya is still a great choice

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The world is actually burning though, and there are fewer birds, and people are tired and stressed all the time, and money is tight, and this is all in the real world, no internet required to experience any of that. The internet may expose you to others struggles that don't affect your real world, but it still affects theirs. The ability to commiserate is what helps a lot of people cope with their real world, and might even invite insight on how to end some of those struggles.

That's not misinformation. That's just unfortunate and an indictment of our current elections system.

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I don't think you're saying anything contrary but I wanted to make one point clear.

The democracy we live under is not unique to capitalism. In fact, our current system has less democracy than an anarchist system would. Also capitalism doesn't have any requirement to be democratic. Whereas with anarchism, any dictatorship is directly against the core tenets of the system.

That being said, (I have not read enough theory to know for sure but) anarchism doesn't necessarily preclude the idea of having managers or even CEO's. It does preclude those positions having total power and control of an enterprise though. Dismantling the hierarchical structure of modern society doesn't mean having someone be a coordinator of a larger group isn't helpful. It just means that job isn't given greater power or more significance than those being coordinated. Our current idea of a CEO is very dictatorial, but that's not how it has to be.

There's this old bookstore that has always looked sketchy. It's in a district that's had a lot of development over the past like 20 years, but that place remains. I tried checking it out once when I was younger, at least 18 if not 21. There was one car in the lot when I got there and I started to walk inside. As I was approaching, a guy stepped out and said something to the effect of, "what are you looking for?" And I answered that I wanted to browse the books. He responded, "there's nothing for you here." So I said, "okay" and I left. Haven't been back since, haven't been around there in a bit but it's probably still there.

If they give him immunity I'm fucking rioting

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Upvoted for having the full article in the description of the post.

The right has a cohesive strategy for getting and keeping an animated base, while the libs are focusing on maintaining a status quo that people hate and are creating voter apathy.

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Seriously, the point of having 3 supposedly co-equal branches is so each has oversight. You can't let this dereliction of duty go unchallenged or we have to scrap the whole thing.

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The feature I really want is to be able to filter my suggested videos by length.

I appreciate the attention to accuracy in your numbering


Who's going to post that 2 nickels meme?

Yes please

Genuinely asking, is having her as a federal judge better than having her continue to litigate cases? The article even says she's unlikely to see many of more important cases due to her representing a rather liberal district.

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That is technically true, but practically not so much. The way our elections are currently run, there are 2 candidates (again this is the practical truth not the technical truth). When turnout is high democrats win, and voting 3rd party for president is essentially the same as not voting at all. That's what people mean, that unless it's a vote for Biden, then it's automatically a vote for Trump.

To be clear, I don't like this, it's incredibly stupid and I want to be able to vote for actually good candidates. But that is not the current reality in the states. Vote 3rd party in your local elections and campaign for them too. That's where it's still possible to make that happen and lay the ground work for better choices in the future.

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I need timestamps that show these being 1 minute apart because they've got that recording at the ready

Children also don't feel shame about being naked until they gain the knowledge of sexuality. Parents would probably notice a child covering themselves up after an encounter of that nature.

I'm also assuming the story would be altered in a number of ways to change the meaning to the biblical one.

If it were federally legalized they wouldn't have to use alternate language and/or the FCC could require certain terminology when producing ads.

I would love if we had a president like the guy from Designated Survivor, someone who cared more about doing the best job for the people without his ego being the focus. Which actually might also be true about Comacho

There was one thrift shop I went to in college that would have original vinyl pressings for like $5. I think my favorite was a compilation of performances of the 1970 isle of wight festival, which includes the final show hendrix did before he died.

Reddit was my biggest source of news. Not just because it was usually pretty up to date, but I greatly appreciated being able to check the comments as a bullshit detector. That and the article being in the comments instead of news sites' paywalls.

“We ought not promote, celebrate or support what scripture condemns,” said Dana Gonzalez, who was in favor of withdrawing, before quoting scriptures from the Bible

Of course the conservatives are bringing religion places where it shouldn't be.

Also, I don't even know how having a Marxist leading the free public library association makes any difference. Do they think the library should be more capitalistic? Sounds like a great way to make sure no one goes there.

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Username checks out

My cat loves spicy. She's licked chili powder off my plate

I want to be clear, the way the community is named is not, "look at this sexy young woman" it is, "look at this nude of what looks like a high school girl, isn't that hot?"

Also, this is more of cultural problem that needs some societal retraining to fix for real.

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What a sad pathetic life of getting so upset at the most unimportant things.

For a dog example, a black lab (with dark skin) is more genetically similar to a yellow lab (with light skin) than a black pomeranian (with dark skin).

... then who the fuck does?

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I'm going to jump in while it's empty here because I've only watched the first 2 episodes so far. It's what season 5 wanted to be. Them trying new things with the format but in a way that makes sense. The first episode managed to talk about tech being used in a new interesting way and it even had the second (first successful) happy ending! It felt comparable to the Miley Cyrus episode but less Disney movie. It was fun while still feeling (mostly) grounded. The second episode was another second time for the series. It was strictly current tech, a story that could happen right now. It was also interesting as not a look at the terrifying implications of technology, but instead about terrifying people through the lens of technology. Also, double dig at Netflix?

Let's get those numbers up, I'm not paying.

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This one's actually pronounced with a soft j

Fucking duh. It was a very simple settings change. Turn off "Open supported links" in "Set as default" in YouTube app settings

Legal =/= good

Legal =/= not bad

And no not eliminate, but it would discourage the behavior.

My routine is, in this order, Lemmy, Mastodon, Tumblr

I think perfect music starts to approach the uncanny valley just like a perfect human face does. Where it's just missing some piece that you can't quite figure out. Also distortion/saturation makes music sound better, pretty much always.

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