
52 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Uninstall OneDrive, problem solved.

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  • Careful choice of program to infect the whole Linux ecosystem
  • Time it took to gain trust
  • Level of sophistication in introducing backdoor in open source product

All of these are signs of persistent threat actors aka State sponsor hacker. Though the real motive we would never know as it's now a failed project.

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Bad news is that it is not clear at this point whether Mozilla is going to go forward with the implementation. A post on Reddit by one of the project members suggests that the build is a "rough proof-of-concept". Some features tested in the build "did not survive". It is unclear which did not, as they are not mentioned. Mozilla is, however, implementing those that survived the cut into Firefox. Again, the poster does not mention which those are. It is also not verified that the poster is actually a member of the project team, so take this with a grain of salt as well.

There is a work-in-progress version of Firefox for iOS with Gecko engine.

But, there is also a challenge that Mozilla is facing as Apple is still trying to make life of developers of other browsers as difficult as possible.

So, not sure how the whole thing will turn out.

UX is a very subjective matter.

Known issues and limitations

Currently, Intel x86_64 is the only supported host platform.
    AMD will most likely work too but is considered experimental at the moment.
Linux is required as a host operating system for building and running VirtualBox KVM.
Starting with Intel Tiger Lake (11th Gen Core processors) or newer, split lock detection must be turned off in the host system. This can be achieved using the Linux kernel command line parameter split_lock_detect=off or using the split_lock_mitigate sysctl.

Source: https://github.com/cyberus-technology/virtualbox-kvm

Not just MS Team, but the whole MS ecosystem.

The test data on article is about server setup which is the right use case for this change.

Moreover the L3 cache on CPU is what makes significant difference, IMO.

If that is true, not sure how much improvement consumer-grade desktop will see, given that most consumer-grade CPU will not have that much L3 cache on chip.

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Definitely state sponsored attack. It could be any nation - US to North Korea, and any other nation in between.

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Would it be OK if I will be that guy when ranting about NVIDIA Linux drives? Asking for a friend 😉

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I’ve Invidious hosted on my Little Raspberry Pi 4, and using it’s WPA app on every device I got.

Zero ad + Decent UI + Access to highest video quality


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Well, since when Silicon Valley cared about environment or Global warming? It's all about $ always.

This tool is a godsend at the time when you suspect your RAM has developed a fault.

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Fully Mature Wayland implementation in Gnome.

If your use cases (a.k.a. requirements) are met by your current distro, never switch.

If you are satisfied with stability, availability of support, quick availability of security patches, never switch.

This is particularly important when you are using your Linux desktop as your daily driver.

Most you can do is to check what additional features other distros are offering (rolling release, hardened/zen kernel, x86-64-v2/3 support, file system type, user base, availability of packages, package formats, overall documentation etc.), validate if you really need those features.

If you are interested or just curious to test those features, install that distro on a VM (QEMU/KVM) to try it out first safely. Use it on VM for a while, make yourself comfortable with it. Once you are satisfied with it, only then switch.

Source: https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2024/05/09/screenshots-these-weeks-in-firefox-issue-160/

We’re working on a new anti-tracking feature: Bounce Tracking Protection. It works similar to the existing Cookie Purging feature in Firefox, but instead of a tracker list it relies on heuristics to detect bounce trackers.

It’s based on the navigational-tracking-protections spec draft in the PrivacyCG[1]

[1] https://privacycg.github.io/nav-tracking-mitigations/#bounce-tracking-mitigations

For What application you face issue? I’m curious as XWayland should provide backward compatibility.

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Quality control is important for a project that is going to be supported for long time, and used by many. Slow but steady is a right approach for open source project, IMO.

Wait, I thought they are recipient of Sovereign Tech Fund. Didn't that help them with their budget?

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Watch out Boy! It's a dangerous drug; it's called Curiosity 🙂

That's definitely a CPU for server (unless you are a general consumer with lots of $ 🙂 ).

In most cases, work laptops have software(s) installed to automatically keep track of these activities, and flag it to security team of your organization. At that point, it will either lead to a formal warning to you, or termination/forced resignation.

From organization point of view, this is to avoid any accidental (or intentional) leak of confidential data, and/or accidentally (or intentionally) infecting your (work) system with malware/ransomware.

The latter had happened in one of my previous organizations, and the person responsible was terminated from job immediately.

  • Nvidia proprietary driver

  • Docker Engine (Portainer, AdGuardHome, LibReddit, Nitter, Invidious)

  • Install and tweak Firefox setup

  • Steam Client

  • Gnome extensions

  • Gnome Shell Theme and Icon themes

  • Nextcloud Client

Installed OpenWRT on my NetGear router like 2 years back, and it didn't give me any trouble since then. BTW, the amount of configuration options it offer is mindbogglingly.

I believe it's actually a Mutter thing [1]

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/1154

I personally found Portainer more useful as it doesn’t require a VM unlike Docker desktop.

The application will stream the selected monitor if the mutter screencast portal is available. If it is unavailable, a fallback to X11 based frame grabbing will happen. As such, it should work fine in almost all setups.

Source: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-network-displays

Either Connect to VPN > Download the Add-on.

Or, on the GitHub or Gitlab page, provide a copy of extension and the instruction to install it locally.

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I found CS:GO 2 stopped working after upgrade to driver v545 from v535. Anyone else noticed the same?

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I use "GtkStressTesting" for tracking system's health, although it's actually a Benchmarking tool.


"been forced" part is definitely true for Firefox and Thunderbird packages. Snap packages takes precedence over deb package, if I remember it correctly.

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In my opinion, Firefox should give an option to enable ECH forcefully for users like me who has AdGuardHome/Pi-Hole running on Home Network. Currently, if DOH is disabled in Firefox setting, ECH won't work, as per Firefox. 😦

Used Mainline to install it on Ubuntu 23.10. Together with Nvidia driver v550, it is working without an issue for me.

If that was really true, then most of the enterprise servers would have be using Windows/Mac OSX by now 🤭

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