Desktop Linux Market Share: April 2024 to – 115 points –


In our home the desktop Linux marketshare is 100% 😋

Although just under 2% on Steam isn't a lot, it seems to be growing slowly. Gaming on Linux is amazing today compared to 2005 when I switched to Linux.

With the German state of Schleswig-Holstein moving 30k PCs to linux, we might see tiny increase of that. Hopefully more states (in Germany and elsewhere) consider doing the same.

::: spoiler Anti Commercial AI thingy CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 :::

I'm always hopeful, but there was another state/city in Germany (Munich I think?) that tried to do this a long time ago, then after 10 years of not being able to move entirely over, they moved back to MS, then I think they tried again. Really flip-flopped a lot. I think stuff like this needs to be more organic in its movement rather than big bangs and milestones. Just let it creep in and take over.

Microsoft also suddenly came in with a big suitcase of cash and built a giant HQ there.

The problem with that story is that is doesn't make any sense. Why would Microsoft spend Millions for one city in Germany? It feels more like a story to get clicks.

Can we stop pretending that Linux has a small market share? It is literally 4%. Everyone and there dog is using Linux.