2 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Ya if they want to survive its time to adapt and compete. This is what complacency sets up and I don't feel bad for them at all. They saw this coming and probably just sat there expecting a bailout.

Is that blackboard? worst experience i've ever had, that interface actively detracts from learning because its so confusing. Our school recently ditched it due to student feedback.

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Ya I'll never stop using ad blockers, the internet is essentially unusable without them. Mine still work on youtube but if the day comes that they don't I'll just stop using it. We need some competition here, things have gotten increasingly anticonsumer and the companies have gotten too comfortable doing and charging whatever they want

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I just wanna look at memes, cats, and news and hang out in the comment section without being exposed to ads, is that too much to ask?I hope their IPO sucks and they get shorted i to oblivion while they bleed off users month over month, because thats whats going to happen if they keep pulling this sort of stuff.

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I'm not seeing any lies there. I worked my ass off my entire career and still have to go back to school to get a little piece of paper that lets me do what I do in a clinical setting. I've got 2 degrees already, almost a decade of experience and I'm even decently-paid, but thanks to the cost of being alive I was forced into even more schooling to open up a few more doors in the long run. I'm feeling exactly like this article, I've given life everything I've got and the bar keeps getting higher and higher, its soul-crushing, I'm just so tired.

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I like their games but its such a weird company. like... people had been asking for bluetooth for wireless headphones on switch for years and it had just never been a feature. then one day... they like, just turned it on and said hey you can use wireless headphones now! like, that took 4 years! absolutely bizarre.

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I only mourne reddit, that website was a lifestyle back in the day. Thats why i'm here lol. God I miss the good oll' days.

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that and no one can afford kids

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alright time to go for a jog! got my running shoes, sunglasses, headphones, whoops, can't forget the gun!

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no your stomach acid would denature most of the proteins, then they'd be conjugated at the liver so whatever goes in will be transformed by what comes out. A lot of those hormones are tightly regulated so I'm thinking even if they make it into circulation they'd be eliminated fairly quickly. Only exception would be if they're acid stable, not impacted on their way through the gut/metabolised by microbiota, absorbed in tact and still active after the first pass effect. Also theres enzymes like trypsin in your stomach that are specifically for degrading proteins so I doubt it would make you anything other than a canibal.

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I've had this happen to me, I was chatting in a thread with some guy about IP theft and plagiarism at universities- a legitimate discussion about a current topic- and all my comments were suddenly deleted for "xenophobia". I let it go but its still really jarring and annoying.

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thats gonna be a national security issue at some point, financials are important in vulnerable sector checks. just pay your guys a decent wage, thats what work is for unless the whole social contract thing is breaking down.

There was a CBC/frontburner episode on this, a real estate firm going around Canadian synagogues showing development projects on stolen land, its disgusting.

Thanks for the judgment and assumptions, that really helped me out! I worked throughout my BSC, so yes that was paid for and a must-have starting point for my field, so no way around that. Then i did my Msc which comes with a stipend so I was able to come out of that with a debt that I paid off in 3 months. Right out the gate I was incredibly lucky and was hired at a top research institute and paid well since I was proficient in a relatively niche field. Things were ok then the pandemic blew everything up, my landlord sold my place from under me, rent is crazy high with few alternatives available, buying is out of the question, groceries and bills are insane... I get your point, I'm not exactly out to collect degrees like pokemon, I'm definitely done schooling after this and never again.

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I think theres a movie about that

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so we'll go from overvalued to extremely overvalued?

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Its a "LiVe SeRvIcE"

I dunno there have been rumours that their IPO is just around the corner for years now, idk how they justify it reddit just isn't set up for that sort of growth model. Its users (at least before all the nonsense) I'd say are on average more likely to use 3rd party apps, ad blockers and not engage with the kind of activity that normally creates revinue (thats frankly why I'm here I'm a reddit refugee from appolo). My guess is all this activity is prep for going public but I just can't see it going well.

While we're at it it would be cool to peg CEO pay to the lowest position available so that if the CEO wants a raise everyone else gets a proportionate increase.

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ya its to emphasize my bewilderment!

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I just went back to school to get a technical degree after 5 years working, school is definitely worse. I know its only temporary but I hate my life right now lol

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I bet wallstreetbets is going to pile into shorts out of the gate because who doesn't want to stick it to reddit and its WSB lol. Then after a slumpy start some whale is going to blow up all those shorts and pump it like crazy and then everyone will buy panic calls and the early ones in will fade the top and screw over the call buyers on the way back down. Thats my prediction. Not touching this with someone else's 10 foot pole lol

I've posted this comment a bunch but I heard dominos had plans to finance pizza orders... things must be rough.

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I will never ever pay for youtube and I'll never stop blocking ads. Theres always a way, and if the day comes where ad blockers actually become iniffective then thats it for me, I'll find somewhere else. I'm already a reddit refugee since they blocked 3rd party aps and charge a subscription fee, I can't figure out a workaround yet so I dropped reddit altogether.

I used to love youtube and their search engine but they've made it so anti-consumer that I just sort of gravitated to better alternatives. I just fine their ad strategy really gross, theres a huge push for anti-adblock, pushing sponsored links in searches, cramming premium down everyones throats, I'm just sort of done with it.

I cant stand microsoft I have to use windows at work and it drives me nuts.

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I stand by my opinion that CEO pay should be pegged to the "lowest" employee on the totem pole, everyone should ride the wave and spread out the earnings. Its just gross how it currently is.

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I LOVED this show

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Anyone else think the word slam gets used too much? Its kind of lost its meaning, I'd like to see more creative words used like suplexes or RKO

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steroids-only olympics?

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We need more "subs" like wallstreetbets, ama, LPT... I'd engage more if there were more comunities I were interested in and they regularily showed up on my feed

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Today is my first day on Lemmy because of the API thing lol. I've been on reddit for over a decade, always used RES/apolo. res still works but theres not really an option on iphone mobile. I will never pay for reddit and I hate ads with a passion, so here I am!

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this last sugar rush was nuts, I'm still bearish but refuse to play anything. S&P chart looks like a meme stock.

I would buy a poster of this

For the sake of fuck!

Honestly thats not completely off the table, the upgrade will give me some freedom and a lot of options so I've been considering a move. Due to the nature of my program I have to be near a hospital, university or major research institute and the best opportunities are unfortunately in major cities, where things are expensive.

I use voyager and its pretty great

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world news lol, Thats probably why. It was a comment under an article on that topic and they went censor-crazy.

I'd argue investing is gambling with varying degrees of risk depending on what what you are putting your money into. Even if that risk is very low there is always a chance something crazy happens and you lose everything.

I'll have to look into pizza futures

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