Reddit now blocks signed out VPN connections. to – 1151 points –

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I just wanna look at memes, cats, and news and hang out in the comment section without being exposed to ads, is that too much to ask?I hope their IPO sucks and they get shorted i to oblivion while they bleed off users month over month, because thats whats going to happen if they keep pulling this sort of stuff.

when is the IPO (what is an ipo) happening? i want to see their stock graph fall and jerk off to it

I dunno there have been rumours that their IPO is just around the corner for years now, idk how they justify it reddit just isn't set up for that sort of growth model. Its users (at least before all the nonsense) I'd say are on average more likely to use 3rd party apps, ad blockers and not engage with the kind of activity that normally creates revinue (thats frankly why I'm here I'm a reddit refugee from appolo). My guess is all this activity is prep for going public but I just can't see it going well.

IPO = Initial Public Offering

It's basically when a private corporation goes public and offers shares of their company to the public for the first time, as well as listing on a major stock exchange. It's worth noting that private corporations can issue stock to individual shareholders, those shares just aren't traded on the open market.

Throw few bucks at your app developer, instance hoster, and Lemmy dev team.

I've been hanging out in imgur, which is generally nice for memes and cats, and kbin for news. It's been surprisingly effective.

Imgur is a shadow of the brightness it once was. After all the weird UI and ad changes. Plus the NSFW purge, among other issues.

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I was convinced imgur was sold to Reddit. Although when searching for this it looks like I was wrong and they were instead sold to MediaLab, though apparently also a very shitty company.

It was created by a Reddit user for the purposes of hosting images posted to Reddit but it was never owned by Reddit

Imgur is owned by the same parent company as Reddit

Edit: apparently I don’t know what I’m talking about

You probably got it mixed up in your memory. It was owned by a reddit user, then sold

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