9 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right

Move to a new, smaller, instance. You can still use as though it was still running at full speed. You can still post to or other federated communities and you experience won’t be so painful. is experiencing an influx of Redditors and with us good Redditors come our awful trolls. Growth, along with DDoS attacks have plagued the site since I began using it.

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My uncle spent years preaching to me about the need to be loyal to a company. I never drank the Kool-Aid. He spent 21 years working for an investment banking company in their IT department. 4 years before he was set to retire with a full pension, etc. his company was acquired by a larger bank. He lost everything except his 401k. He then spent the next 12 years working to get his time back so he’d be able to retire. He died 2 years ago and the company sent a bouquet of flowers.


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So, I’m the moderator of !ClassicRock…how do you want me to start the list? Chronologically, quantity, severity??

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Imagine a world without Apple, Facebook and Google!!

Pepperidge Farm remembers

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Every official party switch, while in office, should disqualify a person from their position as it disenfranchises the voters as they elected someone from party A or B and they deserve to be represented by someone from the party that was elected into power

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Obligatory, FUCK U/SPEZ

I was part of “Rexxit” or whatever you wanna call it; I agree, life is better here. Viva la Lemmings

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How about no President over the age of 60? I want young politicians. I also want term limits.

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Every time I flew back into the country and saw his stupid picture in the airport it made me cringe and say “oh fuck, that’s right, somehow Biff Tannen, from Back To The Future 2, is our President”

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If he was giving it all back, the story would start with words “former billionaire.”

I also don’t understand this constant probing of the people when it comes time to provide assistance. I pay my taxes, that’s my contribution to social programs. When there’s a natural disaster or issue don’t put a bunch of celebrities on TV asking for slightly less poor people to donate. I want the government to step in and help out. Billionaires should not exist unless everyone has a safe place to sleep at night and warm meals to eat during the day. Considering that’s not the case, that’s how you know capitalism isn’t the best system

So where in his Scooby Doo story do we pull off his mask and reveal the raging homosexual that he is…not that there’s anything wrong with that….just wanna see the hypocrisy on full display

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Trump is running a draconian platform; Muskee is running an antisemitic website.

If we all don’t wake up, Trump-ler and Elon Muskells will bring about the Forth Reich Wrong

Edit: in this comment Hitler is a low level Donald Trump and Joseph Goebbels is a poor Elon Musk. In reality all 4 are Nazi shit-heel, boot-lickers

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Glad church bells were the top comment... I grew up across the street from a church and I cannot say this loud enough FUCK CHURCH BELLS!! Ban them both, if you need to be called to pray or told what time it is buy a smartphone and set a reminder.

Please, dinosaurs today would get 20 year corporate licenses. Arby’s-osaurus Rex; Modelo-dactyl — “for those with the flying spirit”

Edit: are they listening to us?

Should they? Of course! Will they? Not a chance!

Politicians think countries only hold people. Those that are a bit smarter understand that there are wild animals living within political boarders. A population that’s a bit smarter knows that these animals move and migrate around and across the previously mentioned political boarders. So, can at least some of us agree that border walls fuck up migratory patterns and are bad for nature?

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I get it; he’s rich, really rich…or was…maybe…idk…but why is it so hard to understand that he is US Citizen (SSN) #999-99-9999. Treat him like literally every other person, if you’d hold them in contempt, the same goes for Trump.

That depends on what’s in it. Wet food (eg: a sandwich) absolutely do not reuse, throw that shit out. Dry food (eg: pretzels) can be used a couple of times or until visible wear is on the bag. Hardware: screws, nails, other nonsense, etc you can reuse until you’ve got holes.

FWIW, At 4:30 a.m. on April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina's Charleston Harbor. Less than 34 hours later, Union forces surrendered. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of the Civil War.


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Fuck this asshole. Post their faces on every billboard in Times Square. Dox them all. Anyone associated with Jan 6 should all be shot out of a cannon into the Atlantic or Pacific ocean, whichever is cheaper. Imagine what would have been going on in this country had they succeeded. That’s what the punishment should be based on.

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Mexico has a ban on using cartoon characters on the front of any food packages that have warning labels for high calorie, sugar, saturated fat, trans fat, or sodium content.


I can’t wait for the articles about homemade anti-drone net guns becoming the new porch pirate’s weapon of choice

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When she flipped, the first thing I asked myself was “is she stepping down?” Staying in office disenfranchised the voters who elected a democrat.

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The guy in the guard tower was fired, not the acting warden and not the actual warden who’s been on administrative leave since Aug 3rd.

You had 2 prisoners escape the same exact way. Running a prison you have 2 things you need to do. 1) Keep the prisoners inside the prison. 2) Feed the prisoners.

That’s it. 2 things.

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It’s sad the times we’re living through. When I was growing up and getting smarter in school, I expected the rest of the world was too.

Yet, its 2023 and we still have Nazi’s out there thinking it’s okay to hate and people who think the world is flat.

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Sell EV’s under $30k and you’ll sellout!

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Micro transactions extend beyond video games and airline companies are the biggest offenders. Flying in the US is a scam and a half. Want a seat? Pay. Want some water? Pay. Pretty soon, want oxygen? PAY!

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I live in Florida, we don’t deserve this money. I mean we, the people, totally do. But in this stupid DickSantis pissing contest with the “Woke Dems” my state and it’s people should unfortunately lose. Bold statement, I know. “But you’re an asshole for saying that!” No, I’m not. The majority voted this guy into power and so, we should suffer from his own “sleeping” (? He’s antiwoke, right?)?agenda.

Vote the assholes out of power!!!!

I oppose giving $.01 in aid. Sadly, like Senator Sanders, nobody’s gonna listen to me either. Sad but true.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place. It sucks.

I’m tired of the 2 party system. I don’t think I really have a party or political ideology that aligns with Democrats or Republicans and third party candidates are all over the place. I want to start voting on issues and not just politicians.

I don’t care what my politician’s feelings are. They represent a constituency and the only things they should be speaking about and for are exactly what they’re being asked for. Instead we have this political machine that takes every issues and gives it a red spin and a blue spin and then it’s force fed to the people.

Congress should not be creating our ideologies they should create the laws that structure the things the citizens want.

The Supreme Courr overturned Roe v Wade, put it on the ballet and let the people decide.

Gun control, put it on the ballet

Universal health care, put it on the ballet

Abandoning fossil fuels, put it on the ballet

Stop forcing your political and personal ideologies on us and start listing to the people. If we vote “Yes” on universal health care, the politicians must then go and figure out how to make it happen.

Let it truly be a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

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Believe it or not, in my country, no show…straight to jail!!

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Oh you mean “attempting murder with qualified immunity?”

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And how about next we add a term length?

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The House has been such a shit show that we should have a snap election and elect everyone fresh.

…that he’s not in jail yet? Agreed! 👍

He was always ass-hat. For a short time he was ass-hat in a gas-hat, though

Anybody that pays for a cam-girl is an idiot and I feel slightly bad for them. Anybody that pays for an AI rendering of a cam-girl is a fucking moron and that’s it

Trumpy-wumpy has too many chargie-wargies and his MAGA judge thinks he needs a wittle break…


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Dude the progress on this costume has been fun to watch! It looks legit AF!!!

So the way he explained it to me was that essentially when the company was purchased all your accruals were reset and the pension was tied to years of service, which he hadn’t reached yet, then with the merger you were essentially a new employee. There was also a lot tied to retirement plans linked to corporate stocks that were basically useless after they merged. Either way, beyond working for the same company forever, his eggs were (mostly) in one basket.

Nope, not on TV. In JFK there was a picture of his stupid orange face and his shit eating grin up on the wall.