Papa Johns has the "Papadilla" and Pizza Hut now has their "Melt" to – -28 points –

Apparently these people have never eaten pizza in NY, where we fold our slices. Can we all stop eating from chain pizzerias and order from your local spot?

Pro tip: pick up slice, fold it in half lengthwise and enjoy


Sure bro, just tell me what local spot in Texas has New York style pizza that isn't shit.


Source: My dumb ass that went to NYC, ate pizza three days in a row, and hasn't touched a slice since returning to this pizza-deficient shithole because my eyes have been opened like that scene from Event Horizon.

Y’all get your pizza sliced big enough to fold? You costals sure are weird. Pizza is supposed to come in 3-5cm^2 squares

This is the way.

I will not rest until all understand the goodness that is Ohio style pizza. Thin crust, square, no funny business, enough salt to hurt.

The local spot doesn't deliver at 12am. Also, if I'm the one paying for it then I'll eat whatever pizza I want

yeah, sure, and we say you'e eatin garbage pizza, but hey it's a free country. enjoy your garbage pie.

And I assure you I am just devastated over it 😭

I sometimes lay awake at night obcessing over what strangers on Lemmy think about morality and ethics when choosing a pizzeria πŸ˜«πŸ•πŸ˜«πŸ•πŸ˜«

friends dont let friends order pizza hut

Unless the only other option is Papa John’s

Neither have sauce in them, they are more akin to a calzone

Haven't been to Papa Murphys in a while. They were a take-and-bake company.

Here in California, we mash-up pizza ideas from all over, no matter what people think of it anywhere else. It turns out Detroit-style square pizza, with BBQ chicken and artichoke hearts, is pretty damn tasty.