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Joined 11 months ago

Calcium carbonate, is the main ingredient in tums, and is the main component of limestone.

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I think it could've used a few more years, because its still not that fun.

Exploation is meaningless, which completely takes the fun out of it. There's nothing interesting to discover.

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They will be safe to eat indefinitely, but may not be palatable, depending on how it's stored.

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It really does read like an ad, which is amusingly ironic since linux mint is free.

Only if it equally applies to men who get someone else pregnant out of wedlock.

Also it's supposed to be federally illegal.

The federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (PDA) makes it illegal for employers with 15 or more employees to discriminate against women because of pregnancy, child-birth, abortion, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth. Pregnant workers must be provided with the same benefits and accommodations and treated the same as non-pregnant workers who have similar abilities or limitations to their work.

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Why does the author care about raytracing?

Hardly anybody uses raytracing on desktop why would they do it on a phone?

I have a 3080 but I never use raytracing because it's not worth the loss in framerate.

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If they're making record profits why did they decide to come to steam?

I think their player numbers have dropped and they're trying to boost them.

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If you're gonna go through all this trouble, why not put motors directly into the wheels? Then you can bypass the drivetrain all together and directly power the wheels.

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I hate it cause its lethal, wasteful, and stupid.

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Unless you are out for a very brief period of time, being unconscious is a seriously bad sign. Like brain hemorrhaging which left untreated will kill you.

Sounds like intels optane drives

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I think you undersell how feature rich steam is for both users and developers.

They offer community forums, reviews, mods through workshop, cloud saves, automatic controller support, openish vr ecosystem (epic cant even do vr, if you buy a vr game you likely need to use steamvr anyway), broad payment and currency options, regional pricing and guidelines, remote play, and more I'm sure.

This is much more feature rich than even console platforms, so I think the 30% fee is justified.

And they do this all without really locking down their ecosystem.

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Get medicated.

It doesn't matter what you current or past hyperfixation is, or will be. You will get sick of whatever you study.

You either need to get medicated, or have iron will to get through with sheer discipline.

If you don't, you likely will not pass. So college will be a waste of your time and money. So you should either become a self taught programmer or find a stimulating job with no college needed.

That seems around what I'd expect the measurement error to be anyway

It actually goes further than that. In spacetime you're always going the same speed, the more in space, less in time.

At least from the special relativity perspective.

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Your best bet is probably to make your own.

Find a high quality NVMe drive and put it in a USB enclosure.

If the USB ports or anything other than the drive fail, the data is easily recoverable.

Given your use case, buying an external drive is probably fine, just don't get one from SanDisk.

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I personally disagree, Bard feels very uninspired, and copilot i associate too mich with flying, and also sounds more competent than it is.

ChatGPT is probably not the best name, but at least it's unique.

There are other elections throughout the year... Midterms at the federal level, and often state and local elections too.

Admittedly how it works in the US, but I'm sure still applies in other countries, maybe not everywhere.

Dont forget they removed a tank slot, greatly changing how the game was played. And IMO not for the better.

I'm not on beehaw, but I ran into similar problem when I joined lemmy.

My solution was to filter communities and users where I felt I was getting apammed with content at a frequency I didn't enjoy.

You might get some milage out if that approach.

Give it a decade and economies of scale, and maybe it will get it down to twice as expensive.

Honestly, it's so easy to block accounts, so if there's only one bot in you community you should just keep it.

If they don't like it they can block it.

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Not quite, the true invariant quantity is the magnitude of the spacetime 4 vector, which depends on rest mass.

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Recent controversy over an absurdly high failure rate.

Might be fixed now, but i wouldn't gamble.

But it's text, an entire persons message history can be stored very cheaply.

A million words is only 2MB.

Most people are expexted to text less than 10 millions words in a lifetime.

An entire persons lifetime message history is only 20MB, that's trivial to store.

If they want to charge to save media, thats fine, but text backups should be free

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Do really need need 4?

If you cant get by on 2, you might have less power, but you can get better efficiency. With better efficiency you can have a smaller battery for the same range and reduce some of your increased cost that way.

Anybody got a non paywalled version?

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Because lemmy search sucks. Its very specific, and usually the most relavant stuff is buried by tangetially related things.

There are places that would be wonderfully served by trains, but just aren't.

Cars are best in rural areas, but by far the majority of peoole live in cities where cars are the worst, yet we still build them for cars.

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Prey and outer wilds are games especially enjoyed blind with no prior knowledge.

Marriage is the ultimate sign of commitment, making your relationship legal and/or spiritual while declaring it in front family and friends.

Men who are against marriage are seemingly against commitment, but I think that comes out of a strong desire for commitment and stability.

Children are whole different issue from marriage admittedly.

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I'm not ignorant of rural life, I've lived in rural areas, suburbs, and visiting cities a lot.

There are a lot of reasons why american cities suck, high crime, decrepit buildings, not unique to cities either.

Enjoy your life, and be safe. Try not to put others in danger.

I don't know why I care so much, but someone in my area died in a car accident a few months ago. I didn't know her, but i was very close at the time it happened.

A drunk driver hit them and everyone blames them alone, and yeah its their fault. But the road leading up to it is too easy to go fast leading into a shopping center. I don't want to live a culture that just accepts car deaths. I want the county and government to fix unsafe roads. And I'd like something to be done to stop the arms race between cars on the road, in the end your not that much safer, while people outside the car die in greater numbers.

The stupid thing is that fixing it isn't even that hard.

Step one Get rid stupid zoning laws like single family housing and reduce parking minimums.

Step 2 Modify existing roads piece by piece to include alternative transit methods. Add bike lanes, if you can't slow down roads and people will bike.

Actually run decent buses where peoole want to go, not oversized 50 person buses on 3 routes that nobody uses becasue it doesn't go anywhere, and has an hour between the next bus.

That's it, the market will build more housing in areas that need it if its profitable, then use that new tax money to drive transit infrastructure.

There's a lot of fine details, but we're bankrupting cities with cars right now.

Well I bike to work, so take that how you will.

Personally I'd rather advacote for safer roads for everyone, and transit options that doesn't turn into an arms race, like buses, trains and biking where possible.

Also get hit by a semi, tell me how you win that arms race.

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I made a switch to linux recently and some of my paid software works there too.

Most steam games, Matlab. Wine and proton make it possible to run many Windows applications

I've only crowdfunded a handful of gsmes, mostly vr. Because they can't get traditional funding. Despite this I want to support projects that could be interesting. Without Kickstarter these projects would not exist, rather than switch to traditional funding.

I know there's risk, i know they may never get finished. But its worth the risk in case a true gaming gem comes out.

If housing was true free market, demand would drive new construction.

But its not, developers are artificially constrained into building inefficient single family homes, or giant luxury condos due to zoning and other hindering regulations.

Removing these regulations would allow new upstarts to vastly undercut the current market leading to more affordable housing.

I'm sorry that the area you live in has decided that transportation can carry a serious risk of death. Roads can be desinged in a safer manner, even when people are drunk.

Transit options are workable even in rural areas when designed correctly.

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It's a good point that cities aren't built anymore, and that's part of the problem. Our population has grown drastically, but we don't build hardly any new infrastructure for them outside of roads. So traffic is terrible despite enormous amounts of money from both government and people.

Cities aren't supposed to be static, they're supposed to grow and adapt to the needs of those that live there. There is a large need for non-car transport that is either ignored or sidelined for cars.

I'm not talking about 90% empty land, that's not where people are.

When the car was invented, governments had little issue buildozing entire neighborhoods for highways, but now that some places are realizing that's a bad decision, its really hard to undo.

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The newer technology at that time was cars and roads, and many European countries did try the American system of roads and suburbs.

Its just that most of them realized it wad a bad idea around 20 years ago and started rethinking their cities.

Many city centers were even turned into parking lots like American ones.

Again cities arent supposed to be static, and normally they grow denser, rather than sprawling.

The problem with American cities is partly zoning, and partly nimbyism, where people don't want their places to change.

And sprawl sucks for pretty much everyone. Less arable land for farming, poorer anmeties, longer travel times, and finally huge transportation costs. Cars are by far the most costly method of travel, both personally and for governments.