Your WhatsApp chat backups on Android won't be free anymore

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 164 points –

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But it's text, an entire persons message history can be stored very cheaply.

A million words is only 2MB.

Most people are expexted to text less than 10 millions words in a lifetime.

An entire persons lifetime message history is only 20MB, that's trivial to store.

If they want to charge to save media, thats fine, but text backups should be free

Does it have an option to back up only text, without images and other media?

I don't use WhatsApp, but my Signal backup is several gigs because of images and videos.

In WhatsApp it is possible to back up only text and images, without video. Not modular enough though

I've just checked. In the UK at least, you can choose to exclude videos from the backup, but not images.

WhatsApp bundles them together, that is the problem. Google does not know how to differentiate it.