5 Post – 228 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The Fountain (2006) is always my go to, it's both aesthetically beautiful and thought provoking.

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at most, an 8th-grader

Phew, looks like my 6th grade education is finally paying off!

You animal.

Only 665 comments away!

one of my bathroom spiders

I'm sorry, what? You have multiple bathroom spiders?

How do you find working at psychopaths'R'us?

I can cook minute rice is 56 seconds.

Professor Farnsworth: "Ah, perfect timing! I just turbo-charged the ship's matter compressor!"

Fry: "What's the matter compressor?"

Professor Farnsworth: "Nothing's the matter, Fry, now that I've turbo-charged the matter compressor."

Always cracks me up.

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The worst part is that ai chatbots will start responding like redditers. I can't wait for chatgpt to regale me with a story about his dad beating him with jumper cables, or jolly ranchers, or hell in a cell.

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The easiest way to make friends (and this is no easy task if you're an adult) is to revolve it around hobbies. Find people who share the same interests and conversation is easier if there is something to talk about. This can be online or in person. For example, there are weekly DnD games that happen at local game stores, or book reading clubs, or take a woodworking class at a local college, or find a forum that is all about one niche subject you're into. If you don't have hobbies then you have to find something to try, and just try everything you can to see what you are into.

As a once socially inept kid who was bullied mercilessly, social skills are something that takes practice. For me, changing schools, taking up a sport, and getting a job where I had to socialize with people is where I learned to socialize. There were a lot of very awkward conversations, but eventually you figure out what works and what doesn't.

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One time I stole a balloon on free balloon day. The guilt still keeps me up at night.

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Closed, got to keep separation from the pets so I can sleep peacefully. Don't need a cat purrkoring off my face at 3 am.

" I adore the way your bacterial colonies' shit smells on you, darling"

The hallmark cards write themselves.

This sounds like Pickton. His farm is close to Vancouver which also is the set for a decent amount of movies, and supposedly some human flesh made it into circulation with pork products.

”In the beginning the Universe was created. This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.” - Douglas Adams

I believe what you are looking for is spacetime which is the foundation that all of the universe exists on. My layman's understanding is that objects with mass "curve" or "bend" spacetime around them and this is actually how gravity effects objects. An object moving along a straight path (from it's perspective if on a small enough scale) which is actually following a curved path of spacetime will move in a curved path.

This gives a visual representation of the curving of spacetime.

This shows how a super massive object like a white dwarf or black hole distorts and eventually "breaks" spacetime.

This video also shows it visually fairly well.

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I've always known that as an aside.

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In space, no one can hear you fuck your cousin.

Jesus Christ that is a beautiful story, thanks for sharing that!

shower without clothes on.

There are dozens of us!

I'm more of a Hot Fuzz type of person, but I still greatly appreciate Shawn of the Dead. So many funny gags and foreshadowing/callbacks.

The bit in the beginning of Shawn of the Dead where he sleepily walks to the store to buy something, and then does it again the next day after the zombies start showing up is classic.

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Argot Obbie?

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Who were the sea people and what really happened with the bronze age collapse?

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Plus, once you land at your destination you just grab your bag and go. There is no waiting at the baggage carasoul, you beat some of the rush too.

Don't you worry about blank, let me worry about blank.

It only had one charge. You have to pay extra for the version that replenishes 1d4 charges at dawn each day.

First the gay agenda, now the trans agenda, when will the agendas end?!?

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I can cook minute rice in 55 seconds.

Ask your doctor, only they can advise.

Internet shit poster. Had a steady job at the shit posting factory for 25 years.

I agree with your points but I'm curious what your solution is to single family homes that are being rented out? The obvious one is everyone who wants to buy a place is able to, but not everyone wants to buy yet (younger people, people who want flexibility, people who know they are moving [only in that city for school], etc). Having some corporation own everything is also obviously the worst option, but that only really leaves the government and the mom and pop operations (that is people who own 1 place and buy another to rent it out). Should all single family homes be run as co-ops? Torn down and rental apartments built instead?

Again, I agree that single entities owning multiple rental places is a bad thing, but there doesn't seem an obvious replacement. So I am genuinely curious as what can be done?

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No, it's hi, how are you?

There is no Titanic so James Cameron took out their sub so the truth wouldn't get out.

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It's cash though, how do you pay all those things off with cash in only 1 hour? If you walk into a bank with 1 million cash and ask to deposit it, that might set off some red flags.

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Strange that people only worked during the hours they're paid to work?

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You're not actually going to sleep, you're "resting" for 20 minutes. It still had a massive impact on your energy level and well being. Anything past that and you run into the danger zone of sleeping too long and waking up mid sleep-cycle and feeling worse.

While a fantastic show I definitely wouldn't call it upbeat. Dude has some major issues and it can be a rough ride at times.


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No luck catching them swans then?