Is there a name for when the narrator (in a literary text) talks to the reader directly? to No Stupid – 72 points –

I'm talking about mainly third person narrators in fiction, like for example, "if you have felt/heard/seen X then...". What is it called?


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I've always known that as an aside.

It seems like the best fit, but I'm not actually sure if that would apply either. The definition listed there is when a character talks directly to the audience, like in a Deadpool movie when he makes a joke as an aside, it seems to more apply to characters inside the story, not outside. I guess you can argue that the Narrator is considered a character in a story, but in my mind they've always seemed sort of nebulous and outside "the story" (with some exceptions to this). The Narrator is sort of always talking to the reader in a way (unless it's a character specifically narrating the events to another character).

Ha ha Terry Pratchett especially, but also Stephen King sometimes disagree 🙂