28 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


That's not what it says.

It says the records were destroyed; there were a lot of them

Furthermore that they kept the records for longer than they were legally required to which reads as an excuse for not having them

And also that they found some duplicates of the destroyed records, which reads like they chose which of the records they wanted to keep

There is a line at the end about how many records the department processes annually, but that figure is unrelated to this case and reads as an excuse for why they are unable to investigate themselves, but really, why would they?

lol. lmao

Imagine posting on 196 to simp for billionaires

Also I didn't make the graphic lolol

Try Life is Strange: an emotional coming of age game about a photography student with the ability to rewind time. One of my favorites.

Programmers: not client facing, so gender confirming presentation is less likely to be enforced. Also fairly independent so less masking necessary

Autists: aware of how arbitrary gender is, and if computers are your special interest you'll be a master

Trans girls: nice and pretty, and can do anything :)

Nothing sus here

Thank you for your insight and words of support 😭. You're right, I need to make getting out a bigger priority.

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Cabbage rolls hard

Baby Park in A instead of SS

Well there goes your credibility

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I already have the second degree.

I don't doubt many people have transitioned into the industry without one (judging from my time helping to teach a free coding bootcamp) but many jobs, including the one I have and the ones I've been applying for, do require a "Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or similar field"

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196 on Reddit? That's so 2000-and-late

Oh you 🥰

The Owl House

They're trying to build a prison.

I beat Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines for the first time on Deck. KBM controls bound to the system really did it for me and since it was a low spec game it ran flawlessly. And the game's reputation holds up (well written and engaging but janky lol)

Work sucks but Pikmin 4 rules so it ain't all bad.

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I subscribed and I liked what I'm reading so far! I liked their Alan Wake article and how it celebrated the cheesy elements of Remedy's work...listened to all the Alan Wake songs and Take Control on my train ride this morning :D

Idk, first tweet has more likes, must be right after all

Looks Great 👍

They look sexy and probably sound great, but 2000 bucks for the compact combo amp is too rich for my blood

Going through World Tour mode in Street Fighter 6 plus a little local play, and Tears of the Kingdom. It's a good time to be a g4m3r

Thanks for saying so; it's easy to believe this is just how it's going to be in any programming job and hearing how unreasonable this is from folks on the outside but in the field is encouraging.

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Mx. Daisy

Slut face

Bottom text

A group of developers have created a version of the game and it's sequels that runs on modern machines:

Edit: this was meant as a reply to @KIM_JING_JUICEBOX 's comment. No One Lives Forever is a whip smart spy FPS that nails the Bond aesthetic but stars an unforgettable female protagonist, Kate Archer. Download it for free above.

I don't have videos yet, but I'll post something soon!

It feels awesome. The action buttons have a great feel that's between clicky and mushy and they don't make a ton of noise when I mash them.

This was my first experience with a Korean lever. The stick actuator pushes on a silicone grommet which pushes the four directional switches. The result is it feels like the gate is a big circle while I still hear a click confirming when I press or release a direction. I find this makes special move inputs easier. The caveats are you need an adapter for the cables to work with a Japanese style stick, (which I bought with my joystick for an extra buck) and you need a 35mm hole for the "collar" and horizontal holes drilled in the mounting plate to accomodate. Fortunately Eternal Rival took care of all of that when I put my order for the kit together.

Here's the build manual from Eternal Rival which should explain how it all goes together

This hurt to read :( so sorry to hear! I don't want to tell you what to do, but I'm glad to hear you're making enough money that you can save it. Hopefully that can give you some freedom if you need to distance yourself from this job or this company in the future. Fuck, I wish people weren't so awful to service workers

I have a nostalgic connection to the Love Split Love cover which was used as the theme to Charmed. Richard Butler from The Psychedelic Furs sings in it.

Musically they are very similar but I prefer this one because it doesn't have Morrissey on it and Morrissey is a racist asshole

I'm under some financial and work stress but also enjoying life where I can. Looking forward to a nature hike and seeing Atmosphere live this weekend.

Maurice Moss, played by Richard Ayoade. Source: I'm autistic too

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Deadly Premonition my beloved

ah, blackrom~

Sick! Fortunately I didn't have to solder at all for this build 😅

ty for source!

Is this game any good for a casual player playing solo?

Yeah the turnout is crazy! I caught a little, got to see MenaRD pick up some ez perfects lol.

Nice weapon you got there 🤤

Still trying to get out of Gold in Street Fighter 6, wrapping up Pikmin 4 100%, and going through the MegaMan Zero Collection (I'm on Zero 2)

Coming up unavailable...

Ah ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!