Rule to – 83 points –

I really hate-love this game. On one hand, the slow development despite insane amounts of funding and the way they’re raising that funding feels slightly predatory. On the other hand, they’re offering, and painfully slowly delivering, the exact game I have always wanted to play.

2032 is gonna be really rad when this game goes into early access on steam and i can pay $90 for it and get these 48k ships as a preorder bonus.

2041 when it hits 1.0 is going to be even more lit. I expect by then it will be used to control an actual spaceship, as otherwise there is no way the CEO can escape his fan base after bilking them for billions of dollars.

I had more fun with the recent Steam sale of Elite: Dangerous Odyssey than Star Citizen. Mostly because I can easily play it on the Steam Deck without issues and that it's actually a completed game that didn't take a decade to stay in pre-alpha.

The reason this is a meme is not Star Citizen but rather the article. That’s it. That’s the whole article. It just links to a couple of tweets.

Edit: I forgot the second paragraph:

Star Citizen, which remains in alpha, has crowdfunded over $650 million from fans since 2012.

Tweets have more characters than this has words.

Leaving all the discussion about the sketchy marketing, financing etc. aside.

Why the fuck would you buy a bundle, that gives you everything in a game from the very start? The whole enjoyment of a sandbox space game comes from working your way up and feeling accomplished when you finally get to control the ship you always dreamt of, or have your indsutry and trade empire developed.

If you already buy everything from the start, there will be nothing to accomplish and nothing to enjoy.

The only people more obsessed with this game than its fans are its detractors.