Rule to – 397 points –

hWhat the hell is polywork? Next thing you're telling me you're apartment-fluid.

Not gonna make it because you're an overtimecel.

A called-up shorty! Busting it down, burnout-gigw- hustler-style.

Oh would you look at that, the rich coming up with yet another positive euphemism for a problem they're causing so they don't have to feel so guilty about it

Oh no, they don't feel guilty at all. The euphemism is to normalize it so that we, the "sheeple", keep our heads down thinking it's normal and just something "everyone" has to deal with.

I'm more inclined to see who is actually falling for this bullshit. Like these chucklefucks keep coming out with these new terms and explanations for how us getting fucked is normal, who on the world is reading these thinking "oh yeah, that makes total sense"

This only works one way around tho. If we want to work less hours a week we're lazy and don't want to embrace a better work-life-balance or something.

it would be alright if it were two part time jobs that added up to full time work but i bet it's not.

at least then if you get fired from one for no reason you still have half your income stream

Then you still have two commutes instead of one, two shedules instead of one, conflicting overtimes and attention spans, potentially two bosses that are jealous because you aren't just their employee...

depends on the job, there's plenty of roles you can do only in the morning or only in the afternoon, or only in the first half of the week/last half

It would if healthcare and retirement was handled by the state.


As someone with two "real" jobs and two side jobs, it's because of interest rates. I can't afford my house unless I work more than full time.

On the plus side, my two main jobs have job security and benefits, so I'll be able to retire early since my pension will scale with my extra FTE. Or I can keep working to the usual retirement age and give lots of extra cash to my kids to start their adult lives debt free and with a head start on a house down payment. So, it's not all bad.