39 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fluffy Tails Lover on a quest to find the Softest Tail that has ever existed

Please bare in mind that unless I directly say otherwise, no images I post are made by me -they usually stem from years old Phone storage

Me when the room is a meter bigger then what is physically possible

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I like how even with that very specific artstyle, one can just instantly feel that it was AI generated

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What? Do you not switch your tires like this? /s

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The absolute Toxicity in this thread is just so depressing the see. Lemmy, I thought you where better then this... I thought this was supposed to be reddit without the petty toxicity in every comment section...

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Imagine snuggling on the big soft tail of your significant other while they pat you lovingly

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Nope, nothing. There doesn't honestly seem to be anything I'd use it for, even then I wouldn't wanna support it as long as it uses Data its gotten by basically stealing. Maybe once that has gotten better I'll look more into it, but at the current moment I just don't have the heart to support it

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Non of that excuses the toxicity. We as a community have to collectively fight against this type of thing. Toxicity should have no place here, or anywhere for that matter. Ofcourse thats a pretty utopian mindset of its own im aware, but we have to atleast try. Because the second we allow it to be normalized, everything will go even further to shit

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Feel that, especially the Gallery app editing heh

Honestly the language selection in general is just a bad idea/baddly executed. Until people told me that those where the reason 4/5s of posts and comments never showed up, I didnt know that these settings existed

I then just marked all of them which took ages and ever since my experience has been so much better. If they really wanna have this feature, then all languages should be selected from the getgo. If someone wants a language gone they should opt out istead of opting into everything else first.

If lemmy hides most of its content for someone new who doesn't know about those settings, then people are less incline to stay on lemmy. So overall it seems badly executed. I hope its something they improve especially for new users going forward

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Tbh the Capaldi Era is way underrated. Sure there are more episode that kinda miss in my book, but man Capaldi knocks it out of the park as the doctor!

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Finally, the perfect Fox Girl

Been off them since childhood since back then I never felt a difference between me taking them and not. Been considering trying them nowadays tho, you all reccon its worth a shot?

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What was the Wikipedia article about btw?

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Im aware that its likely more of an app issue, but Universal GIF and Video Standartification is a must at this point. There is literally nothing more annoying than that and I genuinely see it as Lemmys current biggest hurdle. We can't be a proper site or competition to other simular sites if something like GIFs and Videos basically never work properly.

A Friend gifted me this game prasing it a lot. Havent gotten around to playing it, still no clue what its about...

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I am playing with the idea of getting a Printer for my 45 y.o Commodore PET, but I swear they are impossible to find

The what folder leak?

So Winter, Summer and all-weather on the first 3 wheels, you reccon a wooden tire would work for the last open wheel or should I just leave that spot open?

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Question, whats the source? Saw quite a few of this persons arts, yet could never track down the origin

Does this one come with heated seats?

If there is one thing thats comically inconsistent and in desperate need of work done to it, it be GIFs and Videos. It seems with everything uploaded you get a different result. We really need some standartification when it comes to it

To be fair, there is nothing stopping the person reading this right here and now to create thier own for Lemmy :3

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May I ask whats wrong with the 2 figure heads? Also those donos do go into getting the first real full time developer on board!

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I see. I've always heard that Allweathers kinda suck especially in the Winter

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They take what we make, be it art or Text without our or anyones consent, to me thats stealing something. And yes, there are AI Tools fully build on public Domain and open source things, but those are at the moment, few and far between.

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Is the difference really this huge?

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Gotta get some use out of my Vacume cleaner somehow....


Aw its cute! I really like the longer pupils, one of my Faivourite kemono details!

Oh I see, thats great to hear!

You now gave me the idea to maybe give these calorie counters a shot. In my appstore it shows up as "Lose It!", I asume thats the one? Also question, how privacy safe are these?

Oh are they rare? I got 2 Emails for both my account, one of em hasn't seen use in years

Literally rewatching all his stuff rn

Yeah Boosts way of uploading these doesn't work everywhere for some reason

Would love to apply but I already got my hands full with being the only mod in like 6 Communitys atm heh...

Wasnt that confirmed not to be actually true a while back?

Wait, there is a difference between All Weather and All Season Tires? I always thought they where the same

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I dunno... what if really hungry people go by while I go shopping...?