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Joined 2 months ago

I got a M1 Pro MacBook a couple weeks ago. I’m astonished at how fucking powerful those thing are. An Intel laptop I had with similar specs would start screaming for mercy for any heavy Programming work I’d do. The MacBook just shrugs it off. Fans don’t even come on

It’s worth picking up imo. Especially when it goes on sale for like 5$

The Stealth suit is currently my favorite armor. I’m debating wether to lose the AC of the ranger armor just so I can wear the Stealth Suit more

I forgot to put the game title in the post like I usually do. My bad

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I’m dreading to do that one with how poor I’ve been with my health management

I’m loving its comedy. Especially the robo scorpions

Not the Greatest of all time, but Growing up the two racing games I’d play the most was Forza Horizon and Little Big Planet Karting. Sadly I had to drop LBPK after my PS3 died and Forza Horizon I can’t find the disk for anymore.

Far Harbor for me I feel like had the same feeling I had with the Base Game (except I love Far Harbor’s vibe far more). When I’m in the mood for it, it’s one of the best experiences I can have, but when I’m not I just can’t get into it. I still love both F4 and Far Harbor though

I will say that I am incredibly biased for this game. To the point that My friends when we play Sea of Thieves always have to listen to me (jokingly) complain about how Sea of Thieves should control the ship more like Black Flag. But I still find that its naval controls is by far one of my favorite methods of doing it. It’s done in a way where it’s not too clunky and you need to micromanage, but it doesn’t take away from the action and makes you really feel epic. At least that’s how I personally about it

I get that. I played it originally on PS3 when I was younger. To this day the PS3 controller is just the most comfortable way for me to play it just because of the nostalgia I have for sitting in bed playing it buried under a fuckton of blankets with my head poking out

I wouldn’t mind a Beige Gaming PC

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Man. I miss Telltale

  • Lord of The rings Trilogy
  • All Quiet on the Western Front
  • Princess Bride

This was a few minutes after I crippled all my limbs fighting the death claws in the quarry with a Grenade Launcher while doing the Great Khan quest line

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Some of the oldest memories I have of Minecraft are Me and my Sister spent our entire summer looking for Herobrine (we did totems, rituals, even Herobrine “seeds”), we built this really cool multi story house for us to live in (and then I promptly evicted her after she stole one of my cats), then we compromised and built a brick house for her in a swamp.

Those early memories are some my favorites, I wish I could get back to them, even just for a moment.

Thank you. I enjoy sharing the stuff I’m doing with other people, so it makes me happy to hear people are enjoying it

I had a Dualsense and I loved it. it served me well until it met its end to a can of Soda and my Cat. Now I use my Childhood DualShock 3 to game. It has no where near as many QoL features as its younger brother (like the touchpad). But it’s so fucking durable.

Transparent purple looks gorgeous on the N64 and its controllers. I can only imagine how it would look on something like this, especially with how complex modern electronics can get

It might just be that my client doesn’t support them, but I miss the tags system Reddit had. Made it really easy to find posts of a certain type

Skyrim really is a magical experience like that. I wish I was old enough to experience it on launch in the early 2010s just so I could experience that with the rest of the community for the first time

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I’ve been in the mood to play Skyrim the past few days so i downloaded it and painstakingly installed a nexus Modpack with a ton of QOL changes. It took forever but I am pleased with the results because the game looks gorgeous and has a ton of neat new mechanics that makes it feel immersive

Part of it is that I was trying to keep a good diversity of games, but also I’m a college student so i basically have a lot of free time this summer. I have a collection of about 30 “currently playing” games I usually go through. I’ll play one game for maybe half the day and then I’ll switch to another game. By this point though I’m probably going to be doing a lot of repeat games because those are the handful I’m going through rn

Oh. No. My bad. I was still running off the exhilaration of the escape. We never lost the loot. My partner hid with it on the island in a pile of barrels using a Emote that puts him in a barrel (while they were sinking our ship), then I swung by and picked him up with the loot and we managed to sell it while they were chasing our asses by using me as the distraction.

I’m finishing up side quests now and then I’m going to finish the story of Honest Hearts

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From what I know: Apple Music has the Cloud Music Library so any of your own music you want to add you can access across devices, Lossless audio, and pays Musicians better. If those are things that you’re interested in or would benefit from at all then I would suggest switching over, if not you probably won’t see much of a difference

To answer the question this happens because one AirPod is always listening for Siri. You can stop this by turning off Siri on the AirPods

I’ve never played the franchise besides messing around in multiplayer with my Sister in Halo 3.

A friend and me picked it up on the Steam Sale last December and decided to work our way through Legendary mode despite me having never played a game and him only having played on Normal. It has been an experience to be sure. I still have to go back to CE because I accidentally played with Anti Cheat off and didn’t get the achievements

Those Touchpads look awkwardly small, besides that though it sounds interesting. I wonder if it will be compatible with Steam OS since it seems like valve is pushing to support the competition with it

It’s a good game with a lot of content

I nearly went for one of the Betas, but my computer was having issues with the Beta tried for some reason.

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If you think Eevee is bad you should see what the celebrity life did to Vaporeon

I would die for Follows-Chalk. He seems so Chill. Like he’d be fun to hang out with on a weekend night and just kickback

I made that mistake with AC Unity. Got sent from the 6th section all the way back to the 4th. Nearly a year later and I still haven’t picked it back up to finish it

It was such a fun environment. The second half really pulled out all the stops I feel like, because that’s where we get all the unique environments and gameplay elements, meanwhile the first half builds up like the core basics.

I have a mod in here called Valhalla Combat irc. Idk if it fixes your issue with the combat but it adds things like a lock on to make it much easier to keep a flow

I got Minecraft on the Xbox right around TU 3/4 (probably TU 3 since I believe TU 4 added horses and those were only added after I started playing). I would play almost daily with my Younger Sister until we both ended growing apart. The game really has grown a lot. Sometimes I can’t tell if something is a mod or vanilla when I see a post online.

I just need to figure out where earth went and I can get to work

The new Worlds Part 1 update that got shown the other day looks genuinely exciting. I still need to download it too play it but the new planet generation and stuff that got shown off was gorgeous

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Yesterday’s was probably the worst screenshot I’ve posted imo. It looked way different on my Display because of the options I have set and I was wiped from being out of the house all day. So I didn’t really stop and think “hey. This image kinda sucks” when putting moving it over to my phone

Red Dead 2 is another game like that in my experience. I started walking everywhere and avoided the temptation of the fast travel upgrade you can get from the camp just to appreciate the sights more. I’ve also started doing that approach with (Modded) Skyrim (albeit forced because I’m on survival mode)