Day 36 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots (Jedi Fallen Order) to – 125 points –

Took this relatively early on, but while in the At-At i noticed the Storm Troopers in the chairs looked a little off while i was messing with the camera mode. You can definitely tell i'm not supposed to look too long at them. I thought it was cool though. Slap a Parental advisory logo on there and you have Album Art


Looks like a texture bug... Why would they bother modeling them if they'd end up using an obviously wrong texture?

I don't think it's a texture bug, I think they just took the same model they use for the enemy unit, put them in poses, and then stuck a burn shader on there.

36 Already damn... Keep on trucking sir/madame! Inspiring journaling shots :-)

Thank you! I like sharing the game's i'm playing. I hope it encourages someone to try a new game (or pick up a game for the 80th time cough cough skyrim cough)

Thanks for these posts dude, they're cool! How do you feel about Jedi Fallen Order? There's a sequel out, right?

I'm definitely enjoying it. It took a bit of a learning curve because i don't play many Souls Likes but once i got over that it's a lot of fun

Enjoyed Jedi Fallen Order. Definitely got my butt kicked towards the end in terms of game difficulty.

That doesn't bode well for me, i absolutely suck at the combat and i'm determined to finish on the normal difficulty

Bros just flexin his game library at this point

He's posted like 4 games, 3 of which are considerably old and cheap to get on sale. I assume this one is as well. I enjoy his content. Sorry if this is a just a joke

Edit: he's posted quite a bit more than 4, but a majority of them are still older titles that are inexpensive