3 Post – 23 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I only signed up for the bunk beds and matching sneakers...

"The platform shows that ad to you because algorithms think you're interested in seeing"

There's your answer right there. The platform sees what you're interested in and serves up this ad. "You seem to be interested in a whole bunch of Nazi shit, here's an ad for my product" is not a good look for most companies. It's very simple PR.

1 more...

This makes the analogy even more apt.

"Trump said no and drove the lemmings off the cliff"

What does SM even stand for? I haven't seen that one before

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How about a game of chess?

Also, Betsy Ross originally created a tentacle shaped flag, not a rectangular one.

Coerced speech? Invading? Boy that does sound scary.

You have any other completely imaginary strawmen we should be hypothetically scared of?

15 more...

50k scholarship he didn't actually need that then couldn't go to someone who actually needed it.

Why does it matter if he's 24 when he already had hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank? He could have easily paid his own way but lied and said he needed the scholarship and said he couldn't afford school without it. His own tax returns have shown that was a lie...

Yeah. Those things you're saying aren't real.

13 more...

Everyone who? He's the big fish the others are flipping on to get deals. There's nobody higher up the chain to flip on.

1 more...

This game is awesome. Can't stop playing. The cut scenes are all so extra and hilarious. It starts fun but pretty tame, and every time you're about to settle into a groove and maybe this is what the game is really about, it changes or adds something new and weird.

I saw a post saying they were testing restricting mobile access to only through the app.

Mass murder like threatening to kill 1.1 Million civilians.

12 years on Reddit and all with RIF. It's a sad day.

Are... Are these two things related?

I think they just got a cease and desist from Google yesterday.

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You've raised my hopes and dashed them quite expertly, sir. Bravo

I have mine set to medium with FSR at Ulta and I think it's pretty good. Need to play more to test other options though

3 more...

Maybe it's because I've only just made it to Mars, but I didn't know there was any other way to travel except for clicking and fast traveling. Click load click load click load planet. The tutorial tells you to do just that... is there something later on that says differently?

Please only wash your Cyber Truck with Brawndo™

Not sure what Trump could have on Putin that would interest the DOJ. And even if he wanted to, his ego is so massive and fragile at the same time he could never admit that he was someone else's puppet. He always has to be one in charge.

This is different from his past problems where he could throw an lowly employee under the bus and claim he didn't know about the illegal shit they were doing.

I'm not sure what there is to gain by him claiming that "the Koch Bros" put him up to it out sometime like that.

Controller support is actually quite cool. Seems like they built a whole new layout just for controllers (which makes sense because they're gonna have this on Xbox/PlayStation). It's a bit off putting after coming from DoS2 but quickly grows on you.

I want to try and see if I can use the track pad as a mouse instead of the thumb stick though. Would make exploring and navigating menus a bit faster..