21 Post – 152 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Hold him in jail NOW, no excuses

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Intrusive and sneaky ads like the ones on YouTube should be heavily regulated if not illegal.

Edit: especially ads louder than the average content volume, repetitive jingles designed to get stuck in your head, billboards, and ads thrown in the middle of the video you’re watching

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When will the greed stop? At what point will these corporations realize that the average American is completely stretched thin financially and will have to cease unnecessary expenses? They’re all just shooting themselves in the foot.

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Advertising is just legal targeted harassment

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They’re getting desperate to get people back on their site. It’s such a shitshow that they need to bribe users to post.

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I24, the news website referenced for the story in this article, has a record of being unfactual

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Spez and the whole Reddit company culture seem to be very in touch with the whole crypto scam industry. I wouldn't be surprised if Reddit admins moderate the crypto sub part time and they got in on this.

I wish videos were hosted on different websites like the old days. Your friends would suggest a website to you to see a funny video like and homestar runner. YouTube came along and now they have a monopoly on 99% of full length videos. Make your voice heard and stop using YouTube- host your own videos and keep the spirit of the old web alive

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Does anyone know where I can find a full video of his Alex Jones interview where he’s completely out of his mind? Everything on YouTube is a commentary of it and I’m not giving Infowars a penny by visiting their site.


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Statistically pit bulls and closely related breeds are responsible for the most attacks. Anyone bringing human race into this is silly.

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Off topic but the right crowd is here, would anyone be interested in starting a hardware security community? Edit: is live! It's still a work in progress but all are welcome to join.

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Reap what you sow- make your free data harvesting product shitty and people will stop using it. The pandemic isolation is over and people are looking to make connections in person. Tinder and all the rest are designed to keep you from your perfect match unless you buy Tinder Gold Silver Platinum even though they know exactly who would be perfect for you. I've seen it myself in the past- I would be swiping and a perfectly fine profile would randomly disappear.

If the corrupt clowns in congress want to go on strike, we should go on strike too- we can hold the economy hostage by walking out of work and protesting until they get their shit together. They are taking our taxes but accomplishing nothing that helps commoners like us with the funds. It's one thing to have a corrupt congress with a republican majority, but it's another thing to have a nonfunctional federal government. It starts with you- spread the word and organize, no matter what your political beliefs are! I say we give them two weeks.

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Reddit introduced a crypto as a way to monetize Reddit gold so users would get paid for posting. They abruptly cancelled the program after people had already bought into it but it looks like some insiders at Reddit got the news first- they sold their shares before they announced the cancellation. Basically Reddit committed investment fraud.

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There’s no innovation coming from them anymore. They keep releasing the same devices with updated and pricier technology and people are bored of it.

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Just cancelled my prime membership because of this, I encourage all of you to do the same.

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What else are you supposed to do when you have no food because your house was destroyed and all the stores are closed?

If we don’t have a functional government by the end of the week we need to take to the streets. Why should we pay taxes when they won’t do anything for us?

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How many hours a week would you expect a member to contribute?

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I would be skeptical of any reporting coming from Fox News if I were you. They have a poor record for factuality and have a heavy bias.

It's kind of crazy how much Reddit doesn't want people to migrate here. 5 months ago, they banned the mod of a subreddit for Lemmy migration and reinstated the community after backlash. When you search Lemmy in Reddit search, you see a few top pinned posts about how to migrate but everything else is low effort trash talk from people who have never used Lemmy. The entire Lemmy subreddit is dedicated to complaining about it- I'm sure Reddit is doing this intentionally. Keep spreading the word- Lemmy's growth starts with you! We have a brand new platform owned by all and the power to shape it into something great for everyone.

Classic investment scam- offer a valueless item at a price, get everyone hyped up about the new item which is supposed to gain value, get people to invest, let the insiders in the company know so they can sell off, then get rid of it altogether. I hope they get prosecuted for this.

Browser anime confirmed

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I've seen it with my own eyes. My SO's younger sisters are 13 and spend all day glued to tiktok, Youtube shorts etc. I've seen the weird challenges encouraging dangerous behavior that the media hypes up show up in their feed (of mostly drama videos doxing strangers on the internet), as well as random videos of dead cats, gore, fentanyl references, and they've complained about videos of topless underage girls in 3rd world countries. Even though I'm politically across the aisle from these people, I support this lawsuit.

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The stock market should be abolished entirely. The driving force behind big business and government decisions should be humanity, not money.

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Big printer companies need to be regulated better by the FTC. The whole cartridge issue is a waste of resources and costs a lot more than it costs to produce.

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My dog ate my spreadsheet

The only place that rock should go is through your boss’s windshield

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It’s just a Skinner’s Box for rats but for teens

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The thing that threw me off Facebook was the 2016 election and the Cambridge Analytica scandal, even though I ran a popular meme page. I thought I found a sanctuary on Reddit, but looking back everything major on it was shilled to advertise or sow political discord. I thought Google Plus had a lot of potential, but nobody I knew would join and y’know, Google’s privacy record.

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Reddit is just a crappy crypto scam at this point

Sounds like they’re prioritizing exports to Ukraine and Israel, and/or keeping opposing groups and international criminals from purchasing them

Snuff it out from the source, go after YouTube for promoting this behavior

Hamas knows that they need to keep this conflict between themselves and Israel. If they piss off any more NATO/Allied countries, the chance that the Gaza invasion will turn into an international coalition increases significantly.

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I get the worst nausea whenever I drink something from a k cup machine. Nobody ever cleans their machine and the ingredients are questionable.

Is there going to be another war or should this just be considered a small scale attack?

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How are people surviving at all right now? Between this and the price of EVERYTHING going up, companies are still raising prices and adding premium features while wage raises are at a standstill. The people who are lucky enough to be in unions are striking and the people who aren’t in unions are getting desperate.

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I24, the news website referenced for the story in this article, has a record of being unfactual

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It seems like the interface took a nose dive too. It’s a lot more sluggish and harder to find new things to watch.

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