Foamy the Squirrel- Small, Medium Large (Circa 2001) to Antique Memes – 83 points –
: Small, Medium, Large : Foamy The Squirrel

A clip from the web cartoon Neurotically Yours that circulated for years on video sites before Youtube took off.


I used to be a card carrying member of The Cult of Foamy.

No idea what happened to the card. Possibly stolen. Was always a fun thing to pull out when someone said that they liked Foamy.

I was in middle school when this came out and everyone I knew thought Neurotically Yours was basically the funniest thing to exist

I am the LORD and MASTER. You are all BASTARDS. Turn to me, or I'll stab your eyes till they bleed. I am the LORD and Master!

I definitely used to remember loving this as a kid, but holy shit I can't stand it now