
3 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Am I dumb or what's up with the radio stuff on the left? πŸ˜… Is rust common for some sort of radio programming?

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I don't give a fuck about sending my children on a trans field trip. Everyone should be comfortable and happy with their bodies. Spreading knowledge and education on the subject is key to achieving this!

Fuck dentists though! They just like to SCRAPE at your teeth. They make your gums BLEED. They charge you money for these OBSCENE services?!? They think they are so smart because they are a dOcToR.

If you are trans, that is cool and I love you for who you are. However, you won't get a pass from me for spreading your dentalism ideologies to my kids!!! 😀😀😀😀 πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²

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I can't wait for when medical implants require a subscription so that I can routinely pay to live a normal life!

/s because it seems like it's still needed even if it feels obvious

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Just in case, because the Internet is weird: this comment was satire. My dentist is actually a cool dude and my dental hygienist is amazing.

Take care of your teeth y'all! 🦷πŸͺ₯

You only get one set, and it's a long life!

I hate the aftertaste of coffee. Simply using GUM Soft Picks and brushing my teeth after my morning coffee in addition to my before-bed brushing has really improved my dental health.

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Tankies who simp over Russia are going to have an existential crisis.

Yeah, another way I've heard it phrased is comments are for explaining why you did things a certain way, not for explaining what it's doing.

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It's okay guys, the party of small government would absolutely never encroach on abusing their powers!


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PWAs (Progressive Web Apps) are their own categories of websites and they do indeed have the ability to behave like an actual app. They are much more than just a shortcut, which apple is reducing them to.

On android, my PWA that I developed for fun can go full screen and appear as though a browser isn't wrapping the page, I can send notifications, I can access the microphone and camera, I can do nearly everything you could expect an app to do, I can support offline mode, I can store data locally, and I can manage my PWAs permissions as well as uninstall my app at an OS level. My entire family uses my PWA, and they see it as an app.

Are there some things native apps can do that PWAs can't? Absolutely, but that is not the point. PWAs are an open and clearly defined technology to the web. Windows supports them as well.

Apple is refusing to accept that though. They are removing notifications, badges, etc, and reducing them to what you have described, just a shortcut to a Safari window. They are citing security concerns even though other operating systems are able to implement security around them just fine.

The real issue is Apple wants more control over how you use your device and is acting against the consumer.

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I honestly think there's a gray area here and it's worth talking to a lawyer if anything. There are certainly some protections for peoples under 40. Being denied a promotion because you're "too young" is certainly a protection. The catch is you have to prove it.

This case is easy to prove though if there are any laws over this.

Edit: but now that I think about it, this is only really a protection if you're already hired at the place. If you just slam the door on people before they can get in, discrimination seems to be legal.

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My payment was late because my servicer changed over COVID and when the auto-pay kicked in my bank rejected the withdrawal. Said they were an unrecognized entity or something.

Had to get my servicer and bank on a 3-way call just to pay my loan. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ

I also wonder how liquor sales are as well.

My wife and I are obviously only one couple, so this is confirmation bias, but alcohol in general just isn't as appealing anymore. With all this general stress we've been going through (struggling with inflation, insane work hours, insane work conditions) alcohol is causing more migraines, sucky morning-after-drinking symptoms, high calories, expensive prices, there's just no good reason to drink as much as we used to. And it's not like we drank that much earlier in our lives as well.

Tie this all together with marijuana availability which has none of these cons except for high taxes, then alcohol doesn't sound as appealing anymore.

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"Moderate Republicans," "Good Cops," they're the same thing. If they do exist, they sure as hell are complicit.

I think it's mostly subjective or anecdotal, but what comes to mind:

  • The community generally is more friendly. Absolutely, there are still jerks or trolls around, but the ratio of jerks or trolls feel way less than reddit.
  • I feel more active here myself. This one I can't explain. The community is smaller, so maybe I'm not subconsciously worrying about being drowned out by other comments? On Reddit, I'd average about 1 comment a month at best. On here I usually leave a few comments a week.
  • This point might not mean much if you didn't join reddit when it was younger: I joined reddit when it was still young. I think back in '08? Lemmy feels like a young reddit, back when I enjoyed it most. Again, I can't really explain this since it's just a feeling, but one example of what I mean by "young reddit" is community wide memes. Wayyyyyy back in the day, everyone on Reddit was ravaging about "The narwhal bacons at night" or something like that lol. There were also a bunch of dickbutt memes.. if you know, you know. Well, my first week on Lemmy everyone was posting beans for a good couple of days. No reason. Just beans. A few weeks ago there were a bunch of "Taylor Swift going to Australia," Taylor Swift taking a swim," "Taylor Swift spotted at the airport," titled posts, but all those posts were pictures of airplanes. The rotating meme right now I think is Jeans??? Idk. This is just a symptom of a younger community, and why I like it more, but there's more to enjoy about it than rotating memes. This place just feels more genuine as opposed to artificial if that makes any sense.
  • I feel like I'm not missing out on anything on Reddit and I have a healthier relationship with social media on this site than with reddit. Every once and a while, I log back onto Reddit to see what's going on. Most of the "Big news" that's posted on there is also posted here, but the experience now feels more bloated compared to here so I don't stick around as long. As for this site... Yes there is less content. Yes there is less to scroll through. At the same time though, you can scroll for a very long time if you really want to. This eventually led to me being on my phone less and being somewhat a little more productive as opposed to doom scrolling.
  • Lemmy absolutely has better third party support for well, anything. Sure, it doesn't have official apps, but go to the app store and count how many different Lemmy apps there are vs reddit. Nearly all of these apps are better than the reddit app IMO. Most of these apps are also FOSS; they're free with no ads. Yes, there are still few paid apps as well if that tickles your fancy. I know Sync for Reddit came over to Lemmy as Sync for Lemmy as an example. This shouldn't stop at apps though. I wouldn't be surprised if there are browser plugins.
  • You have more say in your experience here. Again, with the smaller community, your voice is louder. On top of that, is your server's admin doing something you do not support? Your instance is doing something you don't like? Create an account on other instances! Lemmy is federated, so most of what you see should be the same as in other instances, but you aren't under the rule of one toxic CEO anymore. I myself have like 4 accounts on 4 different instances lol.
  • Piggy-backing off of the previous point: if reddit is down, it is down. If your instance is down here? Sign into another instance!
  • On the opposite end of the spectrum, does some instance have a bunch of members or just communities you don't want to see? Lemmy might not have native tools out of the box, but some Lemmy apps will let you block entire communities.
  • One fun thing I like about Lemmy is you can post pictures in comments!

Thumbs up

If anything, the only reason why I still use reddit is for smaller, niche, communities. To that end, yeah Lemmy is smaller, thus the smaller reddit communities are even smaller here. If I find myself wanting to make a post on a given niche topic, I typically post on Reddit AND here. Sometimes, my post on Lemmy will somehow get more comments than reddit still though. Reddit posts seem to fall off after a day or so, that's not typically the case for Lemmy if you do trend something.

At the end of the day though, this is just a social media platform, and the enjoyment you get out of it comes down to you. ☺️ One tip I do have though is to sort by "Top of 6h" or "12h". I don't like the "Hot" sorting on here that much.

I don't think this is definitively "better" than reddit. The functionality of the site is more bare bones. No big hidden features or anything like that. What you see is what you get as far as interfaces go. But I am enjoying it. It reminds me of a much younger Internet and much simpler times. I am loving that Lemmy servers are run by your average joe who just wanted to start up a Lemmy community. No single CEO who only cares about how profitable a site is.

That's actually not a concern in regards to Gov. Schwarzenegger. IANAL but requirements for speaker of the house are somewhat lax; some people argue that a candidate doesn't even have to be a member of the house.

In regards to being in line for presidency, succession would skip over Gov. Schwarzenegger until succession finds someone who does meet requirements should such a need arise.

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And when I do know what's important, I do my best to do absolutely everything except for what is important!

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Don't forget about other rich ass-hats who buy houses above asking, just to tear them down and build another ungodly McMansion, taking away what affordable houses remain.

A beautiful 50 year old house sold on my block for $250,000k two years ago. At 1600 sqft, and some renovations from the previous owner, it was a wonderful starter home. A college buddy of mine tried to buy it at asking $230k and we joked that we'd be neighbors.

But instead, someone bought it, destroyed it, rebuilt it, and sold it for $900k.

Now, that same house just sits there with a "For Rent" sign. It's appalling.

Huh. I used to write notes to myself a few years ago when I was still in school and would get super drunk. "Look up modular synths," was one of my notes and I never went and actually did it. This is probably my calling to learn about them πŸ€”.

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Didn't Pornhub see a non-insignificant rise in Linux as well? I wonder how much the steam deck accounted for that as well πŸ˜…

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This is a South Park episode.

Watch out everyone, now South Korea is going to start taking over Minecraft!

(Reference: South Park. S17E2. Informative Murder Porn)

Is the firing mechanism clinch activated or fart activated?

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The child isn't born yet and he's dishing out dad jokes?

Either it's not his wife's first child or he's a premature dad and he should go to the hospital to be monitored until the child is delivered. There is a chance he obtained dad power without being a dad yet. Premature dad puns are too concentrated and are hard to control; they is a danger to himself and those around them.

Please post again for more unsolicited medical advice.

-- Totally a real doctor.

I didn't know the Pope was antisemitic?! /s

I struggle so hard to get even 5 boosts on mastodon. How do y'all do it πŸ˜‚

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Aggressive homosexuality sounds awesome AF until you bring in homophobic bigotry.

Pornhub should get into the VPN business πŸ‘€

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If the company actually means it

There's the key phrase. I've worked at 5 different places during my professional career. Not once has any "wellness seminar," "wellness week," or wellness-what-have-you has been as fruitful as you're describing.

I've never gotten a wellness day nor a bonus for wearing a pedometer or being active in any manner. At absolute best, in all the places I've worked, I went to an optional meeting that had an interesting breathing exercise. But the rest of the meeting was dumb fluff like "don't work more than 40 hours," "tell your lead that you are over stressed," "don't spend money on stuff you can't afford."

Absolute worst case scenario so far, a week of mandatory 1 hour meetings each day required from HR. Every day was repeating the same garbage as above and could've just been an email. Also, even though HR requires the meetings, your manager still requires 40hrs of "project effort." Meaning required overtime. I did not stay long at this job.

Something like what you are describing would be a breath of fresh air.

I'm sorry guys, I actually watch the YouTube Shorts so Google pushing them into more people is my fault. I just don't care to download Tik Tok and have yet another app. 😭

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I will finally be available to fairly and accurately measure all the men in the gym locker room without being suspicious and bringing in a ruler 😀

Typically, when people say tax the high wage earners, they aren't talking about your average person even in high COL areas.

I can't speak for what exactly OP was envisioning, but I generally agree with the comment. In my mind, the tax wouldn't apply to anybody making less than $500k a year (or $1mil if filing jointly).

If you're making that much money.. you don't have my sympathy with taxes. I have family in the SF area, that would be a life changing amount for them.

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You're telling me the trail of tears wasn't the British's doing?!? 😭😭😭 /s

Well it's a good thing hospitals are safe from being a military target. Right guys?

Thanks to the help of the other comments as well as some screenshot reverse image searching, I think we finally have a list!

  1. Slime Rancher 2
  2. It looks like Persona 5 Royal. Although, I am not familiar with these games. It might also be Persona 5 Tactica?
  3. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk
  4. Marvel's Midnight Suns
  5. The Knight Witch

Edit: Ope, I forgot to type "Royal" after persona

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This actually looks good. Figures they'd cancel it lol

Is this an actual punishment or a slap on the wrist? I can't seem to tell anymore because initially I think, "wow, that's a lot of money." But then I am reminded of how much money some of these companies are hoarding.

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Donkeys aren't free of fascism either

Meh, number of games with Gold or Platinum Status on ProtonDB seems more significant IMO

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The red scare propaganda really didn't help by putting, "In God we trust," on the dollar bill and the, "[one nation,] under God," part in the pledge allegiance.

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By homeless he means he'll only have a few million in his bank account and he can't imagine living like that. πŸ€”