Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported to – 884 points –
Their Bionic Eyes Are Now Obsolete and Unsupported

These early adopters found out what happened when a cutting-edge marvel became an obsolete gadget... inside their bodies.


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I can't wait for when medical implants require a subscription so that I can routinely pay to live a normal life!

/s because it seems like it's still needed even if it feels obvious

Friend of mine just had to shell out $3000 for prescription drugs just for survival. Yes he's on insurance.

My ex-wife once got intestinal worms. The medicine to get rid of them, which has been on the market forever, and which is on the short list of medicines that the WHO says should be freely available to everyone as a matter of public health? $800 for Americans, literally free everywhere else in the world. Apparently intestinal worms are now so uncommon in the US that the drug is only distributed in extremely small quantities, which The Invisible Hand apparently allows big pharma to charge a fortune for. I brought in the worm in a jar in case the doctors needed to identify it, and apparently so many of the doctors and nurses had never seen one that they asked us if it was alright for them to pass around to take selfies with it. LOL.

I like to live dangerously and leave my /s' at home.

As an amputee believe that would still be an amazing improvement

solely for me as an american tho with kick ass medicaid they do anything for us

my austrian made leg is more engineered than my car and dont even ask me about the one made in Cali

Super that's 2000$ a month now under a subscription plan in the usa

Isn't this already how medication works anyway?

Would you be interested in our new DLC which can reduce the side effects of our medical implant by %90?

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