Transcendentalism rule to – 896 points –

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Just in case, because the Internet is weird: this comment was satire. My dentist is actually a cool dude and my dental hygienist is amazing.

Take care of your teeth y'all! 🦷🪥

You only get one set, and it's a long life!

I hate the aftertaste of coffee. Simply using GUM Soft Picks and brushing my teeth after my morning coffee in addition to my before-bed brushing has really improved my dental health.

Holy guerrilla marketing, batman!

I see that now on my third re-read. 😂😭😂😭😂

I am practicing my proper grammar skills. I read somewhere that you are supposed to italicize products when you use them in a sentence and I wanted to try it for some dumb reason.

If it helps, I am not a bot nor do I strictly endorse this product. Traditional floss and floss picks are way better.

I only like this product because I have a permanent retainer, flossing to get under this thing is a pain.

In the spirit of good health, something is better than nothing!

-- I am actually a dentalologist

This dude's dentist definitely killed him and jacked his account after that first comment.