
10 Post – 272 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why only carbon dioxide and not all greenhouse gases? Nitrous oxide and methane are significant contributors especially in the agriculture sector

This is just CO2, and doesn't include other greenhouse gases like nitrous oxide and methane.

there's still some great subreddits, but many of the mainstream ones have devolved into right wing cesspools

Least insane techno-optimist

Its a microblogging platform like mastodon and no, we don't need it in the fediverse. There's exactly one explanation for why they would want to join.

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They are just a crypto shill and a neoliberal. They don't care for liberation of humans, just for liberation of payments from government. They are a professional investor, I'd say this video is basically anarcho-capitalism in a nutshell. Some of the points they raise are valid, but many are not. For example, not being able to print more money in the government actually removes the ability to control deflation, and if governments can't print money, that's basically self-imposed austerity.

if you want to pay somebody on the other side of the world, crypto already lets you do that. There's no need to hype it up any more than it already is.

Also disingenuous to hype up bitcoin without bringing up the inherent environmental concerns.

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good. babies should not have candy, that shit is for kids

take notes, rest of the EU


  • fails to address leap years
  • fails to address 365th day
  • moon cycle will still slowly deviate
  • retains clunky 7-day week that doesn't interact will with decimal counting system

I like it, but I got an even better proposal. Weeks should have ten day weeks, and each month should have 3 weeks. summer/winter solstice and the spring/autumn equinox as well as new years day are special holidays that fall between months and interrupt the week cycle. In leap years, new years is two days.

The 1st, 11th and 21st of each month are now Mondays, so you can tell the weekday of any date. Months are the same length just like in Jesse's proposal, but an even 30 instead of a clunky 28.

I've thought about this a lot

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I thought it was gonna be 3-4 times a day, but in a week? Those are rookie numbers

actually, it is. let me explain.

Let's simplify and say that there are peak hours and low hours. 100 people call during a peak hour, and 25 during a low hour. The chance of calling during a peak hour is 80%, since you are four times as likely to be one of the 100 rather than one of the 25.

The same effect means that you are almost always on planes and trains that are very full, even though every now and then they ride almost empty. Fewer people get to experience empty train rides by definition.

Of course this effect falls apart when your usage patterns differ from everybody else's. If everybody takes the train at rush hour, you might ride an empty one at noon. Or, if you call the hotline while everybody else is sleeping, you might have a better chance.

But yeah companies also just lie to make themselves look better lol

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Kanye is crazy racist and has been for a while, I don't think anybody here disagrees

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I'd be more interested in why than how

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These things are dangerous. This person is using it at a safe distance but you can blind somebody at close range. Either that or the camera is insanely good lol

Did not expect Spain on this list, good for them!

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As a German I was wondering how the Red Army Faction time-travelled to WW2.

Turns out RAF = Royal Air Force

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is the beaver supposed to be a reference to something?

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My experience with tankies online is more that they hate the West so much that they somehow think that all enemies of the West are good.

Examples: blaming Ukraine war on NATO, saying China is not all that bad.

Checkout hexbear.net for examples

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  • OP: posts image of X
  • OP: this is an image of X
  • Me: This can't possibly be X

history is brown

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This is a huuuge load of crap. Nowhere does this clearly say that CO2 emissions are cut by 80%, just "ultrafine black carbon" which is a pollutant more than a greenhouse gas. Aviations worst impact is by far the greenhouse gases.

The "sustainable fuel" that is so mysteriously alluded to, turns out to be made from "renewable biomass". Plant-basid fuels have been around for a while, usually as a greenwashing stunt by industries that consume a lot of fossil fuels. The amount of farmland needed to produce even a small fraction of what's needed in aviation is astronomical. Approaching 9 billion eaters, we can't afford to make food vs fuel a debate (again).

This whole article reads like it was written by the aviation company that paid for the research in the first place. This isn't science, it's propaganda.

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Kids dying this way is 100% expected given the braindead design of US storm drains

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BD actually stands for Bondage & Discipline. Domination is part of DS, Domination & Submission. And for completeness, SM = Sadism & Masochism.

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This article fails to mention any actual examples of Waters comments. This reads like an intern had to finish an article before the deadline and only had time to collect out-of-context anecdotes.

Very disappointing for The Guardian.

they lose hours but the hourly pay goes up, just like everybody else, no? I haven't read the bill but I would be surprised if that's not in there.

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Meatless Monday is the most pathetic excuse of trying to change anything in your life. I'm not even a full vegetarian myself but I wouldn't dream of patting myself on the back for not eating one specific type of food for a single day a week.

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Fuck them. Starting a private company and then selling it to some tool doesn't make these guys great people. They exploited their employees and sold the company to some guy to exploit some more. I'm not sympathizing with capitalists because of other capitalists.

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This is meaningless to me. How big is a district? I can walk one minute and cross a block in my neighborhood. Now what?

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these people are gonna have a hell of a time trying to interact with the regular mastodon userbase lol

Yeah this is sad. Aside from his normal MEP duties, Breyer did incredible journalistic work on the EU plans on centralizing incredible power and creating a digital hellscape in Europe. They are planning to go full CIA on us.

Sure, some people work better when surrounded by colleagues. Those people usually know that and will seek out on-site work, because it probably also makes them happier.

People who are more efficient at home probably also feel better at home and will seek out remote work.

If you want a much smaller hiring pool, more office upkeep costs and more transport emissions, sure make everyone come into the office... it's so dumb to do this.

IMO if your sector lends itself to remote work and it's not working for your company, you're doing something else wrong.

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You're wrong and this article is about you

unbroken baguettes are a privilege of those who use reusable bags and bag their own groceries

Don't be evil

2% is huge. Many companies still have their website support ie6, and the US gov wants to abandon 2% of their users???

that's the joke i think

this is inadequate labelling of drugs. some kid is gonna die

Just realized I've never used the flat hub website

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I was like hmm crimea still part of Ukraine, that's nice. Kosovo still disputed, sad. Everything else looks fine... wait why does Ireland look so happy? OH SHIT