More Wendy's Rule to – 414 points –

Wendy's arbitrage was not on my Bingo card.

Now that Wendy's is dabbling in surge pricing these lime-headset-wearing burger brokers are going to become the norm. Rushing to buy your lunch from the nearest shark-eyed capitalist middleman to avoid the noon price spike is the unfortunate dystopian future that our children will grow up in.

New hustle: food price scalping. Set up a BBQ trailer/food truck and just barely undercut them

I'm very sure that is a burger king or a very old/un-renovated mcd interior, not a wendy's. They also don't use that type of box; it's wraps for burgers and their nuggets come in an open box like their fries. I think I see the golden arches on that cup too but it's not clear. E: that monopoly banner is a dead giveaway too, defo mcd.

Like at least get the company right for your memes.

And yes I'm a fatass, what gave it away?

Unrelated but I went into a Wendy's once and a guy said, "Hey man I ordered too many nuggets and they won't take it back. I'll give it to you for $3".

And that's how I picture all of this.