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Joined 1 years ago

This is full of terrible advice. Password rotation is an outdated practice.

Don’t ever reuse passwords with “zones”, just use a password manager to generate long and secure passwords for every account. Then enable MFA wherever possible, and Passkeys where they have been implemented.

Then have a recovery method for the password manager stored in a secure place.

One good thing to come out of Reddit’s demise is that I hadn’t read her name in about three weeks.

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One thing that’ll need serious consideration:

I feel like it’s inevitable that Lemmy will get an advertisement module that admins can enable. Alternative monetisation methods can also work, such as subscriptions. But users will have to realise that servers aren’t free.

If you’re an admin for a small community and are willing to carry the burden: great. If you’re hosting a community that can support itself by donations: also great. But sooner or later we’ll need some ways to make servers sustainable.

(Not a fan of advertisements and would prefer to be a paying user, but as Lemmy takes off we shouldn’t look down on admins trying to mitigate their expenses).

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Then you and many you knew should’ve been brought up with better manners.

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The dairy and meat lobbies are something else. It’s like smoking in the fifties.

It’s well established that there are serious health concerns when you consume animal produce (not to mention environmental and animal welfare ones), yet the industry keeps pushing back on plant-based alternatives.

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Since Queue has already been posted: Quay. Now spelled Kee.

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I say there are some fair applications of SaaS. If you use a product that requires servers to be running, paying a recurring cost for however long you need the software is fair.

That being said, mandatory SaaS on a physical product with upfront cost is decidedly shitty. Especially when it’s a 50k car.

I’m very much looking forward to that fight. Whichever way it goes, we’re going to see one of earth’s biggest douchebags get beat up.

Soap of any kind. It’s fine if you want a certain smell, but at the end of the day it all works the same. Goes for hand soap, shampoo, detergent, body wash, etc.

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This feels a bit surreal. After all of the scandals over the past few years, I hadn't expected this to be the breaking point. I think it'll be good for the Netherlands to get a soft reboot of politics. Most of the country was very much fed up with Rutte.

Not sure where we'll go from here. I hope GroenLinks and PvdA together can gather lots of support. If not...

I, for one, welcome our new BBB overlords.

You should’ve acted. He’s already here.

I swore off Samsung for this reason after I had the S3. I thought the bloatware situation had gotten better over the years…

Had a few devices with stock Android that I really liked (such as the Nexus 5 and Moto X) over the years, but even then it’s difficult to escape some of the built-in bullshit.

Kind of gave up on that and switched to iPhone a few years back… You still get the mandatory vendor apps, but at least now I also get the ecosystem benefits.

Well obviously not… Because the nose wheel fell off.

Lots of love for Bitwarden in this thread; I’d also like to pitch in with 1Password. It’s got a great UX and I even got my mom on board.

Used to use Lastpass since ~2013; really glad I switched last year. Lastpass has turned to absolute shit.

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Let’s Gamble, Try Merging!

I made the switch to full Bluetooth a few years back.

Honestly don’t ever miss the headphone jack nowadays, but I’ll admit that making the initial jump was a bit of a hassle.

Do you have any skills you can use?

You can also sign up for medical trials.


As someone who’s never heard of the place: Ottawa county honestly sounds like a shit place to live.

I also choose this guys poop knife

Fashion clothes

Better yet: buy long-lasting stuff that is ethically produced. Primark is notoriously bad in this regard — but most fast fashion stores are.

It doesn’t help, but there are a few factors that are more limiting right now. Labour shortage is one, as are nitrogen emissions. A lot of developers also find the current building costs too high.

There are plenty of plots that can be built on, with all of the paperwork good to go.

Every analysis I’ve read from reputable sources have come to the conclusion that this was bad for Putin. I think I’ll stick to Occam’s razor on this one.

I hope it’s not actual wild life. If it is: don’t bloody feed it.

Edit: Wow, I didn't expect this to take off like this. Thanks for all the upvotes! xD

I’m a little bit out of the loop here… Why don’t we like awkwardtheturtle?

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I feel like it’s inevitable that Lemmy will get an advertisement module that admins can enable. Alternative monetisation methods can also work, such as subscriptions. But users will have to realise that servers aren’t free.

If you’re an admin for a small community and are willing to carry the burden: great. If you’re hosting a community that can support itself by donations: also great. But sooner or later we’ll need some ways to make servers sustainable.

(Not a fan of advertisements and would prefer to be a paying user, but as Lemmy takes off we shouldn’t look down on admins trying to mitigate their expenses).

I think China could use some realpolitik here. They have very little to gain by invading Taiwan, and a lot to lose. If they could change their policy and work towards a clean split, I doubt Taiwan would keep insisting that they’re the true China. And they would earn a lot of goodwill throughout the world.

That’s what Passkeys are aiming to do.

I feel like it’s inevitable that Lemmy will get an advertisement module that admins can enable. Alternative monetisation methods can also work, such as subscriptions. But users will have to realise that servers aren’t free.

If you’re an admin for a small community and are willing to carry the burden: great. If you’re hosting a community that can support itself by donations: also great. But sooner or later we’ll need some ways to make servers sustainable.

(Not a fan of advertisements and would prefer to be a paying user, but as Lemmy takes off we shouldn’t look down on admins trying to mitigate their expenses).

If you want to be taken serious in clown shoes, seek out the circus instead of the pub.

Holy shit, that’s bad. Who would want to be liable for hosting deplorable stuff like that?

I’m torn on this. Restricting the when and where inherently restricts the extent of free speech. That’s not great.

Nonetheless, the guy burning the book is being an asshat for the sake of being an asshat. Generally speaking, I think we should let the asshats know that nobody likes them.

Yeah, machine learning is going to be great for the protein revolution. For Qorn they had to run thousands of experiments to find something that tasted good. Imagine if you can model millions of experiments and already weed out 98% of proteins…

Thanks for looking that up. I’m no dietician or medical expert myself, so I have to go by the more easily digestible media. That does run the risk of being more sensationalised.

One thing I did take away from the Netflix series was that both the omnivore diet and vegan one were designed to be well-balanced. Everything in moderation works well, I suppose.

Honestly, I felt like if there was one company that could make it work, it’d be Apple. The hardware looks impressive and they’ve got enough ecosystem benefits to at least get some applications going beyond gaming, video, and porn.

Plus, Apple products have such a critical mass that other developers are bound to jump on board. This headset sounds like a niche product that’ll fail because of it being far too niche. If they could’ve launched an app for an already successful headset instead, I might’ve been more optimistic.

Can someone explain to me why these cases are being litigated in the Netherlands, France, and Luxemburg? I couldn’t find an explanation in the article I read on

A lot of people seem to agree with you, so I’ll reassess my stance on the shampoo.

As a person with a short cut, every run of the mill shampoo has done its job. But of course your hair needs to last longer when you grow it out; so adverse effects have more time to pile up.

I don’t think Reddit will see a huge drop in users in the short term. But hopefully this whole kerfuffle will give a big enough boost to Lemmy to kickstart its network effect.

Engagement is the most important thing to be striving for right now!

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Hotel California. I know many people will disagree with me, but I won’t budge on this. It’s whiny.