Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus to politics – 868 points –
Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene removed from US House Freedom Caucus

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One good thing to come out of Reddit’s demise is that I hadn’t read her name in about three weeks.

I just realised how much MTG related coverage there was on Reddit.


For a minute I was scratching my head wondering how I missed all the Magic the Gathering coverage when I barely saw any 🤣

Reminds me of the time I spent in 2020 wondering why all the right wingers were so mad at the Bureau of Land Management.

They are mad at the Bureau of Land Management.

Basically, they're mad at everything.

The western land issue is one of the chief things that makes them popular out west. There's more federal land than private and state combined.

Their sense of entitlement when it comes to public lands is unreal.

If someone else owns more of your state than your own citizens, do you really have a state? It's easy for us to pontificate in states where there's hardly any federal land and the issue is reversed. There needs to be more federal land in the East where ecosystems mean more and less in the West.

It sure would be nice if any MTG mention is promptly spammed by Magic the Gathering content and buried. I don't even play MTG and I'd prefer to have my feed taken over by it! Fuck yeah, nerds--get your game on!

(Disclosure: I am indeed a nerd, too.)

20 years ago, I might have agreed (even if naively). Today, MTG has just turned into a cashgrab. The original game bought and bought again through acquisitions, and rare/mythic rare cards becoming the staple for competitive play driving constructed deck costs into the hundreds (sometimes thousands) of dollars. Between this and the attempted reversal of their sibling D&D's licensing structure (particularly for content creators), I just have no more interest in participating in collecting or playing MTG. I'm nostalgic for the days we used to have big multiway matches (even predating EDH/commander) in between rounds of chess tournaments, or at the school lunch tables, but those days are never coming back. Everything about their design structure now is about extracting maximum profit from their playerbase. Arena offers one of the best CCG game clients one could ask for, but again, the design takes all the P2W gimmicks perfected over the last 2 decades: the gacha, the battle pass, the daily rewards the demand you return to play imbalanced matches again and again and again, essentially becoming the content, the dopamine hit for someone else that paid to win.

They did find the One Ring card from their new LOTR set recently. Some shop is paying $2 million euros for it. I desperately hope someone throws it into a volcano a la Mount Doom.

That person: “no.”

After all, why shouldn't I keep it?

It's ok. When MTG news first started popping up on Reddit, I was wondering why everyone hated Magic the Gathering

She makes herself and republicans look bad, but still it’s wrong to give someone like her so much publicity. It’s like how CNN etc pumped up Trump by talking about him constantly in 2015.

I noticed a BUNCH of news and politics lemmy subs were created recently, and spamming depressing shit here like they did on reddit. Like, fuck off I don’t want to see that shit!

Politics is hard to balance. Hearing about it is depressing, but not keeping up with it feels wildly irresponsible and a big reason why things are so bad.

It's important to keep in mind your circles of control, influence, and concern in mind when reading political news. By all means keep yourself informed, but you have to pick and choose which stories you become personally invested in. Otherwise you'll burn yourself out emotionally in no time.

Exactly - my mental health has been so much better since leaving Reddit. I noticed that I’m not “doon scrolling” as much on here, and I’m back to looking at shit that interests me instead of being bombarded by depressing shit constantly.

Reddit's political communities were getting downright obsessive about "political celebrities" and I hope Lemmy doesn't follow the same path - this post doesn't bode well for that hope.

Agreed in principle, but implementation is practically impossible except for one's own level. A lot of people yearn for more and some people need less. There is little in our lives that affect us more than politics, and to that end I'm one that really wants to know more, and hopes that we see more news posted here in the Fediverse.

I'm pretty block-happy with communities and users. If they're being dumb...bye.

I have a vague hope that if others are too, those things will wither, because the people here are rejecting it on sight.

...I might be naively optimistic, though.

I mean yeah sure, except that she was ousted for being not fascist enough. So it's not like the group is somehow better now. It's all still just as fucked. But I enjoy seeing her kicked out of anything