Awkwardturtle The banned 1000 sub mod Talks about the admins after Ban and got a message "let all burn to the ground" to – 110 points –

So yeah... maybe the turtle slowly waking up that he was just a Laptog for reddit and thrown away as soon as they didnt need him anymore ( moderation is allways a volunteer thing and shouldnt be like a 2nd job ).


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I’m a little bit out of the loop here… Why don’t we like awkwardtheturtle?

From what I’ve learned in the last week, it seems like they abused their mod powers in some of the subs they were on. Someone at Reddit probably used all the chaos to get rid of them now, when many people had been complaining about them for a long time.

She's sexist against nonbinary people. She used to identify as nonbinary, but when she got banned from r/ennn for gender essentialism, she threw a temper tantrum about it and said she was going to be a trans woman because enbies are mean.

How can you be gender essentialist and non-binary at the same time? Also, how can you suddenly decide to be a trans woman? These things make no sense. Was she mentally disturbed?

She mods r/twoxchromosomes, the "women's" sub. The mods are all aware that the name is transphobic, and they knew it a month from when the sub was created. They decided to continue promoting the sub with the transphobic premise until it became a default. They could have made a new sub, especially back when it was brand new, and redirected traffic. But they pushed the transphobia up until it was presented to every single new reddit user for years. I told her she could distance herself from that transphobia, or she could get banned from the nonbinary meme sub. She chose the latter and decided to throw a tantrum against all of nonbinary people about it.

Ahh that would explain my ban from there and me not missing that sub. So much toxic there. Can't question or be "against" women at all. Which is a shame, but led me to the witches against the patriarchy which was a wonderful sub

Oh, witchesvspatriarchy? That's the sub where the mods told me that nonbinary people having a voice in feminism is a threat to women. That's the reason they "center women" on the sub, they think that allowing equality of gender diverse (non-cisman) perspectives is dangerous.