Awkwardturtle The banned 1000 sub mod Talks about the admins after Ban and got a message "let all burn to the ground" to – 110 points –

So yeah... maybe the turtle slowly waking up that he was just a Laptog for reddit and thrown away as soon as they didnt need him anymore ( moderation is allways a volunteer thing and shouldnt be like a 2nd job ).



An actual bad person when given mod status in too many subs: "This site is great"

Site admins ban him and deny appeals

The bad person: "This site is exploitative!!"

Reddit sucks, but this is probably the one good thing to come from Reddits recent actions.

Fully agree. Power mods like him are a huge problem on reddit and I hope this will not repeat in the fediverse.

I mean, the benefit to Lemmy is that it is easy to create a new instance to replace ones controlled by power hungry mods.

Sure, I just hope it plays out like that. I can easily imagine a situation where instances or communities get too big to fail. What's the point in creating a splinter community where 10 or 100 users migrate to when all the content and discussion takes place in the original community.

On reddit I had started boringdystopia despite there already being the bigger aboringdystopia because I disliked the moderation. I surprisingly saw decent growth in the sub as well.

So just because there’s a bigger “original” out there, doesn’t mean you can’t do well and make a working community.

You dont even need to go to a new instance you can just join another comunity on a different server

Ya but how easy would it be to get people to actually move there. Even tho on Reddit theres a rule against duplicate subs there were ways around that (like "real___" or "___uncensored") but the problem was that some ppl just didnt care about poor conduct and the replacement subs sometime ended up not taking off or being overrun by an extreme group (tho sometime it did work.) So I wonder about that here bc a lot of ppl use that to say this isnt a problem here

trying to encourage a code of morality, as seen in my post for mildly infuriating a few days ago mentioning some of the actions these moderators had done against the community and why they are bad for the health of it.

I hope being one of the large communities it offers a template for those to follow, I might not always get it right but I hope to do my best to eliminate it here. Bad mods ruined reddit.

Bad mods weren't the only thing contributing to the downfall of Reddit. Infact, Id argue most moderators of Reddit were genuinely good and helped foster each subreddit community in a reasonable manner. As with all things that involve humans, there will always be bad actors, but I think overall I had maybe 2 instances I can remember in all my 14 years of Reddit where a bad moderator removed content because they didnt agree with it.

I think the fuck was effectively the last of the five no life mods.

Three where perma banned and 1 just stopped showing up (there are rumors that he died power tripping)

It will but they'll be server admins instead.

Hopefully no instance ever becomes too popular by itself where this will heavily affect everyone though.

Oh, is that's who it is? If so, fuck them.

Weren't they a massive dick about as well, it wasn't just an accusation without evidence.

Seems like everyone here deserves eachother.

This case is actually even funnier because that mod turned out to be right! The art was AI generated! Aspects of other people's watermarks and other AI giveaways were left in the final art so either the whole picture was ai generated and the sketches were done after or it's all AI generated.

Turtle is the most drama-seeking person I've seen on Reddit and I've been there a long time. They always seek out drama and then screenshot it and post it to r/CenturyClubDrama. They contribute like 80% of the total posts to that sub. They also post really long rants and then ban the person they're ranting at so the person can't comment back. Don't be like turtle.

That fucking CenturyClub bullshit; I lasted about 2 days after getting invited to the subreddit a few years ago. What a morass of powermod drama queens and groupthink twats. For some god-unknown reason, I got an re-invite during the protest blackouts from one of their mods, no clue why. Because they were going to talk me out of shutting down a +1M sub?

Image Transcription: Reddit

This website is exploitative garbage with no respect given to all the app makers and third party developers that have kept its decrepit heart beating all this time, submitted by /u/awkwardtheturtle to /u/awkwardtheturtle

/u/spez is a liar and a hypocrite, the admins are two-faced goons, and they are all toxic embarrassments instead of people. They seemed ok when I met them in person (though tiny Spez did seem like he had a lot to compensate for), but promises and assurances from people like chtorrr and redtaboo have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are stooges, not innovators.

Let it all burn to the ground where this useless website belongs

I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too!

I can't wait for the future where ai can very reliably transcribe anything for the blind folks out there so they can freely browse stuff like we all do.

I would take anything this chode says with a huge grain of salt, but it was pretty clear that he was buddies with admins and other "power"-mods because he was not only getting away with stuff that others were getting banned for left and right, but I personally have been perma-banned for "harassment" a couple times for even bringing up their toxic behavior and why I think it was a problem to different mod teams.

Anyway they're mentally unwell, their dick is small and they can go fuck themselves.

Please let them stay away from the Fediverse... Stay the fuck away from Lemmy and Kbin. Get out, touch grass and eat some ice cream but stay away from us.


Also Mmmm, its not too early for ice cream is it?

It's never to early for ice-cream (or to late for that matter).

He was banned BECAUSE he was badmouthing Reddit. Some of his subs were participating in the blackout and he had pinned some stuff about it. I thought it was very interesting.

I don't mean to defend the guy, but fair criticism isn't worth banning someone for

I am very much uncaring for turtles predicament. He or she was an ass to ever community at every possible chance. now it's expected the community help them out? Hell no, hope the removal is permanent

Yeah this seems like some selfawarewolves shit. And even in this whiny tirade they just couldn't leave some sort sexist/ableist/hateful insult off. As much as spez is a fucking tool, people like turtle are the bigger reason honestly the whole site had turned to diarrhea IMO - rampant assholes taking over the site.

Yeah I don't get why they felt the need to bring up spez being short (is that what they were getting at?) Seems childish. Who cares if he's not tall? What's that have to do with this..

Asshole CEO and Power-tripping mods in a stand-off. I love it.

It's not even a standoff, an asshole working at Reddit (probably not even the CEO) fired an unpaid volunteer and they're ugly crying while drinking boxed wine and freaking out about how they're gonna regret letting them go online.

It's entirely one sided and nobody really gives a single shit about this dummy. I hope they get the help they desperately need.

ThIS! 😂

edit - Seriously? I see we are back to down voting for agreeing now? good grief. I guess some things really don't change.

Imagine wasting this much of your life modding this many shitty subreddits. Holy jesus.

I really hope whatever website replaces Reddit has some sort of way to mitigate/control these "super" mods

Should platforms like kbin/lemmy/etc have limits to how many magazines/categories a single user can moderate?

Wouldn't this just encourage alt accounts to get around the rule? You're only hiding it with sockpuppets instead of allowing it to happen transparently.

I still think it’s a good idea. You can create alts to get around bans for instance, but it’s a powerful mod tool nonetheless. Most people will see the rule and stop there, and if they don’t then it’s a good way to justify an IP ban for repeat offenders.

As an aside, the thought of the kind of person that would break rules so that they can provide extra unpaid labor makes me queasy.

It would still hamper their effectiveness as a powermod even though it won't completely stop them.

If the admin find out they can then take action

You could do it per email address, at least on platforms where your account is tied to one. Doesn't stop it, but if you're only allowed to mod 5 communities, you'd need a lot of sock puppet emails to mod 1000+.

If you own a domain, it's trivial to set up a catch-all redirect to your real email address. I, for example, have this account linked to With the maximum length of an email address being 254 characters and the "lemmy_world_" and "" parts taking up 24 characters, I could create up to 350! - 1 (yes, that's a factorial) more usernames, each linked to a corresponding unique address. (Well, give or take any limits Lemmy imposes on username length, anyway.)

Yes , 5 max maybe 10 thats it.

I would even allow as high as 25, but probably an amount that can be controlled by the instance. But we should stop these 1000+ communities controlled by one mod.

Its not really possible. Just open a new community on another instance

Given what Lemmy and kbin fundamentally are, open source federations, this can't be done, at least not universally. Instances will set their own rules and other instances cannot directly set those rules. It is impossible to enforce this.

That said, it makes sense for instances to set similar rules, and tools to help are a good idea.

I’m a little bit out of the loop here… Why don’t we like awkwardtheturtle?

From what I’ve learned in the last week, it seems like they abused their mod powers in some of the subs they were on. Someone at Reddit probably used all the chaos to get rid of them now, when many people had been complaining about them for a long time.

She's sexist against nonbinary people. She used to identify as nonbinary, but when she got banned from r/ennn for gender essentialism, she threw a temper tantrum about it and said she was going to be a trans woman because enbies are mean.

How can you be gender essentialist and non-binary at the same time? Also, how can you suddenly decide to be a trans woman? These things make no sense. Was she mentally disturbed?

She mods r/twoxchromosomes, the "women's" sub. The mods are all aware that the name is transphobic, and they knew it a month from when the sub was created. They decided to continue promoting the sub with the transphobic premise until it became a default. They could have made a new sub, especially back when it was brand new, and redirected traffic. But they pushed the transphobia up until it was presented to every single new reddit user for years. I told her she could distance herself from that transphobia, or she could get banned from the nonbinary meme sub. She chose the latter and decided to throw a tantrum against all of nonbinary people about it.

Ahh that would explain my ban from there and me not missing that sub. So much toxic there. Can't question or be "against" women at all. Which is a shame, but led me to the witches against the patriarchy which was a wonderful sub

Oh, witchesvspatriarchy? That's the sub where the mods told me that nonbinary people having a voice in feminism is a threat to women. That's the reason they "center women" on the sub, they think that allowing equality of gender diverse (non-cisman) perspectives is dangerous.

I hope they don’t end up over here. “Power mods” are just the worst.

I got banned from a sub for a relatively tame normal opinion about something or other, like a video game or something. Sent a mod mail asking what happened and what could I do to make it right, got muted and then banned from 10 more subs immediately.

I just nuked my 15 year 750k karma account after giving him a piece of mind to each modmail box. I'll absolutely burn the earth before letting some internet loser feel like he runs my life lol.

I got banned from r/entertainment for criticizing Lizzo's outfit when the whole crystal flute nontroversy happened, nothing racial, nothing about her weight or about the flute-playing itself, just that I thought her outfit she was wearing looked trashy. BANNED. Reddit has been on the decline for awhile now. I just wish I could filter out ANY news of Reddit on other sites, it's kind of annoying how much sites like still lean on Reddit for content instead of trying to do their own thing.

Oh yeah I hate how many posts are just Reddit links.

Do people not know you still help by visiting?

(they don't, people are dumb 😂)

Yea, I've been going cold turkey since 6/11. I thought the whole point was to NOT GO so that Reddit could see how unpopular its decision was. It kind of feels like people are just not bothering with even trying to protest. I'm sure those that stick around will have a series of annual "that's it, I'm done" moments coming in the future as Reddit makes more and more unpopular decisions and people just put up with it because they couldn't even go a few weeks without visiting the site. I've already made my peace with the fact that Reddit is gone and I'm ready to move on. At this point I'd be more conflicted if they actually backed down on their stupid API policy and let 3rd party apps back on.

Someone would just start their own lemmy instance if the mods are unreasonable.

How does that solve the issue? If you are banned from a community you won't be able to post or comment to it

You create your own community. If the mods are jerks, you can convince people to switch.

I feel like the fact his username is actually u/awkwardtheturtle is fairly relevant. awkwardturtle is someone else entirely.

Love how the sycophants act all indignant like they weren't kissing ass and licking boots yesterday. Same fuckers that enacted the will of reddit against normal users now want to be seen as fellow refugees.

They can all get fucked.

Hes just bitter and angry that his only way to power trip and his only fullfilling "thing" is gone.

That guy did NOTHING when he had a chance to stand up against what was going on. he even was mad he got banned bc he admitted he wasnt one of the ones who enacted any actions in protest, and that it was another mod who did it. Were always so annoying and bein an antagoniste just bc he knew he wouldnt get banned for it and drunk from online "power" so idrc.

Good thing for him is that usually when reddit makes a good decision is not permanent so maybe he will be unbanned soon.

Idk turtle fuck might have had a heart attack after the ban...

Man, the only person i hate more than spez on reddit is the turtlefuck. Hope they both have nightmares about a world without cookies.

I once reported them for a blatant rule violation and got a response from Reddit admin in seconds rejecting the report. Guess awkward knew where spez buried the bodies or something? Must have been nice to have a bot auto-rejecting reports of their bad behavior.

I'm pretty sure she's a woman, but yes fuck her.

Betrayal gives way to strong feelings of animosity. I have a supposition that most of you would do the same thing. If you were a moderator of a very large subreddit, would you really want to lose your position? If so, why?

He sounds like a Nice Guy who just finally tried to shoot his shot and got turned down by his bff.

I highly doubt this is anything but a sad attempt at getting some good PR. We've seen other big mods suspended supposedly permanently who suddenly negotiated their way out of it. Reddit has no reason to lose such a great employee, if they did this person would have been banned years ago.

Was spez naked? How did he know he was tiny? Or is it years of experience with admins.

They said the power mods were in bed with the Reddit admins but I didn't know people meant it literally