RCMaehl [Any]

@RCMaehl [Any]@lemmy.world
35 Post – 99 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My Main Account

Dev of:

  • WhyNotWin11
  • MSEdgeRedirect
  • LemmyBots.com

Launchdarkly is likely a culprit as well. Just doing a background search reveals that the service allows dev teams to do A/B testing, enable new features without releasing a new version, and various other "dynamic" functions.

OP is on the wrong side of Occam's razor

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Pull android logs (logcat tools/android debugging)

Find the date and time of the package being installed

Correlate the install time with where they were at that time

Use that information to get an anti stalking order

Contact your local District Attorney to see if they can assist with a wiretapping filing

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The device they have come up with is the size of a thumbnail, one-fifth the width of a human hair, and capable of generating roughly one microwatt – enough to light a single pixel on a large LED screen.

So probably only going to be usable for low power devices for a while

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Instead of spaces? Not necessarily but it helps prevent edge cases

I'd be lying if I said it got better over time

::: spoiler spoiler :::

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Content is up but users are down. Take that as you will.

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Hi Ruud, was wondering if you could check if lemmy.world/.well-known/security.txt actually exists on the server. It was added in 0.18.1 but either isn't being created or isn't public.

They recently blocked a single instance due to the other instance breaking the law in the country vlemmy is hosted. I'm hoping all of this is just a database cleanup gone awry, I would have hoped @pyarra@vlemmy.net would have made a comment SOMEWHERE.

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Having worn programmer socks myself. I can confirm they work. Look at this photograph

Edit. Lemmyworld duplicated my comment, sorry >.<

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Yeah, specifically why I mentioned "affordable".

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Person from 2020 magically appearing in 2090 and being told caffeine/excessive sugar is now regulated and ID checked

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Based on graphs by @ruud@lemmy.world. It's safe to assume, yes, there was a HUGE improvement

Replacement to Lemmy if Lemmy ever paywall the API

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As a new Linux user at the time. I hated the look of Ubuntu 09.04 - 10.10 compared to Windows, but the netbook couldn't run Windows for the life of it. I swapped back a more normal desktop around 11.04

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Teams Fight over Rocks. Rarely they play a form of soccer or against robots. Some characters throw suspiciously colored fluids on other players. There are cosmetics

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Hi db0, if I could make an additional suggestion.

Add detection of additional content appended or attached to media files. Pict-rs does not reprocess all media types on upload and it's not hard to attach an entire .zip file or other media within an image (https://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Embed_a_zip_file_into_an_image)

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  1. Be Lemmy Devs
  2. Loudly Claim Lemmy is Bulletproof and unhackable
  3. ???
  4. 50 CVEs

You say that like lemmynsfw.com isn't one of the most popular instances.

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This better be angry Torvalds

Edit: It was

Epoxy hotdog guy returns to reddit after a 5 year hiatus:

Edit: I am partially wrong. (See below)

They're stored on their host Instance. Only text is copied across instances.

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Amateurs! My VOIP provider is behind seven proxies!

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This is genius, please devs 🙏

What is it? I only see ******. I think Lemmy is hiding personal info now.

Looks like your comment got triple posted. The lemmy instances are getting slammed lol

Non-textual content (media, and icons I believe) is still served from the other instance to prevent all federated instances from exploding in size.

Additionally, some browsers will preload/prefetch links to "improve the browsing experience"

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Better than 3 french hens

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::: spoiler These? :::

Ads & Analytics, like most things.


Wouldn't surprise me if there's an in-app ad / self promotion / community announcements / et al that is managed via FB's Graph API

Cultural influence rule

While this is definitely a discussion to be had (I've created a few accounts on different instances). Posting that here is just adding onto the drama.

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Layer 2

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Can we go back to the simple, front picture changing, neato math/science fact having, paper agenda instead? I'll even have my mom sign in daily it we can agree to this.

Those are comment replies

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I have the theme files SOMEWHERE. It was Ubuntu 10.04 with a lot of Compiz and GNOME 2(?) Tweaks.

Layer 3

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To add context to this. What I've been told is that a community running on a lemmy fork with 5 digit users had used this code for a while and backported(?) the code upstream when they federated back. I guessing there was an assumption of safety as they had been using the custom emojis code for quite a while without it being exploited.

Layer 1

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Is there a website up to use this search yet? I'd love to add it to my MSEdgeRedirect project as a selectable search engine for the upcoming 0.8 version!

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