6 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Probably the userbase so far. Love the platform. The political stuff on here especially seems like it comes from people who've never been laid or been able to hold a serious conversation in public.

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Fitgirl presents as a woman therefore she is a girl. I don't walk by people on the street and wonder what's in their pants all day.

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If any admins of are around, I created ! for the explicit reason of sharing copyright protected music. Can you ban it too? Wouldn't want to get you guys in trouble with mommy and daddy.

It's almost like... endless growth is unsustainable.

Edit: Downvoted by a shareholder lol

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Vine 3.0 let's try this again

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Err - republican primary ballot. This isn't reddit, I know that's what the site's clickbait headline says but can we not adopt their bait tactics?

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Did this person write a book because I want to read it.

Oh no, speculators' third party products don't work. Anyway... get a real job fuckface.

Wikipedia says neoliberalism is considered an insult 🤔

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Here's my prediction. Over the next couple decades the internet is going to be so saturated with fake shit and fake people, it'll become impossible to use effectively, like cable television. After this happens for a while, someone is going to create a fast private internet, like a whole new protocol, and it's going to require ID verification (fortunately automated by AI) to use. Your name, age, and country and state are all public to everybody else and embedded into the protocol.

The new 'humans only' internet will be the new streaming and eventually it'll take over the web (until they eventually figure out how to ruin that too). In the meantime, they'll continue to exploit the infested hellscape internet because everybody's grandma and grampa are still on it.

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Shut down what?

Before anyone says this is spam, I get absolutely zero from Soundcloud plays.

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It's pretty relevant for people who archive too because it can add up to terrabytes of difference if you're backing up everything.

I thought this should be obvious to anyone who's interacted with an animal, ever. But sadly there are a great many people who don't agree there is a 'soul behind the tv screen' as it were with animals more primitive than things like cats and dogs. It can be easy to use to justify human cruelty.

And it's easy for you to say it's obvious and you've thought that all along. You're not the demographic they're trying to inform.

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Can't wait to watch all the redditors who mostly don't commute or don't drive have a collective aneurysm over this.

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When I do this in Bing it gives me the answers to other users' queries.

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Sorry but were you alive in the 90s? That tile background is way too big. Take it down to 128 x 128 anything bigger than that takes too long on my 56k. Also I don't see one frame or table border.

Is squirt pee

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I'm not sure what's up with the front page algorithms too. It should be moving way faster - I see almost the same posts there day to day but if I go to each community there's tons of new stuff.

This is like one of the worst takes I've ever seen on this platform. Like yeah dude, the legions of users who sat through Windows 10 ads, Windows 8 ads, Windows Vista, EOL support for every OS, and forced packaged apps everywhere have finally had it with Windows 11 sir. The tidal wave of users embracing the glory of Linux is nigh.

Space wizard will do thanks

Shouldn't have made propaganda legal then, fuckers.

Just an FYI in case you don't follow Cloud news but Google has deleted customers accounts on multiple occasions and has been for literal years. This time they just did it to someone large enough to make the news. I work in SRE and no longer recommend GCP to anyone.

'The international community won't hold them accountable' - Maybe for years under friendly occupation and support you should have held them accountable. I don't believe for a second your husbands and sons have no involvement in the country's culture. You effectively had years to erase the taliban and you collectively enabled them to fight the Americans instead. Anyone still in Afghanistan after all these years should not be having any surprise with the way things are going.

Remember when the party fucked over Bernie for an institutionalized candidate who no-one liked instead?

And if you want to argue that they didn't have a choice, it's the difference of 300 delegates in the face of internal organizational opinion that you control. You can't maintain that it wasn't a choice. The DNC chose Hilary.

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Because even in those companies many of the 'computer people' are not software developers. Tech workers is a catch all term for most people at those companies.

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Okay this makes no sense. What about semi trucks or anything commercial? Did we decide decades ago that they can just fuck off and die?

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Clickbait. The 'end her career' part mentioned here would be an intentional choice on her part.

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More moronic both sides shit?

Interactions defaulting to positive.

Seems like I can't comment on anything without dealing with an akshually bro, someone tearing me apart because interpreted a certain way there's an exception, or just plain doing a drive by pity party and telling all of us that something sucks (cool story bro).

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Edge mentioned on this sub? Brave.

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Never heard Deadwood discussed anywhere. Will it challenge my Battlestar Galactica run?

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YES I forgot about these. I'll see what the remaster ones sound like and see what I can do tomorrow.

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Windows power users? My ass. Any Windows power user knows you can just turn this shit off with group policy. I think what you mean is 'we need something polarizing to write about hurrr'. That website is a joke.

Take your shitty garbage journalism back to buzzfeed you fucking hacks.

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Remix with modern techniques and make a master with a lot more dynamic range and listenability than the version you'd use in a video game.

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How did they kill Facebook?

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I don't know the cock in my ass doesn't feel very self conceived.

Isn't that the developer instance? Are the developers tanki communists? (I don't believe a real communist would want to support china OR russia since they aren't actually communists)

Funny story. After you start you can't go back. What is a nano?

Edit: If ctrl-z doesn't get you out of vim you need to install another terminal or more likely just ditch your distro altogether.