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Joined 12 months ago

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Republicans doing a real good job giving a peek into what voting Red will do for them this year

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It'd be nice to go beyond and have some sort of ranked voting while we're at it. Essentially being forced to pick between two parties or risk having your vote being wasted sucks.

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Literally the one reason I still use Reddit is because appending gives me actual results. Reddits' built-in search results are utter dog shit and you cant find anything. They'd just be shooting themselves in the foot for blocking Google

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I actually didn't expect Disney to respect public domain. Everyone 100% has the right to absolutely shit on them for strangling copyright law all these years, though.

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"Canada and its growing reputation as a safe haven for terrorists, for extremists, and for organised crime. And I think that’s a country that needs to worry about its international reputation”

Never thought I'd read a statement like that from someone who was serious.

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It's odd, I don't think I've ever heard of a lefty or a gay person outright killing someone over a Dixie or Trump flag. I keep reading about far-righties killing people over the scary rainbow flag though

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Now there will be two versions of Windows. One that adheres to EU regulation, and another that's filled with ads for everyone else.

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No, this won't kill Reddit. If they can essentially remove every third-party app, they'll easily be able to start selling user data. Whether we like it or not, the majority stayed on Reddit.

Nothing short of somehow breaking through ad blockers like Twitch did will make people stop using it, even if that.

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The fact that the best marketing for games these days is just: "Don't be a greedy bastard" really says something about the industry

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Fandom is an ad-ridden shithole

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If a law says it's "for the kids" It 100% contains some of the most intrusive, dictatorial legislation known to man

Couldn't buy a house, so now we have to rent. Now that we can't afford rent, might as well live out of a car. Now cars are too expensive, might as well live out of a cardboard box.

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There was an attempt at nation building and it didn't go well. Afghanistan and the Middle East is a culturally complicated place, it's mostly tribes and smaller villages with a lot of history. It's hard to point fingers at the US for leaving when a decent chunk of the country either didn't care, or didn't want them there anymore.

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The rise of Linux is upon us

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I'm calling it, next election if Biden wins he'll actually try to stop the vote from going through. He can't actually stop it, but he'll 100% make some sort of speech about how the country is ruined.

  • Need a subscription to +5 services to see all the content & shows.
  • Ads being forced into paid services.
  • Unfinished AAA games now cost +$70 USD.
  • All games now have battlepasses and FOMO.

All I need is one VPN subscription.

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Don't threaten us with a good time

My MAGA dad keeps telling me it was an inside job by the Democrats. He's saying everything was filmed way in advance by actors and everything was peaceful because of this mystical "new evidence" coming out; all the cops were a-part of the FBI, CIA, ect.

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Doesn't feel like my country cares about me, so why would I die for it?

The older they get, the more senile they become

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The Microsoft Blogpost keeps mentioning customers and I've seen it mentioned a few times in this thread, but it almost seems like they're gearing this towards businesses and not 100% average consumers. Then again, they do mention 365 subscribers so maybe they are. Either way it's such a waste that an OS would shutter anti-virus support for anyone who doesn't pay a subscription.

Also, a ton of people here keep saying how this will drive users to Linux. No, no it wont. It isn't the first shitty thing that Microsoft has done to their OS, and it won't be the last. Older and average people won't take time out of their day to swap OS's and learn terminals.

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Wonder how much money they've wasted trying to block the blockers

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Invest in actual public transportation: I sleep

Invest in an overly expensive alternative to trains: REAL SHIT

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He'll make it a premium feature

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Another fucking zealot, great.

They must not be able to spy on people thru it

I'm almost certain this article is written by an AI

Someone must've found an easy way to jailbreak their cars

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Streaming has essentially become TV packages again. The golden age of streaming is dead, long live Davy Jones!

Oh yeah, way worse than filling planes with thousands of gallons of extremely flammable jet fuel

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Trumpism is a cult

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AI is a tool to assist creators, not a full on replacement. Won't be long until they start shoving ads into Bard and ChatGPT.

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I smell a spicy lawsuit

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I can already hear Republicans writing up a ban on this type of class in Florida.

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God I hope his checkmark followers gaslight him into doing this

Hamas is shit for putting terror and attacking Israel above taking care of their own civilians. Israel is shit for mass-execution of innocent civilians.

They're both shit, but we all know this will only end with Israel exterminating an entire population, which is even shittier.

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I never, ever see any actual ads anymore. It's either some dude with an Indian dude smiling saying "Hello!" or the same exact ass picture from "Hailey201238712985723" or "Jonah9018328412873" advertising the same porn site. No advertiser worth their salt would ever advertise on Elon's Twitter.

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Say what you will, but at the end of Trump's presidency Pence grew a spine and told him to fuck off.

Trump was hanging onto the idea that Pence would magically solve his problem by denying the certification. Of course, Trump's cult went to the capitol to try and hang him. I hope he endorses the other candidates, or Biden when it comes to it. It'd be a massive middle finger to the entire cult.

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Honestly Ron probably wants everyone in his state to be dumber so they'll vote for him

Everyone involved in this case should have 24/7 protection. This is probably gonna get messy