UN Human Rights Office - OPT: Unlawful killings in Gaza City

المنطقة عكف عفريت@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 807 points –
United Nations reports Israeli forces are carrying out mass summary executions in Gaza


I swapped the original article at the request of a mod to from a source deemed more reliable, but to avoid confusion when reading the comment section prior to this edit, here is the link to the original article. I chose the Relief Web source listed by some who commented. Cheers!


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Hamas is shit for putting terror and attacking Israel above taking care of their own civilians. Israel is shit for mass-execution of innocent civilians.

They're both shit, but we all know this will only end with Israel exterminating an entire population, which is even shittier.

The reason Hamas is in existence is because their peoples' homes being taken and the Palestinians being killed constantly, for years. What would you do if your nation has lived in their land for ages, and a people came and took your family homeland and killed your family, and took neighborhoods and whole swaths of areas, then penned you up so that you couldn't exit or enter your country without their permission...don't you think you'd rise up with some other warriors to do something, anything? That's what Hamas is. It is not a terrorist organization to go out and cause terror and trouble. It is the fighting representative of a beaten people.

It is not a terrorist organization to go out and cause terror and trouble.

Did you not notice the events that started this recent shit? Hamas certainly engages in terrorism, as does the IDF.

There’s an old adage that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.

Allowing a label to dictate your view of the events is naive at best.

I always say "if you look at it from the current government point of view, Luke Skywalker was just a terrorist."

Darth Vader blowing up Alderaan with the Death Star was justified self defense.

Uh, it's a nice saying, but it's not really that true. There are some defining differences in terrorists and fighting a war

Anyone or government can call an individual or group “terrorists.” To the British, American revolutionaries were terrorists. Every movie you’ve seen where the hero fights back against an evil government is a terrorist. Jason Bourne is a terrorist.

Did you not notice the giant wall around Gaza and the starvation and israeli bombing of their infrastructure before October the 7th?

Are you gonna call the Ukrainians terrorists too for blowing up the train track that connects Russia to China?

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but we all know this will only end with Israel exterminating an entire population,

It's so goddamn hilarious that because of history and The Holocaust we aren't allowed to bring up how deliciously ironic it is that a group of people that were rounded up for extermination are summarily rounding up a group of people for extermination.

I can't wait to see how this plays out in history.

Who's not allowed to bring it up? I'll say it all day. I give no fucks that Israel doesn't like it, fuck them.

Keep in mind the Holocaust was all Jews, and Israel here in no way represents all Jews, as much as they'd like to.

It fits in perfectly with history unfortunately. Members of group A inflict horror on members of group B. Some time passes, and some members of group B choose to inflict horror on group C and/or group A.

It's all just radical subsets of the population, who would love nothing more than to represent their whole group.

I would just like to point out that the Holocaust was not JUST Jews. Other people were persecuted as well (such as LGBTQ+ peeps)

Disabled people and political dissidents too. But LGBTQ+ people is especially apt to point out in this day and age.

And black people.

The Nazi campaign was mostly focused on Jews because they were the biggest and easiest to target minority but the Nazi's killed everyone that wasn't from "their group of people" and tried to replace that population with their own (expanding the Lebensraum)

Pretty much. If you weren't white and straight and a sycophant, you were on the chopping block. Normally women would probably be too, except they wanted that to have more Aryan babies 🤮

The Roma (aka Gipsies).

Everybody forgets them, strangelly.

I noticed that the holocaust page on Wikipedia conveniently forgets to state the other non-Jewish victims, then I realized that the Holocaust with a capital H only includes Jewish victims according to Wikipedia itself:

The term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of other groups that the Nazis targeted,[4][6] especially those targeted on a biological basis, in particular the Roma and Sinti, as well as Soviet prisoners of war and Polish and Soviet civilians.[7][8][9] All of these groups, however, were targeted for different reasons.[10] By the 1970s, the adjective Jewish was dropped as redundant and Holocaust, now capitalized, became the default term for the destruction of European Jews.[11] The Hebrew word Shoah ("catastrophic destruction") exclusively refers to Jewish victims.[5][6][7] The perpetrators used the phrase "Final Solution" as a euphemism for their genocide of Jews.[12]

I don't really know what to think of this.

Apparently some don't like to include LGBTQ, the disabled, and non-Jews under the term "Holocaust" despite shit like this:

“All Poles will disappear from the world,” Heinrich Himmler said, It is essential that the great German people should consider it as its major task to destroy all Poles.”

If anyone is well versed in genocide studies and history, please enlighten us!

Isreal is nothing but a continuation of the holocaust. The mass migration of jews from their nation of origin to a colony is genocide from all the European nations and America who supported and funded its creation. It was final solution part 2. Not even an original one, the nazis had the Same idea first for Madagascar

That’s ahistorical and makes no sense. So, the UN created Israel to genocide the Jews?

Don't agree with the comment you replied to, but I guess they meant “created Israel to get rid of the Jews in Europe”

Correct. Thank you for the positive interpretation. I can offer sources if you like.

It doesn't hurt to add sources in any case. I know that UN created the state but I doubt anyone documented the reason for doing that especially such one

Technically, Hamas aren't Palestinian in origin to begin with, they're from a group that once controlled Egypt and their power over Gaza Strip was maintained by the Israeli Government via various means including directly being funded by them and neighboring nations. So, it isn't their people. The don't give a fuck if Palestine faces genocide, never have.

[citation needed]

The Society of the Muslim Brothers first founded in Egypt in 1928 was able to establish in the neighboring nation in 1973 as Mujama al-Islamiya Islamic charity affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, which later became Hamas in name in 1987. They also were the most prominent political group in Egypt from 1967 until 2013, when their president over Egypt was overthrown.

Hamas is from Suuni Islamist Egypt, for Suuni Islamist Egypt.

Yeah but that doesn't support your claim.

My claim is that Hamas' Origins were outside of Palestine, that Hamas doesn't give a fuck about Palestinian Genocide. I gave you a concise uncontested timeline of their formation. Maybe you're just too stupid to get it.

If that was your claim then you phrased it quite poorly. You said they aren't Palestinian in origin, which is blatantly false. I reocmment you rephrase your original comment so that the rest of us stop misunderstanding you.

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The only solution I see is to build a wall around the whole area and just waiting for the shooting to stop eventually.

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