33 Post – 243 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Exactly this. Most days I can’t even remember a simple list of 3 things at the grocery store... So I can’t fathom remembering even a portion of a debate speech.

I’ll be sure to buy extras, since it’s clear this is yet another push towards the consumer market not deserving to own their media.

Fleeing, and pointing a pellet gun? Not sure I buy the story, based on that alone.

Does it make your stool loose and blood red too?

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Anyone else posted this yet?

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Jesus. Phishing emails like this have become so commonplace I actually miss the old Viagra spam emails in l33tspeak.

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I was getting awards for this lol:

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I can’t be the only one who expected a shittymorph ending, with in nineteen ninety eight when the undertaker threw mankind off hell in a cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcers table.

A cat beat everyone to it.

Well, I’m glad they’ve decided to make it an easy choice to sail the salty seas again!

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While I understand the sentiment, Spez was astroturfing when I left, and appears he still is. If a chunk of users chose to lurk to twist his nipples, let them. It’s their time and and if anyone deserves trolling, it’s the guy who had thousands of alts.

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It won’t, but I hope most of these people realize the only way it’ll change is consistently going to vote and keeping their family updated on what to vote on.

Which reminded me that Kevin Sorbo tried pushing for the Jan 6 insurrection and after it failed, he deleted the posts and said it was an Antifa plot to frame Donald Trump.

Or this lol

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They're stolen to be used for smoking crack or meth.

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I feel like we’re watching zombies slowly lurching towards us, but there’s people pretending it’s totally normal and nothing to worry about.

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I have an old account that I wiped 9 times, but used to post the spez getting railed by busty Garfield meme, that of course were deleted by an admin. It’s lately getting harassment PM’s/comments regarding older posts that were reactivated despite multiple deletions. It’s like they’re trying to bait me back into an argument lol, it’s weird and really sad for the communities.

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My concerns the product advertisers attempting to sneak in, bragging or something. It felt rampant on Reddit, so it’s probably left me wary. 😣

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My girlfriend is a math teacher, the number of middle schoolers that can’t do basic multiplication before is surprisingly high. Yet the schools keep passing the kids. I remember learning multiplication as a 4th grader, if I hadn’t, I would’ve never passed.

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All of this could be why he’s slowly morphing into Kathy Bates, he’s looking for a disguise we might trust.

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The fact they were erased, shows Spez’ hurt and encourages anyone who’s taken the time to do this to continue. They know they’ve found where he’s ticklish.

Yup, before the 1st I was getting mass harassed by what were clearly new accounts for pointing out the responders were clearly copying/pasting from a script.

But once that was pointed out, only 12 year old accounts with little posting history showed up lol, which seemed bizarre.

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Your laugh can’t be that bad. My grandma used to sound like a dolphin impression, but it never stopped her. Enjoy yourself, you only live once.

Speaking of Garfield, that reminds me of his illicit relationship with Spez.

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With a broad sword, preferably.

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OP, be the hero we all need, stare directly at the sun and show it who’s the boss for us, the little people. Don’t blink and win that starring contest!

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Which technically, is very shitty.

It’s the ShamWow guy.

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What more can you say about a man who lets cats with silicone implants have sex with him?

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Reminded me of this:

It isn’t, but don’t fret… there will be a huge lawsuit, they’ll settle for a few hundred million, which will roughly be less than 2% of what the company made. The lawyers suing will get their >75% cut and we all will get our .67¢ checks. /sarcasm

Capitalism sucks a huge bag of dicks.

At least he’s a consistent failure.

At this point, this news feels like being told, “water is wet.” Because of course he did.

Like anything that has life, there’s stages to death. Like the bloating and rotting, followed by the eventual popping of the corpse as the gasses that have been building up inside bursts out. Followed by the scavengers who will pick the corpse clean.

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