Any hairs movement feels like a bugs on you, it’s ever more common when you’re hairy to Lemmy – 372 points –

I had bedbugs once, and I basically had a case of delusional parasitosis as a result. I'm still not over it. Every speck on the floor, every slight itch, I still jump every time. Get yourself a bedbug proof mattress cover TODAY and your life can be saved.

Dealing with bedbugs was definitely the worst time in my life. I'm also not completely over it and jump when my clothes brush against my skin. Any hotel room or Airbnb I stay at gets a thorough examination around all the beds before my shoes come off.

It was a lot of fun explaining to people that no, I couldn't entertain them at my place because it was a functional quarantine zone. Oh you're going to stand way over there while you talk to me, that's cool I guess.

This is a joke community, but seriously. If you're reading this, go search online for what a bedbug looks like and be aware of signs of infestation. You do not want to have to fight with them when you could have acted sooner.

It was truly awful and I'm sorry you went through it too. I bought a pocket flashlight and I inspect hotel rooms with it, even the headrest at a movie theater. I still run every piece of fabric in my home through the dryer every couple of months just in case.

Seriously to people reading this, the mattress encasement and interceptors cost about 100 total, spend it now and save yourself a world of hurt.

What exactly makes it bedbug proof? I’ve avoided them and I’d like it to stay that way.

It's a heavy duty zippered bed encasement. Idk seems to work. Also get those interception things for the legs of your bed. A simple investment that can save you a lot of headaches, NOBODY is immune to them.

The mattress case, because it fully encapsulates your mattress, reduces the areas where bed bugs can hide.

I’m sold, even if it means one more thing to wash. 😣 Does it make the mattress any warmer in the summer time?

I bought one, and looking up the leg interception things now. How often do you need to wash the mattress cover?

I had PTSD from the great bed bug war of 2018 for for a couple years

Unless you've been through it, nobody truly understands. I'm sorry. My mental health has never been the same.

The problem is that very occasionally there actually IS a bug on you.

One time I thought my arm was just itchy until I looked down and it had like a 2.5 inch long cockroach on it.

Yes I freaked the fuck out.

Aghhh.. you’ve reminded me of the time I was in a room sleeping, but felt the sensation I was being watched, so I turned on the lamp next to my bed and a large pregnant insect crawled out of the bathroom in Palm Springs. I freaked out as it’s butt was full of what appeared to be a ridiculously bulbous egg sack.

I less than bravely called my sister in and instead of bothering to identify it, she grabbed a shoe and swiftly crushed it. It was a huge mess as the squish shot a juicy egg sack out on the floor. That night was my birthday lol.

Then it turns out to be a spotted lanternfly or another insect.

Or a jumping spider.

Jumping spiders are friend shaped, do not smash

The jumping spider that landed on me was just a baby and was placed on my window sill. I have a photo of it somewhere.

Edit: friend shaped spider. I took these on an iphone SE ages ago and pulled them from my old group chat so they got compressed heavily.

Kept one of those guys for a couple months after catching him on my living room wall. He ate small crickets readily and had web covering the walls and ceiling of his enclosure. Left the door unlatched one day and back into my house he went!

I'll have another one eventually, their hunting behavior is so fun to watch, especially when catching prey as big as them.

Jumping spiders are adorable. I have found ticks in my bed a couple times though so I worry about that

Dammit we just had ants and I just got over this you monster

Funny you mention it, we just got rid of them over a month ago. Pretty sure I poisoned myself while killing them lol.

All the time!

I've woken up smacking myself thinking a spider is crawling on me, and then spend the next 20 minutes trying to convince myself that there's no spider and its safe to fall asleep again.

I know the feeling, once I see one I can’t sleep until it’s dead or outside. 😳

I have thyroid issues, and when one of my hormones is out of wack, it feels like microscopic bugs are crawling all over me, especially in my eyelashes. That was A TON of fun to deal with until I realized what was going on.

If it makes you feel better, there are microscopic bugs that live and mate on your eyelashes. They're called Demodex mites.