
7 Post – 161 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you don't know what a content delivery network is, here : https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/cdn/what-is-a-cdn/

A CND is very costly to run in an effective way. And because it is an intermediary server between the user and content server, the market is already pretty full. So competing with the CDN giants is practically impossible in a decentralised manner.

Because of what a CDN does (cache website elements closer to the user, protect the website against ddos...), it cannot be a cheap weak server, or it's the one which will get overwhelmed by the ddos, or even the users.

Another limiting factor is that in decentralisation, that means different companies, and so many separate plans to pay, which is just impossible for a company.

If it was decentralized, a company would have to go and pay 100 different companies (which is more expensive, du to the server costs and each companies having their own staff to may (even if it's just 1 person per company)) just to offer a quick access to the users around the world, which is just impossible.

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I may have learned things about tech and computers on reddit, but I don't remember the posts, only the knowledge.

Also I learned that redditors in the comments are 75-90% stupid and useless in any post. I sometimes had to answer tech related posts just because the other answers were completely wrong and did not help the OP.

Tho sometimes there was some useful info. But only sometimes...

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Wtf is this stupid trash article about outsourcing to Jews controlling everything.

Don't loose your time with this.

It's peace of trash article. Just down vote the post.

Nah. It's pretty much a stupid article.

You cannot own a letter. However if the brand is too close to another, there could be something to base a lawsuit on.

Given the difficulty in protecting a single letter, especially one as popular commercially as 'X', Twitter's protection is likely to be confined to very similar graphics to their X logo," said Douglas Masters, a trademark attorney at law firm Loeb & Loeb.

"The logo does not have much distinctive about it, so the protection will be very narrow."

Insider reported earlier that Meta had an X trademark, and lawyer Ed Timberlake tweeted that Microsoft had one as well.

As it's stated in the article, meta, Microsoft and hundred own a trademark. Which means a very interesting thing : This article is s*

Why didn't Microsoft and meta go after the 100 other companies who have a "trademark" on the letter x?

You can't own a letter.

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Worldcoin is a company who's goal is to use AI to be able to identify a person by taking a picture of their eyes.

They are a for profit company which is extremely bad, and they have also started doing things which can be seen as very bad : like installing orbs as work of art which can take pictures and scan the eyes of people who gaze into the lens of the ball. https://news.artnet.com/art-world/worldcoin-orb-ai-2341500

Their "objective" of what they are saying is getting a way to identify a person. However they give to each person who dies it their eye hash, and 1 crypto coin, I think named after them. However them being a for profit company is very scary as we cannot know what they are doing with that data and if they will sell it or not.

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Like it is useful... Open ai already got all the useful info out of the websites.

Tho maybe for the sites generating new content it may have a use. But all the content before that is already lost to chatgpt.

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The bad news is that Android is still likely affected. Similar to Apple's ImageIO, Android has a facility called the BitmapFactory that handles image decoding, and of course libwebp is supported. As of today, Android hasn't released a security bulletin that includes a fix for CVE-2023-4863 -- although the fix has been merged into AOSP. To put this in context: if this bug does affect Android, then it could potentially be turned into a remote exploit for apps like Signal and WhatsApp. I'd expect it to be fixed in the October bulletin.

So a no-click device hack?

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They did pretty much since nfts exploded in popularity.

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Here is another article it seems to have more info https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/25/reddit-will-start-paying-you-real-money-for-your-karma/

redditors need to earn at least 10 gold within a 30-day period — if they don’t reach the threshold, the balance rolls over. For users with between 100 and 4,999 karma, they will receive $0.90 per 1 gold. Once you earn more than 5,000 karma, you can earn $1 per gold.

It's so bad... and what will happen is spam cheap bot content to get the gold amount necessary to get paid.

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Well some part of the bad reviews are the stupid battle between xbox and ps users going to leave bad reviews because it's an exclusive...

And there are the genuine people leaving good and bad reviews.

But I can see such a score. The game isn't that great from all the reviews I saw. And it seems to "become good" after 10 hours of play time...

If that is what it takes for a game to become good, it's not that great.

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Even if it takes more space, there are still benefits over biofuels.

The hydrogen can be created using electricity. Currently it is not very efficient, but only uses electricity and water. Electricity can come from de carbonated (/low carbon) sources.

And a fuel cell will use that hydrogen to generate electricity by combining the hydrogen into water with outside oxygen.

For the biofuel, it's a big climate hoax. The issue with bio fuels, is that the energy required to produce them is huge. It required bacteria producing carbon emissions, and the fuel also produced carbon emissions. Whatever entered that plan, will get out, and even more because of the transformation. (i don't remember which video from Undecided with Matt Ferell was about biofuels). Tho maybe it could be used for something. To get slightly less carbon emissions than with normal fuel.

There may also be a solution with batteries. However the energy density for them is lower compared to hydrogen. Tho, there may be some battery innovation I saw passing by which could be pretty interesting.

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And the WiFi router has to not be configured as a bridge device. It has to be it's own DHCP provider.

On Linux -> https://arstechnica.com/security/2023/09/password-stealing-linux-malware-served-for-3-years-and-no-one-noticed/

(not a virus directly from a package manager or distro tho).

However nothing prevents someone from hosting malware on github, or fake "safe" distros.

There can also be a slip and people not seeing a project turned into malware.

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Nothing "new" that hasn't been shared already :

  • Unity top leaders selling stock before the announcement
  • they proposing "special" deal to not get the per install fee applied if the devs opt in to use only Unity's advertising plaform in order to kill competition.
  • Unity getting death threats from employees.
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I don't use it because of mobile adblock only. There are multiple private chromium browsers which have mobile adblock, and also one supporting extensions : kiwi browser.

I use Firefox because it's a competing engine to chromium, and it looks good.

I also have all the synced bookmarks from my PC Firefox, which I use for the same reason, and because I got used to it.

It's way too big for this little amount of people, and somehow I stumbled on a porn drawing...

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The excel spreadsheet can be read by anything. And if someone gets hold of it either through malware or access to the computer, they get all your passwords.

A password manager allows to store the passwords in an encrypted file. The file being encrypted, if the password is strong, may not be accessed easily or fast enough to be worth the effort.

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Not news. They already did since nfts exploded in popularity. Also they did give away free avatar nfts since then for some events.

This would be the biggest part. Right now Lemmy cannot be compared 1:1 but somehow I don't really miss video content.

Also reddit has a lot of ads and some of them are video ads which consume data just for displaying them.

50€ for a premium clothing. Or 20€ if you only want 1 color for that premium clothing.

And to purchase them, you need to purchase palia coins, which are as expected not the exact amount to buy the clothing.

So like you need to buy 2k coins for 1.6k clothing pack.

For eu users : https://competition-policy.ec.europa.eu/antitrust/procedures/complaints_en

However not sure how it works, if you need to be directly affected as a company of user, or if you need to be a citizen to file a complaint.

I don't have the necessary detail and information to be able to file the complaint.

If you give the detail on how it works and why it affects competition I may be able to file a complaint.

Howerver from what I saw in news the EU and US are already collaborating in an investigation against Google. Not sure if it's true, current and on what exactly.

Wtf are you talking about. Linux isn't a distro.

And the example isn't a "only noobs use it".

It's an example of an exploit existing since many years. And which could have appeared in a random package, while staying invisible.

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Do you know how much cost is involved in developing a peace of software?

Get what you need > a lot of time and good view of the company is needed.

Then either get a company to do it > expensive + no control on the software.


Make it yourself > extremely expensive + control on the software.

Get the right people > hiring campaign > expensive

Then these hired people represent more people to pay each month > expensive.

If there aren't right people, you need to teach the devs how to work on it > expensive formations and it's done on the working time, so double expensive.

Then time invested in creating the Linux distro adapted to the company > time, testing, mistakes, redo, undo... expensive.

(let's not forget about taxes and obligations towards the new workers).

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Well from the article a dataset is required, but not always the heavier one.

Tho it doesn't solve the speed issue, where the llm will take a lot more time to do the compression.

gzip can compress 1GB of text in less than a minute on a CPU, an LLM with 3.2 million parameters requires an hour to compress

From what I'm reading, it's Sony cutting ties with a s* company.

In the open letter they also ask to contact Sony to get refunds, which is not at all how it works. And GamingHeads should be the one giving refunds. They then manage with Sony.

From comments I can read on the website and reddit, it seems that statues were taking a very long time to ship (5 years).

Tho destroying ready to ship products isn't great either.

Well, with all the porn on twitter, it may be an appropriate name.

There are already jokes in brand names like from French :

Official "X" account Msi France

There is a flatpak zoom app. I guess it can be sandboxes somehow. It would most likely not pose any privacy threat outside of zoom.

But keep in mind that zoom got into it's privacy policy, that they can record and use for ai anything you do and say during a meeting (if you didn't allow access to the desktop during the meeting, zoom shouldn't be able to record it, so most likely won't matter for that, only what you send through their servers).

Let's wait for the anti-reddit pixel art. Mods will "cheat" and remove it before it stays too long.

And maybe it will even be removed from the "public" data.

It's not always easy to combine the different requirements for those companies.

Some companies have trackers/advertising in their software. In that case, puting them open source would mean that everyone would see the code and be unhappy about the adverts.

Another issue is pirating. Open sourcing the code could maybe allow easier pirating, either by removing the trackers/adverts or by just not buying the software.

Managers can also not know, or not care about open source.

Another issue is that open sourcing it in a way where someone can modify it, may create issues with some people trying to redistribute the software, even if the licence doesn't allow that, which would create more legal work for those companies.

Because "gaming" headphones often aren't "just" headphones. They are headsets with a built-in boom mic

And a boom-mic is often way better than a crap wire mic or bluetooth headphone non boom mic.

There are still the trash ones, but there are also very good ones.

And a built-in mic is extremely useful on multiple situations : console gaming, tight space gaming (no place for a mic), or when there is only a single port on a device (tho a splitter, or hub could be used for a jack port or usb). There is also the convenience of just having a mic.

The issue now with all these headsets being "gaming", is because of the marketing.

Some headphones brands have put mics on theirs, to make them headsets :

Beyerdynamic with the mx300 : the tight clamp makes it a bit of a no go for me. The mic is as just between ok and great. The voice is full, but there is a lot of noise in there from the reviews I saw.

Audio technica : they have multiple of them. Latest one the ath-m50xsts. It looks like a circum aural headset, but is not. It's a on ear headset with ear isolation like a circum aural. Which is pretty bad for me. Tho the mic is the best I've ever heard on a headset.

They are both wired only.

And other brands not marketing as "gaming" headsets are either extremely expensive with strange mics, or have most of their production budget into audio and they pair the headphone with a trash mic to make it a headset.

In gaming headset brands, there are multiple ones providing software, mic, and wireless features enhancing the experience of the user. For example low latency high bandwidth wireless (proprietary, wifi-like 2.4ghz) connexions only exist in gaming branded headphones/sets. (high bandwidth = higher than bluetooth for the same latency).

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Well it's not that bad, tho why? why would this be restricted?

Is it to reduce spam with "low" quality content which doesn't make people stay longer?

There would be a huge downside in the real world.

The real world would seem dull, boring and depressing. As you cannot have that rich experience as in that virtual world.

A bit like drugs. It would create a dependence which would increase indefinitely until it would be extremely hard to live anything in the real world.

Not sure how instances are advertised on https://join-lemmy.org/instances

However advertising new instances on a community may not be a very good plan.

The issue is in order to find your post on that community, someone would have to be subscribed on another instance, but that would mean that a new user would see that post (by some random magic because it will get 100% buried by the other content) by already being in an instance.

So why would the new user look at your post, click on the link and create an account your instance inseatd of just creating one on the instance where they got first?

For the users already with an account on an instance, i don't really know if it would really have traction. It would be like competing against the already existing instance + account switch or multi account use. (also same issue for the buried post maybe, tho if someone really wants to search for instances he could just go and look at that community).

So posting in a community may help slightly, but because it's not like a community where people subscribe for content, it may have a very limited reach.

If Google didn't remove it from their browser... Not sure in how much time, if ever, jpeg xl would become popular.

Google only just recently introduced encrypted passwords... Before they were stored in plain text on your computer... Tho I'm not even sure how that encryption even works.

So... It may not have leaked yet (or maybe it has but Google suppresses everything, who knows) but I wouldn't trust it to keep something safe.

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Bitwarden is very good. And it is not getting hacked every year as Lastpass... (another free password manager).

I also saw that proton has launched proton pass as a password manager. Seems to also be free, but only the app, I think is open source, and not the server. It also works less well than bitwarden, being new it can be expected.

Do you know how much money Google has? It's enough to do whatever with that, even just keep the people away from competition.

Why Google did that or if it's even true? Not sure.

However Google is a big tech which develops software for a multitude of platforms, even Linux. They work on their own Linux mod : Android.

So they have all the people already in the company to do whatever they want on Linux.

They also have specific needs which may not need windows.

We however use excel and the advanced feature Power query and power Bi. So as long as a Foss alternative doesn't get to the level of the current insanely powerful excel and power bi, we'll be stuck on windows.

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There aren't just concerns, it's a f prediction.

redditors need to earn at least 10 gold within a 30-day period — if they don’t reach the threshold, the balance rolls over. For users with between 100 and 4,999 karma, they will receive $0.90 per 1 gold. Once you earn more than 5,000 karma, you can earn $1 per gold.

System76 is a bit strange. Their laptops are more expensive than other windows brands, while offering Linux. I'm not sure if it's really worth going with them, as a lot of other laptops ca work with Linux. Tho maybe I missed something about their laptops.

Framework I think I saw some Poole saying it has some issues running Linux with some component incompatibilities. Tho you may want to do more research, maybe even opening some reddit threads and dodging useless comments.

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Do you have lots of cash to support the copyright and maintenance fees? The Web archive (I think, or another similar website) got sued for having knowledge and book contents on their website. You can't just publish hacked books.

Most likely you would need a way to generate money for a "business".

There would be some ways like advertising (can be OK, but not always the best, it depends on how many adds, how scummy ads, and how much tracking/data selling).

Donations? = pretty much no expected revenue. The amount of revenue you can get is very low.

Paid features, but what features could be paid while keeping free access?