TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)

@TimLovesTech (AuDHD)(he/him)@badatbeing.social
0 Post – 418 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hi I'm Tim.

I'm AuDHD - officially diagnosed ADHD and self-diagnosed (for now) with ASD. I also suffer from a great deal of Imposter Syndrome.

Well like I've said in one of these threads, it really was the perfect storm for him. That was about as bad as he has looked and sounded in his almost 4 year term. I saw video of him at a campaign stop the next day and it was like night and day. He was still old, and still had a cold, but he looked more alive - for lack of a better word.

But I 100% agree that the party's only choice shouldn't be a rich white senior citizen. The minimum age requirement is 35, and we should be shooting for closer to that, rather than well past "retirement age".

How often does either party primary an incumbent president? Wikipedia only lists five notable one. And also has this little factoid that shows it usually backfires for the party.

Since the advent of the modern primary election system in 1972, an incumbent president has never been defeated by a primary challenger, though every president who faced a strong primary challenge went on to be defeated in the general election.

Edit - Forgot my wiki link. =(

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Luckily the EPA now has no power to do anything about it either, all but guaranteeing it gets worse before it ever gets better.

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Biden is just old, and the cold did him no favors. He was also I think completely unprepared for the firehose of just straight up disprovable lies coming at him while also trying to actually convey his talking points. Even if well I don't think it's a great medium for an 81 yr old man. Listen to him elsewhere though and it's clear he still has his marbles, unlike Trump who is on a fast decline and unable to even explain an idea. The man isn't as young as he was clearly, and probably should have just retired long ago. But having known family and others with dementia, I don't think Biden has dementia at all, he's just old and debates like an 81 yr old.

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It's great when the highest court in the land has decided to use the court as a weapon and reinterpret settled case law, which just happens to be in favor of the people giving them bribes gratuities. Weird that! Can't wait for my friends to spend $2.4 million on me ...

Are these Black and Hispanic voters going to the guy that talked about immigrants "taking Black jobs?" or eventually "taking Hispanic jobs too"? How can any minority vote for a man that is clearly a racist through and through. His father was a racist, arrested marching with the KKK, and they both got fined for not renting to people of color. He has a history of using minority and immigrant labor so he can threaten and cheat them out of pay. The list goes on and on. Biden may not be a saint (far from it), but he at least believes in democracy.

Also that debate was the perfect storm for Biden.

    1. He was clearly getting over a cold and sounded like he needed to clear his throat the whole time.
    1. Because of #1 it made overcoming his speech issues like his stutter all the more difficult, requiring more mental processing than normal.
    1. The debate format of no guardrails and having 2 minutes to both try and state your talking points, and also trying to counter the absolute bullshit word salad of lies Trump was spewing his way was a lot to process for anyone, let alone an 81yr old.
    1. CNN gave in to the Right and dropped the fact checking that afternoon, but Biden really had no choice but to show up. Imagine what conspiracy theories would have come out of Biden pulling out last minute because his campaign knew it was going to be a shit show. You can't reason with people acting in bad faith, and once the fact checking was removed this "debate" was a lose/lose situation for Biden. I read or heard this someplace around the time of the debate, but I'm unable to find it now.

I don't disagree that Biden's showing was disheartening, but I also think the fact that he was actually trying to convey a message, while having a firehouse of shit spewed at him from his right should factor into that as well. It was a "debate" with someone acting in bad faith and Joe trying to follow the rules, with basically no moderation at all. It wasn't a debate, but more like trying to have a rational talk with a kid that just keeps sticking out his tongue and making fart noises.

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Well hindsight is always 20/20, and some of the topics you could tell Biden felt passionate about exacerbating his trouble articulating his thoughts. Overall I don't think a "debate" is the correct format for trying to contrast himself with Trump. You can't argue with the kid that is just going to stick out his tongue or make fart noises anytime you try and talk, and that is what Joe was trying to do with Trump.

Sorry, I can't find it now. I know I read or heard it around the time of the debate, but have no idea where at this point so I've noted such above. And up until I saw a post here on Lemmy about how much of a train wreck it was early on I wasn't even going to watch the debate at all, because I already know I'm pro-democracy and that is really what this election is all about.

Thank you for fact checking me though, I don't want to be the source of inaccurate information.

Reading the Memorandum, it doesn't specify what Bible is to be used. Perhaps malicious compliance uses a "alternative" version?

Also found this from the Satanic Temple (who hopefully is on top of this) -

If a public school permits the distribution of religious materials to the student body, they have opened a limited public forum and are obligated to allow religious materials from other faiths. This principle applies to other forms of school-sponsored religious expression as well.

Also funny how these hypocrites go on and on about indoctrination, and then want to indoctrinate every kid in the state by law.

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He also followed that up with a line about immigrants coming after Hispanic jobs. I don't know how any "debate" can be taken seriously when a candidate can say shit like that and the immediate follow up question isn't, "Mr. Trump, what is a Black or Hispanic job?".

If you go back further though, translation of the text to a language the "people" could understand was illegal. Anyone caught with such texts was imprisoned or worse. Those in charge and using religion to control the masses (it's true intention IMHO) didn't want everyone to be able to read it, they wanted people depending on the "chosen" to teach and judge them (what today we may call a cult).

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Right, only the modern interpretation of an original text that very few people in the world has even seen, let alone able to read. And then all the MANY offshoots of Christianity because each had something people didn't like, a "leader" made a new "version" for them. Forced indoctrination like this is very similar to starting a cult, as almost all of those start with someone that needs to interpret the text or "God's" word.

I think it would be an interesting exercise for everyone pushing this to have to compare and contrast with say David Koresh, or Joseph Smith, and explain how their version of God's word isn't a cult.

This is quid pro quo being ruled as NOT bribery because it comes to the person on the backside of the favor. This is almost certainly to do with the majority of the court recently being outed about the amount of high value bribes gifts/vacations they are getting from "friends".

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"Their taking Black jobs, and their taking Hispanic jobs ..."

"What exactly is a Black or Hispanic job Mr. Trump?" should have been the follow up on that one.

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Adderall, if you don't have ADHD, will act as a stimulant but does nothing to make you smarter or more coherent. It also does nothing for dementia that the Trump team wants everyone to believe Joe has, somehow without symptoms. Trump on the other hand has MANY symptoms of dementia, and appears to be declining quickly.

Pretending that a drug even exists that somehow Biden could take that would make him alert and dementia free for a debate (or State of the Union) just helps muddy the water around Trump's decline.

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So his stance is he's not a villain because he only worked at camps full of abuse, but because he wasn't "in charge" it's not an issue? Maybe if he could have done something about the abuse, well unless he was also abusing kids? But who the hell stays at a camp you know is full of abuse unless you're also abusing them?

I think it's a bit of a dog whistle as well.

These are companies not people (even though we treat them that way when convenient), and they broke a regulation that is part of their expected operating procedures. Why are we dragging this into court and seating a jury because a company didn't do the thing they were supposed to do. They should have no presumption of innocence, the inspection is the proof one way or the other. This just lets them further delay any consequences, and will be another thing calculated into their cost analysis of "are we going to follow the rules" or is it more cost effective (at least short term because that's what shareholders care about) to just NOT ever follow the rules, delay any fines, rinse and repeat?

If you’re out there working and didn’t go to college, Joe Biden’s forgiving student loans, and you’re paying for them,” the Republican senator said on Fox News Sunday.

OK, so my pennies, which amount to a rounding error, are making it so someone else can get their head above water? What is the bad/scary/dictator part?? They are so afraid of education, as the second you can do critical thinking their whole fear mongering platform of lies falls apart.

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I don't understand how these students would even still be around to graduate when Project 2025 has them all being rounded up. This is clearly a case of Trump saying shit for someone trying to get their vote with 0% intent to follow through on it, because he only cares about himself.

Just took a look at them, and Rumble is for sure a hard pass. The 2 rows under "news" is all far-right extremist videos, which is great if you are aiming for the Parlor/Truth Social/Nazi and Nazi sympathizers of the internet, but I think you'll miss most of the world going that toxic on the frontage.

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They can't, because no drug is available that both pumps you up, and helps the symptoms of dementia for a short burst of time. It's all an effort to muddy the water about Trump's clear cognitive decline that appears to be accelerating. If elected for another term, he may well be like Regan, with an even more evil "Nancy" in his ear "guiding" him everyday (and to essential be running the country while keeping Trump's decline on the DL).

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Well in all fairness to this racist lady, she was trying to drown the 6yr old brother also, but he got away.

In all seriousness though, you have Trump calling everyone non-white vermun (he says American but his followers know) and how they plan to round them all up Hitler style in November should he win. He even stood behind someone yelling out at his rally that they should start executing "illegals" on the spot. This is only going to become more common place the longer we let dangerous hate language just be spewed by a presidential candidate and his army of puppets, because everything is always "both sides".

To your point, the amount of money/effort to even try and rival YouTube (and/or Google) would be a hell of a task for sure. Since you would want it to be open, well moderated (but not so much that the majority of people scream "censorship!"), and be able to store/encode/serve a wild amount of video daily. And the later 2 things get exponentially more difficult as you scale.

It would need to be like the Fediverse on steroids, doing a distributed filesystem allowing every federated member to host/encode/serve part of the burden (like Kazaa/Limewire/DC++) but in some manner that people could be assured node hosts couldn't tamper with videos. And then you would also need some sort of reward for creators that wouldn't somehow lead to greedy power struggles causing an implosion of your open platform.

Ah, to dream.

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It was certainly staged, she went on Bannon's podcast right after complaining about it.

In their current state, I would argue none of them are actually alternatives in the sense of being a real replacement. None of them is setup to scale, making the moderation/filtering point kinda moot.

What are you trying to point out here? That we have dementia medication that helps keep patients awake?

If so, that is missing the point of the fact that being awake does not mean "alert" or "amped up" which is what the GOP keeps claiming. They are also stressing that Biden can actually speak in full sentences and convey ideas. He may stumble from time to time, but he is in his 80's and has struggled with a stutter his whole life. He will also catch and correct himself.

Trump has the "amped up" part covered with his uppers, but he can't put together a logical sentence, let alone an idea or "paint a picture" of his plan for anything. He increasingly has ticks and brain skips where he gets stuck and has to just bail.

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I'm agreeing with you, and just try to explain the "why" part, as some people just hear "performance enhancing drug(s)" and don't stop to think what that even means for man in his 80's.

That drug is not being used in the context of the GOP allegations with 100% certainty. Dementia treatment drugs, including that one you linked, are not just pop them before the debate and your "symptom free" and/or all of a sudden a word smith. We don't have drugs that bring people back to the degree the GOP is claiming Biden is, and trying to both sides this just gives validation to these wild conspiracy theories.

Biden is old, and that is what people are seeing and trying to both sides. There are times when an 81 year old man is going to be unsure what to do, but it's because they are old and the world has changed a lot in 80+ years. But we also have Fox and others editing videos, like cropping Biden interacting with a paratrooper so they are out of the frame and he looks like he is facing the wrong way and lost. This is part of their "flood the zone with shit" plan that makes it so we are even discussing this like it's a both sides issue instead of just Trump being a few years away from being another Regan.

Edit - autocorrect hates me. 😩

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There is a HUGE difference in my mind on what is being debated here, and what the Far Right are alleging. The Far Right is saying that Biden has dementia like symptoms 90% of the time, and then for big things like the State of the Union and now this debate, someone gives him a bunch of drugs and all of a sudden his dementia is 100% gone and he is sharp and full of energy. All the stimulants in the world aren't going to reverse the stage of dementia they allege that Biden has (or that Trump has - and may well be self treating that way).

I did a little research of my own to see if any actual studies existed about the effect of stimulants on people with dementia and found, this one and this one.

The first had the following quote:

Although patients showed improvements in apathy scores, the authors cautioned that benefits were modest (that could be due to the modest study size). In addition, patients did not show improvements in tests that measure how successfully they complete activities of daily living, like getting dressed and preparing meals. Nor did the drug lead to improvements in tests of memory and thinking skills. It might take longer than six months to observe significant differences on those parameters, or it might also be function of the age of the patients.

This was also after 6 months, not a pill before "show time". Also remember that Biden is 81, to much up could turn his lights off.

The second study found this:

There were no significant treatment effects on cognition and clinical outcomes, as expected given the short trial duration.

This study was over 12 months, so double the other and nothing.

Edit - ugh .. spelling.

Why bother? What drugs are we hoping to find and be like "gotcha!", that's why he had such a convincing word salad about magnets, windmills, sharks, and batteries when asked about his plan for a future term.

I'm sure Canonical's neverending death march towards Snap, along with the OS running outdated packages, is why Valve no longer uses Ubuntu for SteamOS development. The greatest April Fools was Ubuntu dropping Snaps because so many people were saying how they could go back to using Ubuntu again...then they noticed it was a joke and the sadness set in.

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So this isn't about actual gamers, this about bad actors looking for chuds to recruit through games, which is not a new concept. It used to be chat rooms, and then forums, then social media, now games (as many have social features).

I mean the US military, among others, have been using gaming to recruit people already.

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For those not upset and see the band "just playing a gig", what would be a line that you personally would consider too far? Would you be ok with them doing a private show for Netanyahu and his cabinet? Would a private show for Trump and his Republican lackeys be ok? How about Nestle CEO and its board, but none of its workers? Would a private show for the Proud Boys be ok if they had a "dump truck full of cash"?

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Asking your supporters to engage in voter intimidation for the next election when you've been charged, and will be tried shortly, for leading an insurrection after the last election seems like a great game plan. /s

I can't imagine being this guys lawyer. You must either be eating a handful of Tums every night, or your just as loony as him and actually don't see how everything he says and does it toxic to himself and everyone in his orbit.

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So by doing this the way she has set it up, she can now allow Trump's lawyers to present this amazingly poor case that the espionage act is too vague. If she then grants that motion to toss the charge, Jack Smith cannot appeal it, nor can Trump be charged with it again because of Double Jeopardy.

Our only hope is that Jack Smith is right now working on his case to force her recusal from the case, that he'll need to make to the 11th circuit.

EDIT - This all requires a jury sworn in - forgot that part.

Having a court appointed auditor also makes it difficult for him to use laundered money (or otherwise illegal sources). He has already claimed the auditor has cost him "millions", which isn't a thing if you're operating "beautifully" and above board all legal like.

It is also not in their job description to disperse "justice", or do anything but apprehend suspects and then allow the Justice System we have in place to deal with that. The second they step outside of that description they should be treated like any other citizen who took vigilante justice into their own hands, being charged and tried as such.

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I think the issue here is that you no longer can have "balanced" political discussion when one side cannot help but regurgitate conspiracy theories, disinformation, and just 100% proven false statements in bad faith. The minute you platform these people any meaningful "debate" evaporates and you're left with discussion not based on anything in reality. And trying to only works to drag the Overton Window to the right.

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In that video they already had guns out and pointed at him. A group of unmarked "cops" shouldn't be allowed to draw weapons and surround your car on a seatbelt violation. The second they all showed up with weapons drawn I would consider his shot self defense.

They shouldn't even be approaching the car until a uniformed officer is on scene to vouch that these aren't just some Proud Boys (or any similar group of wanna be paramilitary out LARPing) playing cops.