MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden to – 388 points –
MAGA panics before Donald Trump's first debate with Biden

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Adderall, if you don't have ADHD, will act as a stimulant but does nothing to make you smarter or more coherent. It also does nothing for dementia that the Trump team wants everyone to believe Joe has, somehow without symptoms. Trump on the other hand has MANY symptoms of dementia, and appears to be declining quickly.

Pretending that a drug even exists that somehow Biden could take that would make him alert and dementia free for a debate (or State of the Union) just helps muddy the water around Trump's decline.

It would be a good thing to test Trump on drugs. His team has all the incentive to make him not sound the babbling idiot that he is.

Why bother? What drugs are we hoping to find and be like "gotcha!", that's why he had such a convincing word salad about magnets, windmills, sharks, and batteries when asked about his plan for a future term.

They both have dementia.

The constant stream of occasions of Biden becoming incoherent, forgetting social norms and protocol and sometimes just standing there blitzed out of his mind are clear signs of dementia. They are both demented old men and watching people argue about how their demented old men is less demented is hilarious on the one said and deeply sad and worrying on the other side.

Also Adderall, which is amphetamine aka speed also acts as a stimulant for people with ADHD. It is just at a smaller dosage that makes the stimulation help focus. Like you said stimulants cannot help against dementia. Regular stimulant use is more likely to worsen it, as it is neurotoxic.

My life is a constant stream of becoming incoherent, forgetting social norms and standing there dumbfounded and very few people say I’m demented. I also don’t engage the public for work, nor do I have a camera trained on me all day with an army of detractors at the ready.

Are you a career politician? Do you have 40 years of experience on how exactly not to do this? Does your work require a particular emphasis on knowing how to behave with a camera on you half of the day?

There has been like 4 videos about Biden that are all provably fake in the past week alone. They're lying about him. He's old, but he doesn't have dementia.