Trump Tells Supporters ‘Don’t Worry About Voting’ On Election Night

Flying to politics – 877 points –
Trump Tells Supporters ‘Don’t Worry About Voting’ On Election Night

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Asking your supporters to engage in voter intimidation for the next election when you've been charged, and will be tried shortly, for leading an insurrection after the last election seems like a great game plan. /s

I can't imagine being this guys lawyer. You must either be eating a handful of Tums every night, or your just as loony as him and actually don't see how everything he says and does it toxic to himself and everyone in his orbit.

His lawyers are just there to drag it out, they plan on using mob violence to settle things when time runs out if he hasn't been elected.

There are two things his lawyers are going to bank on: that toxic and illegal are very different things and that their real goal is to drag things out in hopes of a second term for Trump.

Maybe the ones that aren't co-defendants with him ... yet. Although helping him win a 2nd term gets them what? If he gets his 2nd term, and the GOP gladly allow him to assume his dream of being dictator:

    1. he will have just as much chance of paying them (probably less than 1%).
    1. he would also have no need for the law/lawyers/judges. I think anyone that could challenge him would be in the first wave of the "purge" .

It seems that his remaining lawyers are grifters rather than true believers...

their real goal is to drag things out in hopes of a second term for Trump.

... their real goal is to drag things out because they get paid by the hour.

It's a convenient scenario where the best strategy for the client is also the highest billing strategy.