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Bro did you even read the initial comment and my long answer to that? My whole point was that russia, was put into a geopolitical corner and had to react out of material reasons, independent of their leadership. You come up with "be nice to your neighbors" as if the USA doesn't meddle with their peripheral states and tries to put up bases there. LOL I wish I could see the world as simple as darth vader vs luke skywalker like you do

This is what bothers me the most. China has genuine problems, but all people are doing is putting up strawmen and attacking them. It makes conversation impossible and no one can see what China is actually doing. And in some ways that’s far more dangerous.

This. Hard agree. How can we ever talk about China genuinely if all we do is calling their policies with strawmen and can't actually discuss what their society and politics is about

The EU & US are gonna fight the sun before they fight capitalism. Every year they announce X billions of investment, and in the following years nobody even remembers where all that money went. Then they repeat the process, increasing the numbers each time. Isn't this the peak of neoliberalism?

Not really, just got reminded of this kind of memes bro

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Putin passes you a cup of tea. Do you accept? o.0

Not surprising, given that they made billions in the US and EU after their invasions of Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and so on

'rule for life'

You and your red scare. All he did was remove the term limit "up to 2", with the party's consent, but he still has to be re-elected after every term. I also don't understand what so "dictator" about it, you had Merkel "in power" for way more than 10 years. Maybe it is useful to keep the most qualified guy with already having 10 years of experience in that position for longer than just 2011-2021, and let him continue when the country experienced the largest economic growth in their history?

Also, to me it seems that you think if you change your politicians every 8 years without any difference but the lobby stays for eternity, makes it suddenly a democratic state and totally not a dictatorship?

You keep your definition, but I don't see how being able to be re-elected more than 1 time is making you "ruling in absolute unlimited never-ending complete autocratic unrestricted autocratic oppressive fascist (ah have I mentioned absolute already?) power" (just put in more into the word salad and you start to sound smart).

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The last time they flew in space was when they cooperated with Soviets. And they didn't invade wtf? The red army was invited by the socialist Afghanistan government to fight the terrorist backed by the US. Which later actually invaded and then used the geological maps created and given to the Afghans by Soviets decades prior (where they hoped the people of Afghanistan will use them to built their economy) to extract resources lmao And finally fled from the airport in Kabul, which was built by the USSR...

They had a nice society before Mujahideen and the Taliban, financed by the US, btw. (Actually the Taliban at least prohibited drug trafficking contrary to yanks and nato fascists)

The submarine seems to have only one button for on/off... Did they think they can connect to iTunes there in case of some boot issues?

True. But I meant if all is only controlled from the inside, then what do you do if again that fails, seems like the same problem

destroying the big bear once and for all

You sure about that? Wasn’t Russia like in a much worser shape after WW1 and got raided by line 15 countries at once (“to strangle the bolshevik baby in its crib” according to Churchill)? And they still prevailed?

I think actually if USA is serious about a war with China they will only command Taiwan to jump under the bus and declare independence, the actual country that will fight against China like Ukraine against Russia will be Japan (and SK’s Army). Taiwan can be cut off from USAs wunderwaffles supplies by NPLA and its economy is not as strong like that of Japan if they want them to fight until the last Japanese ;) . Also the mental preparation is already there (where in Taiwan they would rather wonder after a while why they should fight other Chinese).

Saw a video this morning where a Ukrainian farmer escaped a police car from getting drafted, on his tractor. Since the war life in Ukraine turned to GTA with 3 or more stars for people between 18-60. Nobody really wants to be sent into a mine field in a giant steel can and to catch missles, so some Oligarch can get more funding until he flies off to Poland or settles down in Panama.

this concept is indeed unnecessary if you can't even open your submarine yourself in the first place, another article says the bolts outside need to be oppened by a crew on the support ship

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..., dispersing radioactive contaminates into NATO territory...

This you left out on purpose?

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I agree, these points fully describe China - Republic of China & their DPP in Taiwan. Every point hits the nail on the head lmao

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The BBC has secretly interviewed three

Yeah? And I have secretly interviewed Harry Potter telling me there are not enough flying brooms left in London😎

In what sense? That the very gentlemen who tipped their hats and said to Russia's concerns on toxic ammo "bla bla", now assemble because of the same concerns, are called reasonable?

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Then show also the map of countries aiding Russia, if by "aid" you mean selling stuff to a country. I think even Europe would be blue by that logic.

lemmy patrol?

Bruh of course the PRC is not fascist (if this word has any meaning nowadays) - they removed them 70 years ago, however ironically the ROC fits your description

what? My point still stands NATO likes to sh*t but not to eat sh*t

Hey mr big brains, that was only for example sake, I had the talk between the Bri'ish gents and Russia in mind, I don't even know what this twitter account is

I don't understand if you are sarcastic? Literally a few months ago the Britbongs announced they sent depleted uranium ammo to Ukraine, known for causing increased cancer rates and birth defects in the regions they are used. Japan said they will donate trucks which were used during Fukushima and still are radioactive to Ukraine. Now, NATO suddenly cares about contaminates? LMAO this only proves Westerners see Ukrainians as subhumans just as they see Russians, they put them through stuff they would never accept on their soil.

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What you said was completely unrelated and now you want to debate a different box. Classic western disinformation

Not true. With the USSR went the need to support any social services in the US since there was no alternative ideology anymore, so it was a loss for the working class of the US, which is the majority. It was a rhetorical question, which you didn't get.

Also btw, the USSR collapsed not because of internal strife and balkanization, that was the result. It collapsed because of the introduction of profit/market economy.

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LMAO out of all of this you mention the Chernobyl disaster, which makes me think you learn Soviet history through your Britbong "History" tv series. Maybe next you watch as well a Netflix episode on the Russian Tsar?

Which Soviet leader betrayed the Afghan government and pulled out the military again, led the Socialist Afghanistan to collapse under terrorists?

Which Soviet leader did everything the Americans told him, took IMF loans and put in market elements during an economic stagnation, just like pouring oil into a fire?

Ah, I know, Europeans gave a loud applause after his "performance" and gave that traitor a nobel prize and a passport to live in Germany. You would never admit the bastard caused any of this because you guys suck his D in your history lessons.

followed by many republics declaring independence

you mean re-introduced neofeudalism and cut off partnership with the only country that made sure they have energy, manufacturing and built powerstations, schools and infrastructure with them?

Go ask Moldavia, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Usbekistan, the Baltics, ... how their new independence feels like? Hell, ask Afghans the last time they flew into space?

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nice whataboutism.

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Even if

What do you mean by even if? Where did I say "therefore the invasion of Ukraine cannot be a failure" or "therefore Russia's capitalist government will do the best for their people in the long term"? Again, what's up with all this X and Y cannot be true at the same time.

I mean, who are the winners in a Cold War at all? You say there is a NATO border incoming. Is this a win for the world population, to be closer to a nuclear war? When two blocks of oligarchies exchange punches, I would say one misses the point when they cheer on the blue-yellow one.

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I think bacause the media always portrays Russia in a certain way, you expect now that Prigozhin is instantly dead, no trial, shot on sight, missiles onto his residence... this is not the reality. In the West, there is no mutual understanding and negotiation, somebody always has to "own" somebody else, down-to-the-knees-lick-my-boots type. This fails to project to Russia and other countries outside the G7-bubble. Imagine that maybe, maybe the Russian government can reason and think, if it is feasable to start an internal war along a first or instead just send through Lukashenko a promise to him to call back his army? Also Putin never called him directly a traitor, even if he is one, because that isn't the style of Russian officials to call people names (unlike Western & Ukrainian policians).

I swear you guys can only compare the world to Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter and map every villan so slavic politicians.

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What in OP's comment did not seem like reddit r/worldnews level to you? And no, I don't expect to get a reply nor a discussion with OP, it just appears to me that the top comments are usually simple one-liners, so I thought I elaborate this time on an alternative view and mock their (possible) world view that they put out as some common fact

Not really, as you argue without respect to the core of the problem, that is, the US is building a geopolitical tool next to Russia's borders (obviously against Russia). Even if Putin suddenly disappears, another politician will get support from Russia's elite and probably easy consent from the Russian public to pursue an anti-NATO foreign policy.

Nothing will change until the US will change it's foreign policy towards Russia and stop meddling with countries bordering with Russia.

Also this does not contradict that Russia is not an oligarchy or Putin is not a dictator, before you call me pro-Putin. Russia can be the aggressor, an "extreme right-wing dictator ship" that attacked Ukraine and at the same time Ukraine was set up like a red flag in front of a bull by the West.

Remember, there is no reason a country like Russia should perceive the US and its vassal states as friendly. They have no way to assume whatever they do with Ukraine or try to do with Belarus is not against them. In fact, the opposite is true, the foreign policy of the US writes that Russia is their enemy and they will allocate so and so much funds to fight it. You think you need to be a right-wing dictator or an ex-KGB agent to grasp that the goal of the west is to subdue your political class or to turn your country into a gas colony for them?

But of course, being a biased lib that thinks the world is built like Lord of the Rings or a comic book, what's class consciousness to you? You believe that there are ebil people like Putin, that suddenly went crazy and decided to invade Ukraine for no reason than being evil.

Don't you think if the Russian capitalists are investing so much money into the war because they see Ukraine as a pawn of the US and as a threat? And they will continue fund it if it stays a threat to them, beyond Putin? Nah, they put in billions for the lolz. Because Putin said so.

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Yeah shelling Nuclear power plants and using depleted uranium ammo is something only NATO clowns can do, when Russia is using something radioactive, we suddenly start to think about the neighbors!1!!1!

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