Russia ambassador warns U.S. resolution pushes for nuclear war over Ukraine to World – 19 points –
Russia ambassador warns U.S. resolution pushes for nuclear war over Ukraine

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Yeah shelling Nuclear power plants and using depleted uranium ammo is something only NATO clowns can do, when Russia is using something radioactive, we suddenly start to think about the neighbors!1!!1!

Nice whatabouism.

In what sense? That the very gentlemen who tipped their hats and said to Russia's concerns on toxic ammo "bla bla", now assemble because of the same concerns, are called reasonable?

You don't have to be online all the time, you know. There are other things you can be doing with your life.

having a rough day for some reason?

received some bad news, maybe?

Not really, just got reminded of this kind of memes bro

Wow, thought this was fake, but no, it's real (deleted now tho)


you really caught @terror_alarm on twitter in 4k

if he was a part of this conversation hed be entirely shook, im sure

Hey mr big brains, that was only for example sake, I had the talk between the Bri'ish gents and Russia in mind, I don't even know what this twitter account is

Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic but I’ll be charitable and assume you are.

I don't understand if you are sarcastic? Literally a few months ago the Britbongs announced they sent depleted uranium ammo to Ukraine, known for causing increased cancer rates and birth defects in the regions they are used. Japan said they will donate trucks which were used during Fukushima and still are radioactive to Ukraine. Now, NATO suddenly cares about contaminates? LMAO this only proves Westerners see Ukrainians as subhumans just as they see Russians, they put them through stuff they would never accept on their soil.

anything on 'the use of any tactical nuclear weapon' or 'the destruction of a nuclear facility', what with that being what the conversation is about and all

..., dispersing radioactive contaminates into NATO territory...

This you left out on purpose?

yes, what with it not being one of the conditions for an "immediate response", and actually just being elaboration on the actual conditions

thats why it says "or their proxies, or the destruction of a nuclear facility, dispersing radioactive contaminates into NATO territory"

as opposed to "or their proxies, or the destruction of a nuclear facility, or dispersing radioactive contaminates into NATO territory"

so sure, on purpose, that purpose being treating the text as if it says what it actually says

what? My point still stands NATO likes to sh*t but not to eat sh*t