
4 Post – 140 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Agreed, and by this argument it will only get worse. The next versions of biden and trump will both be worse if we keep going the same route.

Uh huh

Your attitude and methods are childish and bullying, exactly the methods of the MAGA cult. You are the reason trump might win again.

You've got to be a MAGA troll. I mean you're just too silly

Also, I don't think you know what pretentious means lol. Pedantic maybe

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You sound exactly like someone from the MAGA cult

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Conservatives continue winning elections. Trump, of all people, actually became president. He has a non zero chance of being voted in again. Supreme Court is far right conservative. House of reps is republican controlled. Many Democrat elected officials are arguably, conservative.

This is the USA. This is who the conservatives are, and they win often.

Until the people show us by continually electing democrats to take the senate, house, and exec branch over and over and over again (not gonna happen), this type of shit is VERY USA.

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Seriously, who wants to bet these people were conservative republican voters, probably trump supporters. I'd also bet they were members/followers of the christian religion.

I dont care if I get downvoted. It's blatantly obvious there is a strong correlation between these types of people leaning conservative and christian, and it needs to be mentioned and talked about more often.

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Does anybody think about the fact that every year on average 9-10 million people die every year from starvation and malnutrition related deaths. The vast majority of these numbers are children under 5 years old. The 9-10 million number was pre-covid. There was an uptick due to the supply chain issues. I think I read an article saying the number for 2021 was around 14 million. Again, mostly children.

It's mostly kids in 3rd world Africa, middle east, India, etc.

We over here need to have more kids though. Because profits.

Idk I just think all this is dumb. Fuck capitalism and the system we have. It's all fucked.

Forever, they should go away Forever. Whether that's death or life in prison without parole, they should never be free, ever again.

I dont think it's quite the same thing though. US contractors won't be fighting, I think they'll just be maintaining and repairing equipment.

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Yeah maybe but it could also be someone desparate in a shitty low pay job who is afraid of getting fired. Just saying, not enough info

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I assume Arizona has rocks and bricks and stuff lying around somewhere

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I dont understand why the title of the article has to start with "black women...". It's just weird to me. Is it really specifically black women? Even if it is, how does that add to the content/subject? I don't get it. It's just fucking people, members of a neighborhood, mothers who care about their kids. Idk.

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I always wonder if this was by design. What I mean is, Biden and them knew it would most certainly fail in this way, yet it looks good during the election year because "at least he tried". I have no evidence for this, just tin foil hat speculation.

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Lol thanks, so easy. My dumbass kept trying to play it safe hiding behind Graves to block. As soon as I went up close I got him 2nd try with ruins greatsword.

Yep I was being dumb playing it safe behind the gravestones. Soon as I went up close got him on 2nd try

Great news. Fuck this guy.

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We need this so fucking bad. As a species, not just America or the wealthy nations only. Everyone.

And this should just be a transitionary period down to a 24 or less hour work week. Fuck slaving away at shit jobs just to make billionaires.

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It's "only" 125 TB. Still a lot, and impressive. But I just hate the stupid click baity 'petabit' term. We use bytes GB and TB as a standard, just use the standard term it's impressive enough.

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Eh, I don't think "power corrupts" applies mostly in these situations. That would imply these cops weren't racists or pedos until they joined the force and got that power.

In these cases I think it's more that these bad people, racists and pedos, seek out the positions of power that are available to them - law enforcement positions.

But yeah I totally agree law enforcement has a problem of being extremely far right. If it is, which it is known, then people with similar ideologies will flock to those positions even more.

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God fucking dammit I hate this shit.

Give them to Ukraine man, fuck Israel.

I like your style, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they keep every single version.

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I definitely sympathize with people in college debt, but this feels like just temporary wins and doesn't address the real problems. This won't solve the overpriced cost of education. Forgive debt now, a new crop of students will just go into debt next, right?

We need universities to be completely free, universal single payer health care, drastically cheaper housing to rent and own, etc.

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Why bother living.

I guess maybe if the extreme overwork overtime is a means to an end by getting money, retire early, get experience to find a more reasonable job... I guess maybe some can justify it. Maybe. There's probably some who feel forced due to desperate circumstances.

Idk. I hate this overworked overtime culture.

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This was the one. This was my proudest fap.

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Why do we keep giving this guy a platform? Do we really care that much about twitter and his stupid shenanigans

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Fucking LOL.

The epitome of burying your head in the sand. If you don't talk about it, it must not be real! Delusional idiots.

It's a fucking shihtzu, which are tiny. And this ones blind and deaf. Holy shit do we need drastic and violent police reform. Like fire 90% and completely retrain from the ground up. Not gonna happen though obviously.

IOUs written on colored construction paper with crayons. I'm guessing.

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My goodness are these people really this deluded?

Isn't donny dump like the exact personification of all the christian sins?


sloth/gluttony (fatass loves Mc D's also obvious)

pride(uh, he's the best at everything according to him?)

Envy probably

Lust obviously

Wrath. I dunno, anger?

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Is there a motive?? I didn't see any mention in the article other than someone else asking the same question I have, why the hell did he do it?

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Cancer sucks and I sympathize, but fuck royalty and this celebrity warship bullshit.

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Yeah if the roles were reversed it probably would have been worded very differently.

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I hate Elon but love the idea of this. The utopian version, not the dystopian version obviously.

We are really going to have to make sure that regulation is solid if we want to go towards the positive utopian version.

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He is such a fucking narcissist, I can actually see him running with his ridiculous claim of the election being stolen, so he thinks 46 is his too. So in his mind he's 45, 46, and 47. I can honestly see him using this idiotic "logic", and his cult lapping it up.

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It's not enough. And it should be federally legal.

Just a reminder as people mostly know but it's worth repeating: Marijuana is a schedule 1 substance in the same category as heroin, fucking heroin, which is absolutely fucking asinine. Psilocybin is up there too and also just as retarded.

This all being said at least we're making some slow progress.


Even if 90% of theft is greed and meant to be resold for profit, I'll still ignore it for the 10% that are stealing out of extreme desperate necessity.

We live in a country that has 100 billionaires that are undeserved and unearned, arguably. You can become a Millionaire solely by making YouTube videos stuffing your face full of fast food and gaining 500lbs, as a freakshow that gets lots of likes/subscribes. All while public school teachers are on food stamps and infrastructure around the country is degrading and not being improved, etc., etc.

The system we have is trash. Obviously I don't support stealing from the little guy, but theft from large corporations I'll always support. Large corporations inherently steal from the poor, directly and indirectly. It's inherent to our capitalist system.

I support the sentiment of the meme.

If aliens do come to earth, and simply enslave us, torture us then kill us for reasons we can't comprehend, there should be absolutely no question whether we deserve it or not. They would be doing what we do to other sentient creatures en masse. We have the intelligence and ability to simply not kill these animals in a fashion that is sadistic and agonizing(im not even saying not to kill them, just do it humanely, bare minimum), yet we do it anyway because of greed and capitalist profit motives, cutting costs, etc.

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I hope Leticia James has a really good response to this.

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