Sen. Mark Kelly Emerges As Unexpected VP Candidate For Kamala Harris to politics – 401 points –
Sen. Mark Kelly Emerges As Unexpected VP Candidate For Kamala Harris

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He does not support Medicare for all, and also does not support the green new deal, according to his wiki. He also supported increased oil drilling.

So he's pretty moderate right IMO, which sucks. I hope he's not her choice.

Yeah, see this is why I was so attached to Biden. The average Democrat isn’t really all that left. All this stuff with climate change and unions under Biden was very much an anomaly, and we’re probably returning to a certain amount of status quo with Harris.

Idk, I could be wrong; maybe she’s super left and this guy’s being floated as a gift to the New York Timeses of the world so the ticket will be acceptable to the six figure Manhattan shitheads that their editors are friends with, so they won’t print bullshit about her to try to lose her the election. And she still doesn’t want to destroy American democracy and all climate change remediation since Obama, which makes her worth voting for. But yeah we can expect a certain amount of corporate bullshit to come back into the equation now, I think. 😕

The average Democrat is to the left of their representatives on a lot of things, including climate change:

Kelly is not an average Democrat representative, he's definitely on the right end of the caucus.

True, but he is representing AZ, and technically he should be following the wishes of his constituents.

The real problem with picking him I would think, would be opening a senate seat in a purple/red state like AZ. The last thing the senate needs is another Sinema (or an even worse republican ).

Not a problem. The governor of Arizona, a Democrat, will fill that seat, and Arizona law requires she fill it with a Democrat.

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The Green New Deal was a white paper produced by a DC think tank. Obama implemented some of it. Biden implemented a lot of it through the climate change bill.

I think he's pretty electable and, right now, anyone who helps win is good.

I think "electable" is dead in the water and, for now, a thing of the past. What the Democrats need is someone who will get dems to the polls come election day. Luke warm glass of milk isn't going to cut it because MAGA is fired up. Dems need to be fired up too.

What the Democrats need is someone who will get dems to the polls come election day.

Democrats in contested states.

We win the popularity contest, time and again, but because we keep picking blue-state Democrats, we keep losing elections.

If we would ever pick a Democratic candidate who has actually won an election in a red state, the election would be a runaway landslide, and the GOP would have to come crawling left.

Because we abandon the Red and contested states entirely, the GOP is free to run candidates like Trump.

His position on healthcare seems to be Medicare for All Who Want It, without forcing people to drop their private health insurance if they prefer to go that route.

I think it’s a healthy balance, on the ticket, that helps reach those purple states more.

Yet the people around this instance thinks he's a great VP candidate...

Funny how you're upvoted a lot for mentioning this, but someone else does, then it's a downvote parade.

If the goal is preventing Trump from winning and shoring up harris's weak points, Kelly is a pretty good choice. We can argue about drilling and green energy after Trump is in jail for all his crimes.

Trump is never going to jail. For fuck sakes, when will you stop drinking that kool-aid? It's a practical fantasy at this point. If he hadn't gone to jail for two impeachments and so far hasn't gone to jail for the recent convictions - what makes you think he'll ever go to jail now? Get over it.

Impeachment don't come with jail sentences. He hasn't gone through sentencing for his convictions yet. There's still time.

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