1 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Interesting fact if you make $100000 a year and not counting any taxes or inflation or spending it would take you 10000 years to become a billionaire

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This 1 fucking guy ruined a whole generation of gaming with his greedy dumb fuck business ideas.

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Banks, private equity, and hedgefunds are buying all the houses its not just the baby boomers.

Property is a great hedge against the us dollar!

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TIL he was on the board.

I didnt fall for it with diablo 4 this time, all my friends that blasted through it in a week are no longer playing and I can buy it when its $20 if at all.

Tired of anything from Activision blizzard at this point.

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What does IBM even do anymore?

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Does he so desperately want to look at porn that he needs this? How about will power?

Who the fuck are these people.

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This was 100% politically motivated and let this be a canary of things to come, politicians make ambitious statements about how "these people need to be taken care of" and are not held accountable.

Hold them liable - the ammount of Pelosi rhetoric on fox news prior to this was intense and coordinated.

I have an idea lets make a game that embodied the spirit of the successful versions, lets stop trying to court devil may cry/elden ring fans and get back to making a turn based rpg or similar to ff10.

Ff3, ff7, ff9, ff10

Are great examples of the story lines I loved.

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Ajit pai can go fuck himself

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Sounds good lets do it for all foreign owned companies, resources are resources.

Remember when debbie Wasserman shutlz stole the dnc nomination from bernie to give it to Hillary?

That one rug pull gave donnie the win.

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Dude she is literally cosplaying a white woman.

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How about we create a system that makes it impossible to be a billionaire, and makes it impossible to horde generational wealth?

These people are literally trying to save their asses from the masses - they dont want to give up anything.

Oh also we need massive death taxes to reset this horrible system.

Symptoms of conservative rhetoric

New headline: American automakers not making car people can afford.

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But but but Florida is the new conservative utopia, how could this happen?

Boomers ruined that state for everyone.

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What the fuck is wrong with people

Good thing they took some food prices out of the inflation calculation, problem solved pack it up boys.

Like just give me a city map like just that one thing, I literally cannot understand how they shipped without it.

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When dumb people get out into power and they make dumb decisions why are we always supprised.

These institutions have many mechanisms to unwind bad decisions its just slow as balls and they have many judges that need to look towards party politics instead of law they need to be removed.

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These people were shamed out of society before, trumpism has emboldened them

10% additional tax on any second or more property you own, boom housing crisis solved

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Some of those at work forces are the same that burn crosses

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The mobility scooter wars have begun.

Thats the trump special with less charisma and allies.

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I bet these ones will do exactly what they are told

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Who knew the black wall from cyberpunk would end up being real but with adds!

How long until we get internet 2.0 walled garden for humans?

Must be his yearly visit with his son

Eshitification hitting aerospace

I love the logic pivot on people who in the 90s thought russia was just straight up evil are now looking at them as the bastion of conservative ideals...

Go move to Russia boys, oh you don't want to? Why not they apparently have it all figured out.

I think he found out that all the money in the world doesnt make you happy.

This fucker could literally change the world for the better for all of humanity and he does nothing but grow his own wealth.

I laugh at this spending the last 30 years dealing with indian firms and contractors, good luck world!

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Why does everyone on the planet hate sql nowadays?

If your not dealing with billions of transactions why not?

1 Turkey 27.2%

2 China 22.1%

3 Brazil 21.2%

4 Madagascar 7.9%

Seems like the shit heads have all the graphite time to innovative around it

If its amazing like revolutionary amazing it would change my mind, if it's just a vr headset nope.

He literally bought it to try to make a payment processor and be king of the internet.

Only twitter users think twitter is important.

"Hey we have this commercial library opening up you can read books by the chapter renting each chapter is really inexpensive."

I can see the writing on the wall.

Its like a wall but for the sky, I am a very successful wall builder, some might even say the best.

But wait, create people with those tendencies and even though you are all knowing all seeing and infallible, you were wrong in creating them??