Baby Boomers Are Buying Up All The Houses to – 132 points –

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Banks, private equity, and hedgefunds are buying all the houses its not just the baby boomers.

Property is a great hedge against the us dollar!

Baby boomers got nothing on BlackRock

Outta curiosity… who do you think invests/runs black rock?

I dunno, but I’m guessing not a millennial.

Betsy Devos's Brother is the founder of Blackrock.

Betsy Devos was secretary of education. And she was intentionally dismantling public education to further the interests of her brothers empire.

Edit: past tense. Former.

No, her brother is the founder of blackwater the private military company.

BlackRock was founded by Robert S Kapito and Larry Fink. Betsy DeVos’s brother Erik Prince founded Blackwater, the private military contractor.

Betsy DeVos is terrible, but was NOT colluding with BlackTock to dismantle American education. She was dismantling public education because she had her hands in the pockets of the charter schools

And overseas investors. A lot of U.S. real estate is owned by Chinese people and companies.